Why we write: End unlawful US wars; have justice and love

Hyperlinks and video live at source: http://www.examiner.com/la-county-nonpartisan-in-los-angeles/why-we-write-end-unlawful-us-wars-have-justice-and-love

Independent writers explain, document, and prove what all humanity will soon recognize as “emperor has no clothes” facts: US wars are Orwellian unlawful. The following are objective facts and independently verifiable. Indeed, the facts are uncontested and therefore non-controversial by definition. Literally the one and only action between now and public embrace of factual reality is critical mass of Americans recognizing and acting upon what’s right in front of us:

•All “reasons” for war with Iraq were known to be lies as they were told. These are now the admissions of our own US government agencies.
•All “reasons” for war with Iran are known to be lies as they are being told now. These are the repeated documentation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the uncontested content of a speech by Iran’s President that proves he never threatened to “wipe Israel off the map.”
•Current US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are not even close to lawful; any attack on Iran would also be unlawful. This is the conservative and crystal-clear letter and intent of war law.
•Most Americans don’t know about these facts because the Director of the CIA already disclosed in US Senate testimony that the CIA dominates corporate media in war reporting.

Independent writers invite the American public to join us: use your strongest voice and acts to end unlawful US wars and their related War Crimes. Stand for justice under the law. Be true to your heart and soul for love and peace. You have all the tools you need.

Would you like the comfort of a heroic political example? Try Abraham Lincoln for speaking-up as a freshman member of Congress that the US lied to initiate war with Mexico to steal land and resources.

Are you Christian and would like comfort and reminder of Jesus’ One Commandment? As I wrote for Thanksgiving 2009 in detail, Jesus commanded (that term means that this is not something one can safely and/or ethically refuse) to love God with all one’s heart, all one’s soul, and all one’s mind; and to love each other as Jesus loves you. And talk about someone willing to confront an imperialistic and invading government! If the Romans had a critical mass demanding ethical public service under the law, as I am asking you to consider in our world of the present, perhaps they never would have destroyed themselves in their tragic-comic corruption.

Are you academic and would like a paper with expert testimony and full documentation? Read Open proposal to US higher education. And if you want more resources than you’ll ever need, read Government by dicts: my comprehensive resources to prove US fascism and rigged-casino economics.

Finally, please be aware of what US “leadership” is now doing: US-advised South Korea began the current confrontation in Korea by firing live ammunition into disputed territorial waters. The US killed 30% of North Korea’s population in the Korean War; this is crucial history to understand how easily North Korea can be provoked by US military action. More crucial history is how similarthis recent Korea conflict to the lies that began the Vietnam War.

Please watch the 6-minute PuppetGov video, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for” at the top-left.