JFK Assassination Conference and 9/11 Truth

On Saturday, November 21, “North Texans for 9/11 Truth” had a table at the famous JFK Lancer annual Conference on the Assassination of President John F Kennedy. This event was held at the plush Adolphus Hotel in downtown Dallas. A variety of well credentialed researchers and speakers gave presentations during this 3 day event. http://www.jfklancer.com/dallas09/speakers.html

Jim Marrs in photo.

JFK Lancer was fantastic host! They could not have been friendlier or more welcoming. This was the first time the JFK/Lancer promoters let an "off-topic" group set up shop. The participants, folks from all parts of the world, were extremely interested in the subject of 9/11 Truth. Of course, “North Texans for 9/11 Truth” gave out 300-400 DVDs along with broadsheet flyers to all the attendees.

One of Saturday’s speakers was the renowned journalist and author, Russ Baker. (See 911Blogger node http://www.911blogger.com/node/21896 ) On Friday, Russ Baker was at Borders Books promoting “Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America”, where Joe and other members of “North Texans for 9/11 Truth” gave out free DVDs. Russ Baker received a special case portfolio of 24 DVDs.

Sunday was a busy day at The JFK Memorial and also at the Dallas END THE FED event where more 9/11 Truth DVDs were distributed. Over the weekend, “North Texans for 9/11 Truth” disseminated 500+ DVDs putting our cumulative total to over 36,000 DVDs distributed.

JFK Memorial

End The Fed

“North Texans for 9/11 Truth” would like to encourage other groups and individuals to pursue a variety of venues in disseminating information about 9/11 Truth. As an example, now is the time to make plans for January’s Martin Luther King parades/events so you can become registered. We have been very well received in our past parades to crowds numbering well over 100,000. http://www.911blogger.com/node/19161 and http://www.911blogger.com/node/19237

North Texans for 911 Truth

GO North Texas!

Nice move! Great idea!

MLK Parade

Thank you for the suggestion about the MLK Parade. Great idea. We will get on that asap. Hopefully we will get our $#!^ together and get 'er done. ;)

With you in the struggle,
WeAreChangeLA - http://www.wacla.org
I work for the 9-11 First Responders, the 9-11 victims, and all those who are being slaughtered and tortured because of 9-11.

"Thank you for the suggestion about the MLK Parade"

Last year we gave out 4,000 broadsheets and 1,500 DVDs at the parade. We could have given out many more but that is all we had. This year we will try to have 2,000. We were a hit. I encourage other groups to get in their local parade.

BTW, that is me in the center of the second photo. The first photo shows Marv talking with Jim Marrs.
We thought it might be efficacious to inform a group of serious JFK Researchers.

If Not Me? Who? If Not Now? When?

Joe is our main man! This guy knows how to line things up!

Joe was the initiator of the Lancer JFK event, Russ Baker's book signing, DVDs at End The Fed, the MLK Parades and many other events. He has got it it down on getting events rolling. He burns so many DVDs, that the fire department is "on notice". <--(joke)

Great job Joe, Dave, Tom and Marvin!

The JFK assassination has many parallels to the events of 911. I am not surprised that the attendees were highly receptive. Thanks for your hard work.