Tucson Architect Jody Gibbs Invites Fellow Architects to a Showing of "Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup"

As an added measure before the first-time showing in a professional cinema of a 9/11 Truth film in Tucson, Arizona, Architect Jody Gibbs wrote a letter to invite fellow architects to the showing. These letters were sent to all architects listed in Tucson's phone book. A survey will be taken at the screening and contact info for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth will be provided. Information about purchasing "Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup" will be provided by the producers, Microcinema International. Here's the letter:

18 November 2009

Dear Tucson Architect:

I have been a registered architect in Tucson for 36 years, and was also licensed for general building and heavy construction at approximately the same time. My formal education consisted of an undergraduate education in modern history from Yale, and a graduate education in architecture at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and the Yale Graduate School of Art and Architecture. I have practiced in Arizona and other states and abroad. I am listed as an “expert in building technology, housing, and human settlements” by the United Nations Habitat Program. In mid-career I was honored with a Loeb Fellowship at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. I have lectured at many Architecture Schools, and for six years was an adjunct faculty member of the graduate program of Architecture at MIT.

I write to you on a difficult and important subject. For two years following the events of September 11, 2001, I refused to look at the evidence available from scientists, engineers, architects, pilots, and eye witnesses contradicting the “official story” that airplane fuel and the airplane crashes brought down the World Trade Center Towers and that an airplane hit the Pentagon. Today 34% of the American public, 65% of New Yorkers, and equally high number of the European and the world population have serious doubts about the “official story”. Nearly one thousand American registered architects and engineers have formalized their doubts. They are joined by a larger number of scientists, engineers, architects, and building experts worldwide, particularly in Western Europe. These doubts are based upon scientific analysis, forensic evidence, engineering principles, and eye witness testimony including the following:

1) Video analysis of the World Trade Center collapses and forensic examination of the debris show that the buildings’ concrete and glass and all contents were reduced to dust of less than 100 microns in mid air. Neither the air planes’ crashes nor the collapses of the buildings can explain this. FEMA admits that most of the aviation fuel exploded on impact. The amount of energy needed is enormous.

2) No high rise steel building has ever failed due to fire in the entire history of construction and numerous buildings have been hit by planes or have burned for days without their structures collapsing. Aviation fuel burns at approximately 1700 degrees, steel gives way at approximately 3000 degrees.

3) Forensic evidence of the debris at the World Trade Center shows the clear presence of thermite and thermate explosives.

4) All three of the World Trade Center buildings which collapsed (Buildings 1, 2, and 7) fell neatly into their own footprints with all of the characteristics of a controlled demolition destruction.

5) The World Trade Center Towers were designed to withstand the impacts and damage caused by multiple 747’s hitting each building. It was a design criteria. The structures were extremely redundant with continuous perimeter columns and an enormous steel braced central cores. Box beams at the lower levels of the center cores in buildings 1 and 2 were 2 feet by 3 feet in section made of 4 inch thick steel.

6) All three buildings at the World Trade Center (Buildings 1, 2 and 7) collapsed at free fall speed. This is only possible if the vertical structure had been removed. Fifty ton columns were hurled laterally for hundreds of yards.
Gravity forces are vertical, not horizontal.

7) There is eye witness testimony from firemen, policemen, building survivors,and news reporters of hearing and experiencing numerous and repeated explosions within the buildings both prior to and after the aircrafts’ impacts and before the buildings’ collapses.

8) At the Pentagon it has not been explained how an aircraft with a 140 foot wingspan, a 40 foot high tail, and 2 five ton titanium engines could disappear into a 20 foot diameter hole without leaving any other damage to the exterior of the building. Titanium melts at a much higher temperature than steel and far beyond the temperature of burning aviation fuel, yet no engines were found at the Pentagon. After several years of court procedures air force members of “Pilots for 9/11 Truth” were given what was said to be the flight data recorder. Examination of this device indicated that the plane would have been 800 feet too high as well as off course to have hit the Pentagon.

9) The Pentagon is the most secure military location in the world. The Pentagon is surrounded by hundreds of security cameras, and by missiles that deploy automatically if an aircraft enters the Pentagon’s restricted air space without the correct transponder in the aircraft. Yet the government even under court order could produce no photo of a plane hitting the Pentagon and no missiles ever fired.

