Media Roots Radio- Able Danger, Blowback, Iran

Media Roots Radio Episode 3- Able Danger, Blowback, Iran by Media Roots

On this week's episode of Media Roots radio we question why Fox news has been spearheading the Able Danger investigation and why the 'intellectual left' reinforces the myth of the War on Terror and Al Qaeda. We also discuss Jan Brewer's shocking public appearances and dispel popular talking points and myths about Iran by scrutinizing things like the mistranslated mantra 'Israel should be wiped off the map'.

The above timeline is interactive. Scroll through it to find out more about the show's musie links to resources mentioned during the broadcast.

This radio show airs on shortwave radio Sundays at 6pm central time, following the Alex Jones show. The frequency is 9.350 MHz.

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You guys

have a fixation on beheadings ;-) Good show, Jan Brewer trying to flee the cacophony of journalists badgering her about her 'headless bodies in the desert' delusions is just classic.