Fax For Truth Special 11-Day Campaign, Day Two: CNN and MSNBC


Today, the second day of Fax For Truth's "11 Days for 9/11 Truth" campaign, we will be sending two faxes to mainstream media outlets CNN and MSNBC. The media and the politicians have received the document. They have had ample time to review it. How about some coverage? How about some comments from the politicians on the evidence contained in the document? Why won’t these media outlets ask these questions? Let’s send them a holy flood of faxes of telling them that we want answers to these questions, and we want them now. Please take five minutes to send a fax to CNN and MSNBC demanding more coverage of this hugely important new revelation contained in the “Active Thermitic Material” paper. You can use the sample letter provided below or write your own. As always a polite, respectful tone is preferable and you can send a free fax over the internet by going to www.faxzero.com. Faxzero will allow you to send two faxes for free per day.

CNN Fax Number: 202-898-7923
MSNBC Fax Number: 212-413-5189

Sample letter

Today’s date
Your name and address

Mark Allen
CNN Political Unit
820 1st Street NE
Washington, DC
Tel: (202) 898-7900
Fax: (202) 898-7923

MSNBC Studios
30 Rockefeller Plz
3rd Fl
New York, NY 10112
Tel: 212-664-4444
Fax: 212-413-5189

Dear CNN (or MSNBC),

I would like to begin my formal request to you with a quote from the late John F. Kennedy: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

The function of the news media in the United States is protected by the Constitution because it acts as the trusted informer of the people. A people not well informed cannot be trusted to rule themselves, and thus when the people are not well informed the press is derelict in its duties to the people.

I am writing to you as a concerned citizen, petitioning the media to examine a scientific research paper that, if proven to be accurate, carries enormous implications for the United States of America. The paper is available online in the Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal. The title of this paper is “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe.” The authors of the study conclude that they have discovered within the dust from the World Trade Center disaster on September 11, 2001, unexploded particles of nano-thermite, a military-grade explosive. This type of explosive is very advanced and has no place in the WTC dust according to the official version of events. The allegations in the paper, if proven true, constitute nothing less than treason on the part of some still unnamed individual(s).

I am extremely concerned by this new study, and I want to know whether or not it is sound science. I want you to interview those responsible for this paper, and I want a thorough investigation of all its claims. I am not asking you to begin a new investigation into everything concerning 9/11, just this paper. If this paper is correct, the implications are staggering. If it is not correct, it needs to be exposed as such as soon as possible. The paper has already been given to over a dozen members of Congress including Senators John Kerry, Barbara Boxer, and many others. What is their position on this paper? Can they refute any of the science presented? These questions need to be addressed right now. I call on you to perform your required role as informer of the people and to get to the bottom of this issue. Failure to do so will constitute dereliction of your duty to the American public.


Your name





"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government." -The Declaration of Independence