10) World Trade Center Building 7 was a 47 story building that collapsed in seven seconds into its footprint at 5:20 P.M. on September 11. It was never struck by a plane nor had it sustained serious damage. Its collapse was not shown on most American T.V. stations on September nor was it reported in the press the following day. No explanation has ever been given for its collapse. It is not mentioned in the 9/11 commission report. Its collapse however was announced on the BBC in England on September 11 at 5:00 P.M. or twenty minutes before it collapsed. In August of 2009 NIST the federal agency tasked with the investigation of 9/11 suggested that it may have collapsed due to “burning office paper”.

Unfortunately the 9/11 Commission was not a court procedure or a scientific investigation. Instead it was a public hearing convened by politicians. There was no forensic investigation for explosives. World Trade Center Building 7 was not even investigated. No explanation was given for the pulverization of the concrete in mid air, nor the free fall time of the collapses, nor the lack of exterior damage to the Pentagon, nor the lack of discovery of the Titanium engines. It was the type of “investigation” where family members of victims were paid one million dollars and asked to sign statements that they would not speak to the press nor sue the government. Eyewitnesses (firemen, policemen, survivors, news personnel, and others) in the buildings or at the site were never called to give testimony. The Commission itself was not even assembled until over 400 days after September 11. Both of its chairmen have now stated they did not receive cooperation from numerous military and government agencies. There were members of the FBI, the NSA, military intelligence, and numerous scientific and engineers experts who wished to present information to the Commission contradicting the official story, but were denied the opportunity.

Considerable time has been devoted by corporate media television to demonize “conspiracy theorists”. Typical examples of this would be the Popular Mechanics article and the History Channel. Their efforts are focused on discrediting dissent as “conspiracy theorists” rather than examining the serious issues raised above. The corporate media has played a major role in the “rush to judgment”. The FBI claimed it had identified the highjackers within days of September 11. U.S. forces attacked Afghanistan within six weeks of September 11. Then they attacked Iraq theoretically because they had weapons of mass destruction, but none were ever found. Eight thousand American soldiers and contract workers have been killed. Over 40,000 U.S soldiers have been seriously wounded. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghanis are dead, mostly civilians. Three trillion dollars have been spent on these wars to date. Torture and rendition have followed. And soon apparently we will have trials in the United States based upon evidence obtained under torture, something the world has not seen on this scale still since Stalin’s show trials of the 1930’s.

As architects I ask you to begin to look at the evidence available on 9/11. At the moment one cannot say who exactly was responsible for 9/11, but I do think reasonable people who look at the evidence will conclude that we need an objective scientific investigation of the events of 9/11 with legal procedures regarding evidence.

On Monday evening, November 23, the documentary “Loose Change 9/11 An American Coup” will be shown at 7 P.M. at the Crossroads Cinema at 4811 East Grant Road. That is behind the shopping center at the northeast corner of Grant and Swan. I recommend it. If you are shy about coming to a movie I urge you to visit Borders or Barnes & Noble or Amazon and look at any of the books by Professor David Ray Griffin, an emeritus professor of comparative religion at Claremont College whose books on 9/11 are extremely well researched and documented. Or on your computer, go to “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth” and look at documentaries such as “Loose Change”, “Loose Change 2nd Edition”, “9/11 Mysteries”, or “9/11 Revisited”. The issue is not determining all the answers, but rather clarifying that there is sufficient reason for conducting an investigation of the events of 9/11 based upon science and legal procedures of evidence.


Jody Gibbs, Architect

More and more

architects and engineers with amazing credentials and backgrounds are becoming outspoken 911 Truth activists. The scientific evidence continues to be the driving force of the 911 Truth movement, with WTC 7 as the smoking gun that gets jaw dropping attention. If the goal of the 911Truth movement is to get as many people on board as possible, then the focus should be on getting as many people to watch the perfect classic controlled demolition of WTC7 as possible. Sending this KMPH Fox 26 Richard Gage link is an excellent way to accomplish this. The reason newcomers are more likely to watch this video is because it is a mainstream media clip.

KMPH Fox 26 interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO2yT0uBQbM

e-mail subject line can be: "important interview" or "what do you think of this?"

Can You Join Us?


Thank you for your efforts in Tuscon!

