Additional Port Authority Of NY/NJ WTC Property Assessment FOI Records

The following are additional Port Authority of New York & New Jersey World Trade Center property assessment Freedom of Information (FOI) records from the December 2000 Merritt & Harris Inc. report entitled "Due Diligence Physical Condition Survey World Trade Center", which contained recommendations for immediate major renovations throughout the World Trade Center complex during the year prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Previously released portions included those recommending immediate renovations upon major steel support columns located within the elevator shafts of WTC towers 1 and 2 just prior to September 11, 2001.

Reports include focus on the WTC Retail Mall, WTC Subgrade, WTC Central Plant, WTC 4, and WTC 5.


The way you uncover all this stuff is amazing. Congrats, once again!

In Short??

Port Authority hires Merritt & Harris Inc. to provide "justification" for the Cover.

Great job...

All of the pieces are literally falling into place.

"Previously released portions included those recommending immediate renovations upon major steel support columns located within the elevator shafts of WTC towers 1 and 2 just prior to September 11, 2001."
Considering the eyewitness accounts of the shafts being blown 'outward' this renovation doesn't surprise me. Of course if you want to bring them down, the central core where the elevators were located needed to be attacked. Great work Aidan!

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