Letter to AIA President from Richard Gage, AIA

Response to July 1, 2009 Letter “Decline of request to meet with the Board"

[Ed: Copy of original letter dated July 20, 2009]

Mr. Marvin J. Malecha, FAIA, President
American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Dear Mr. Malecha,

It is with great regret that I read in your letter the decline of our request to meet with you and the AIA Board. We wrote to you that we now have over 700 architects and engineers at AE911Truth calling for a real investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11. Now, as a result of our latest successful exhibit booth and class at the Washington DC conference last week we have over 45 AIA members signed on. At what point will you take us seriously? Perhaps when our rapidly growing numbers reach 1,000?

You note that “We believe that the NIST investigation and the resulting NIST report are valid and credible.” But how can they possibly be valid and credible when:

1. NIST’s November 2008 Final WTC 7 Investigative Report has many fatal flaws:

a. NIST is forced to acknowledge the free-fall collapse of Building 7 for 100 feet of its 6.5 second fall, only after being grilled publicly by experts who are petition signers of AE911Truth. Yet they do not acknowledge the obvious implications of such free-fall collapse – that the structure had to have been removed – forcibly – by explosives. (Anyone knows that a building cannot collapse at the rate of a freely falling object while simultaneously crushing 40,000 tons of structural steel – because all of it’s gravitational potential energy has been converted to motion.)

Read entire letter (pdf)

Please keep us updated Richard...

...let us know what they reply.

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government." -The Declaration of Independence

Lookie here.

I got me a new signature quote. These peoples' names need to remembered for posterity.
"We believe that the NIST investigation and the resulting NIST report are valid and credible.” - Mr. Marvin J. Malecha, President, American Institute of Architects (AIA)


...and shamin'.

Some of it really is just

Some of it really is just denial.

"Weren't those buildings designed to implode?" - an actual architect at the DC Convention Center at the AIA Convention

"We believe that the NIST investigation and the resulting NIST report are valid and credible.” - Mr. Marvin J. Malecha, Preside

If anything

that shows the man isn't worth his degree. I hope I'm not walking around in one of this man's buildings some day.

Can you imagine it? Walking around in a building knowing it is "designed to implode". ROFL.

Woman, actually.

But no matter. Men are equally fickle, as my sig quote shows.

The woman was sitting right in front of me during Gage's last 30 min. lecture of the afternoon, and that was her question during the Q/A session. She sounded like she was originally from a European country. It was pretty tough, sitting right behind her, trying to keep from laughing.
"We believe that the NIST investigation and the resulting NIST report are valid and credible.” - Mr. Marvin J. Malecha, President, AIA

Keep At It!

Keep advertising in the AIA newsletter and keep attending the conferences. I am pleased to see the ranks grow from 640 a few months ago to more than 757 to date. That is very solid. It is deserving of an appearance at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Send them a press release and let us know how to assist.

And keep contacting all the many Architects you have on mailing list. Follow-up postcards can be economical. And let's all promote these outstanding analysis clips of the towers by David Chandler.

Congratulations on being included in Project Censored 2010 (and I assume LC 4.) And hell, even the National Geographic piece could be helpful if Richard is allowed to promote the group.

Good letter

But of course:

NIST’s November 2009 Final WTC 7 Investigative Report =>
NIST’s November 2008 Final WTC 7 Investigative Report

I heard there are AIA "section chiefs" (or something like that) sympathetic to our cause. Could they help?

The biggest challenges we

The biggest challenges we have is encountering cowardice. Cowards in that looking honestly at the evidence, and quite possibly more cowardice in compromising their power and reputation. It has been the main obstacle all these years. It should be said publicly as often as possible that these people are cowards that do not have the concern for our country and its people to honestly see and speak out on what is actually obvious, when their reputations are held in higher regard than the loss of human life. Malecha is a coward.

The most severe form of learning disorders are owned by those that "already know everything."