Richard Gage asked me to contact you to see if you'd be available to join us on a Monday evening conference call. If so, could you please go to AE911Truth.org and leave us an email address or other contact info? We'd love to have you.

Thanks again,

Eva (aka Marian)

Is AVG the only antivirus blocking AE911Truth.org?

"Or on your computer, go to “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth”

I hope the architects and engineers who decide to take Jody Gibbs up on the challenge to checkout AE911Truth don't have the same problem I do when trying to connect to http//:ae911truth.org , i.e. finding the web site blocked by my AVG antivirus program with the warning message. "Threat was blocked! Exploit Javcscript Obfuscatiobn Threat 905,

I hope whoever is running the AE911Truth.org web site can get this issue sorted out. It would be a shame if people trying to investigate the 9/11 building collapses after hearing Richard Gage, currently on an Australia/New Zealand/Japan tour , or reading Jody Gibbs' letter find that they cannot access the web site and/or are left with the impression there might be something bogus or shady about the site.

There were some comments made about this problem in a thread on 911Blogger a few days ago, but there was apparently no defiintive explanations as to what exactly was the problem. I can't discount that it could be an indication that those in certain quarters are starting to feel the heat and engaging in some malicious activity to restrict acess to the site.


I notified AE911Truth about the virus warning and Jody.

This is not to indicate that Jody has a virus ;-)

Thanks Chris

I noticed that a few hours after posting my comment about the AE911Truth.org web site being blocked by my AVG anti-virus software, I was suddenly able to connect again with no problems. So far today it seems to be working fine again.


thanks for posting this. i was about to, but saw it is already here.

Why not Blueprint for Truth?

8) At the Pentagon it has not been explained how an aircraft with a 140 foot wingspan, a 40 foot high tail, and 2 five ton titanium engines could disappear into a 20 foot diameter hole without leaving any other damage to the exterior of the building. Titanium melts at a much higher temperature than steel and far beyond the temperature of burning aviation fuel, yet no engines were found at the Pentagon. After several years of court procedures air force members of “Pilots for 9/11 Truth” were given what was said to be the flight data recorder. Examination of this device indicated that the plane would have been 800 feet too high as well as off course to have hit the Pentagon.

Architects and engineers are professionals so showing them LC with hip hop music and claims questioning what happened to the planes is not the best choice, even if it was fascinating to this architect. Richard Gage has several videos which are excellent and professional. Were any of those shown? It would cost just $20 to get one -- http://www.ae911truth.net/store/

The Pentagon claims above are either debunked or strongly debated in the movement.


Pentagon Attack Errors

There are numerous pieces of evidence that point to the attack on the Pentagon being an inside job. These include:

* The location of the attack: The portion of the Pentagon that was struck was nearly empty due to a renovation program.
* The aircraft approach maneuver: The attack plane executed an extreme spiral dive maneuver to strike said portion of the building from the southwest, opposite the direction from which it approached the capital.
* The incompetence of the alleged pilot: Flight 77 was supposedly piloted by Hani Hanjour, about whom a flight instructor said: "He couldn't fly at all".
* Signs of a cover-up: Numerous actions by officials indicate an ongoing cover-up of the facts concerning the attack.

These and other undisputed facts, constituting highly incriminating evidence of involvement of officials in the attack and coverup, have been largely eclipsed by an ongoing controversy over whether the Pentagon was hit by a jetliner at all. From early 2002, some skeptics of the official story have maintained that the Pentagon was attacked, not by a jetliner, but one of or a combination of a truck bomb, a missile or cruise missile, an attack drone aircraft or commuter jet, a flyover by a 757, and internal demolition charges. 9-11 Research provides a history of Pentagon strike theories.

The debate over what hit the Pentagon has thrived due to the apparent contradiction between the eyewitness and physical evidence. Whereas a large body of reports of eyewitness accounts strongly supports that a twin-enginer jetliner swooped in at a very low altitude and exploded at or in front of the Pentagon; photographs of the damaged facade and lawn show an apparent near-absence of aircraft debris and a pattern of damage to the Pentagon's facade showing unbroken windows in the paths of the outer wings and the vertical tail section.

