Something Else You Can Be Giving People Along With The Thermite Paper

Compiled by 9/11 Family Members Lorie Van Auken and Mindy Kleinberg, here is a list of questions submitted to the 9/11 Commission, along with a report as to how well they were answered by them.

Click Here (PDF)

The full list of unanswered questions can be seen here.

This is something people should have been handing out long ago.

This was a gift...

Given to us, and I never see it used as it should be.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

Agree 100% Jon!

This is a vital tool for us to use and one that is most underused. I've seen it on but I haven't promoted it as I should. You read my mind--- I was just going through the responses of the World 9/11 truth petition thread and clicked on your link to this pdf of the FSC and their ratings... and thought the same thing. This should be forwarded alongside the Scientific thermite paper. After all, it isn't an either/or. The FSC deserve answers and the CD evidence must be given its proper inquiry..... which is why I support the NYC CAN. It will address both the Family Steering Committee's questions as well as evidence for C.D. We can ALL get behind it. It is imminent and has a specific method of action.

And promote both papers!

Great pdf ! We will use it on our document table...

Great pdf! We will use it on our document table on 7/11.
60 seconds--> Listen !

Great add Jon

If you combine the families list of still un-answered questions, with the nano-thermite paper & Richard Gage's AE911 presentation, it's game over.

Any resonable human looking at all of that, could figure out we have been had.

Needs to be made more clear

Apparently, a check mark in the left hand column means that the question was inadequately answered, or not answered, at all. A check mark on the right hand column means that the question was answered satisfactorily. The middle column is for a middlin' response. Is this correct?

The fact that I have to ask this question is a sign of what is wrong with the pdf document. It should be obvious what the check marks mean, or there should at least be a brief explanation. The (apparent) misspelling of Rating as Ratng doesn't help, either.

A one or two paragraphs summary/explanation wouldn't hurt is desirable, also. Why so terse?

Finally, there is no mention of the Family Steering Committee URL in the pdf, either. Why not?

The URL...

For the website is mentioned on the very first page of the document. I'm not going to ask them to remake it. It's not difficult to understand in my opinion.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

I just saw the 'grid layout key'

Was that there, before? Sorry if I missed it.

I did a search for the URL, which doesn't work, but yes, it's there visually. (come out as boxes if you cut and paste it).

This is great ...

... but I'm sad I have never seen it before. This should be promoted.

Thanks for posting this, Jon.

V for Visibility!


Was released on 09-10-2006, the same week 9/11: Press For Truth was released.

You have no idea how sad and angry it makes me to know that you've never seen it before.

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?

thats because....

you don't read my blog ( -;

Id throw this in there

But thats just me.

“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dont preach it, just mention it :)