"The main reason I find him vile, though is that he is a 9/11 'truther.' Which I think is a good reason not to like someone."

This hit piece against Gore Vidal makes several attempts to attack his crediblity, the central one being that he's a 9/11 truth activist.

From Time for Gore Vidal to Step Off the Stage?

Reminder: The Man's a 'Truther' The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg, accused by a reader of "picking on" Gore Vidal for his antisemitism rather than his actual argument, responded with a reference to Vidal's conspiracy-theory mongering about September 11: "I was picking on Gore Vidal because he blamed the victim in a case of proven child-rape. The main reason I find him vile, though is that he is a 9/11 'truther.' Which I think is a good reason not to like someone."

Wow, I did a google news search on "9/11 truth," and found a grand total of three hit pieces today, all within the top page of results.