Numerous points based on the physical evidence of the crash site seem to make an overwhelming cumulative case against a 757 having crashed there, provided one ignores the eyewitness evidence. However, most of these points involve some error in evaluating the evidence. Those errors include the following.

* 'A Boeing 757 could not have executed the attack maneuver'
* 'Eyewitnesses saw a small plane'
* 'The Pentagon attack left no aircraft debris'
* 'Aircraft crashes always leave large debris'
* 'The Pentagon attack left only a small impact hole'
* 'The wings of a 757 should have been visible outside the Pentagon'
* 'Engine parts from the Pentagon crash don't match a 757'
* 'Standing columns in the Pentagon impact hole preclude the crash of a 757'
* 'The C-ring punch-out hole was made by a warhead'
* 'Flight-path obstacles can't be reconciled with the crash of a 757'
* 'Only A Small Plane or Missile Could Have Caused Pentagon Damage'
* 'The Pentagon Attack Plane was a Boeing 737 Instead of a Boeing 757'
* 'The Jetliner that appeared to crash into the Pentagon actually flew over it'

Show "Jody Gibbs: If you're reading these comments" by Adam Syed

"National Security Report" is a fraud

The 4 CIT witnesses who could see the Pentagon said the plane hit the Pentagon.
Leaving that part out of NSA and claiming those witnesses prove flyover is unconscionable.

Craig Ranke: But the fact is that a flyover is 100% proven by the Citgo station witnesses alone."

Craig: ALL of the north side witnesses were deceived into believing the plane hit.

Please don't hijack this thread with arguments and long posts.

Oh, no intent to hijack with long posts...

But since Victronix seized the moment to present her take on the Pentagon, I thought I'd present mine. :-)

I make a point of reading all the down voted comments because I find many of them to be the best comments. - Atomicbomb

nice letter but

Was the WTC designed to handle a crash from a 747 or a 707? Great work Sir.

great letter but some serious errors

hi jody,

loved your letter and hope you get a good response. there were, however, a few serious errors that you should correct. it only takes one for someone to dismiss everything else you say,

item no. 2:

not sure about fires lasting "days". steel melts at 2800 F, it "gives way" at a substantially lower temp.

item no. 4

the towers exploded and ejected a lot of material outside their footprint (thus the reference to 50 ton columns being hurled laterally in your item no. 6).

item no. 5

it is my understanding that the towers were designed to withstand a SINGLE strike by a boing 707 (the largest plane at the time).

not sure about, "continuous perimeter columns"

item no. 6

only wtc 7 was measured to descend at free fall acceleration, for 2.25 seconds according to NIST. the towers fell "very rapidly" and clearly too fast (see for example: http://www.journalof911studies.com/letters/ProfKuttlerWTC1CollapseTimeCa... ).

item no. 10:

i think you're out on a limb when you say (regarding wtc 7):

"nor had it sustained serious damage"

NIST claims it was damaged by the north tower collapse-not sure how accurate that is.

in the paragraphs below item no. 10 you say:

"World Trade Center Building 7 was not even investigated"

the 9/11 commission ignored wtc 7, but nist has done something they claim is an, "investigation"

hope you get a good response to your letter.


mark phillips
architects and engineers for 9/11 truth

Thank you

Many factual errors but no worries. Loose Change is an excellent attention getter. Just getting them in the Theater is the critical part. Get them interested or at least curious and refer them to AE911Truth. Thank you Jody and thank you J.T. Waldron for posting.

1) Video analysis of the World Trade Center collapses and forensic examination of the debris show that the buildings’ concrete and glass and all contents were reduced to dust of less than 100 microns in mid air. Neither the air planes’ crashes nor the collapses of the buildings can explain this. FEMA admits that most of the aviation fuel exploded on impact. The amount of energy needed is enormous.

The nano-thermite particles are about 1/1,000,000th of a meter or 1 micron or 1,000 nano meters [microscopic]. The concrete was reduced to powder. [larger particles]

2) No high rise steel building has ever failed completely* due to fire in the entire history of construction and numerous buildings have been hit by planes or have burned for days without their structures collapsing. Aviation fuel burns at approximately 1700 degrees, steel gives way at approximately 3000 degrees.

Jet fuel burns at 500-600 degrees F in open air according to the company that makes it. 1,800 degrees is with optimum air-fuel mixture [in a jet engine]:

Steel looses half of its strength at about 1,100 degrees F.
Source: [pg 16 - PDF pg 31]

*Windsor Tower in Spain partially collapsed over a period of 3 hours.

3) Forensic evidence of the debris dust at the World Trade Center shows the clear presence of thermite and thermite nano-thermite explosives.

4) All three of the World Trade Center buildings which collapsed (Buildings 1, 2, and 7) fell neatly into their own footprints with all of the characteristics of a controlled demolition destruction.

The Trade Towers debris landed mostly outside the footprint. WTC 7 debris landed mostly within the footprint. WTC 7 was a "classic" CD while the Towers were unique in that they exploded rather than imploded.

5) The World Trade Center Towers were designed to withstand the impacts and damage caused by multiple 747’s hitting each building. It was a design criteria. The structures were extremely redundant with continuous perimeter columns and an enormous steel braced central cores. Box beams at the lower levels of the center cores in buildings 1 and 2 were 2 feet by 3 feet in section made of 4 inch thick steel.

That’s 707 not 747. [as Mark already noted]
Core columns were ~2 feet [21 inches] by 4 ½ feet [54 inches] at the base. Columns were ~36 foot sections. [3 floors]

6) All three buildings at the World Trade Center (Buildings 1, 2 and 7) collapsed at free fall speed. This is only possible if the vertical structure had been removed. Fifty Nine* ton columns frame sections were hurled laterally for hundreds of yards. [up to 600 feet]
Gravity forces are vertical, not horizontal.

WTC 7 collapsed at free fall acceleration for ~100 feet. Total free fall would be ~6 seconds, WTC 7 fell in less than 7 seconds.
The Trade Towers fell at ~2/3 of free fall as best that can be figured.

*Assuming the section came from around the 82nd floor.

7) There is eye witness testimony from firemen, policemen, building survivors,and news reporters of hearing and experiencing numerous and repeated explosions within the buildings both prior to and after the aircrafts’ impacts, and before and during the buildings’ collapses.

8) At the Pentagon it has not been explained how an aircraft with a 140 foot wingspan, a 40 foot high tail, and 2 five ton titanium engines could disappear into a 20 foot diameter hole without leaving any other damage to the exterior of the building. Titanium melts at a much higher temperature than steel and far beyond the temperature of burning aviation fuel, yet no engines were found at the Pentagon. After several years of court procedures air force members of “Pilots for 9/11 Truth” were given what was said to be the flight data recorder. Examination of this device indicated that the plane would have been 800 feet too high as well as off course to have hit the Pentagon.

The "hole" is ~108 feet wide.

9) The Pentagon is the most secure military location in the world. The Pentagon is surrounded by hundreds dozens of security cameras, and by missiles that deploy automatically if an aircraft enters the Pentagon’s restricted air space without the correct transponder in the aircraft. Yet the government even under court order could produce no photo of a plane hitting the Pentagon and no missiles ever fired.

10) World Trade Center Building 7 was a 47 story building that collapsed in seven seconds into its footprint at 5:20 P.M. on September 11. It was never struck by a plane nor had it sustained serious damage. Its collapse was not shown on most American T.V. stations on September nor was it reported in the press the following day. No explanation has ever been given for its collapse. It is not mentioned in the 9/11 commission report. Its collapse however was announced on the BBC in England on September 11 at 5:00 P.M. or twenty minutes before it collapsed*. In August of 2009 2008 NIST, the federal agency tasked with the investigation of 9/11 suggested that it may have collapsed due to “burning office paper”. "normal office fires".

*Also: CNN announced at 11:07 a.m. that a 50 story building had gone down at 10:45 a.m.

NIST stated that the debris damage had little effect on the collapse.
NCSTAR 1A Pg xxxvii [39 on pg counter]

Chris Sarns

Appreciate the comments

Many kind words and healthy "fact-checking'". Thanks!

Best to show architects

Blueprint for Truth. No need to cloud their judgment with the other material in LC.

Although "Blueprint for Truth" would have been ideal,

Jody's letter was not generated until after the event was scheduled. The event scheduled happened to be "Loose Change 9/11: American Coup". It is the newest 9/11 film to date and it is what's playing at the theater. A goal would be to later invite Richard Gage to come back to Tucson in the Spring if he's available.