Tales from a traveling truther
I'm writing this from an Irish pub in Seattle.
I helped move a couple from our group up here from the bay area and am now hanging out, talking to people and enjoying the land of my birth.
I brought about a case of 9/11 truth materials with me and am giving them out to everyone I meet, and also left them at every stop along the way.
I'm always amazed at how many people still have not heard of WTC 7.
The other morning in Albany Oregon I ran into a cab company owner that knew all about 9/11 (he's a big fan of AJ). He wants to do some events, so anyone in the area should contact me and I will put you in touch with him. He also wants stuff to put in all his cabs, so I gave him a big pile of literature before I moved on.
The perception and deception dollars remain the best ice breakers around and usually lead to a greater conversation and allow the subject of 9/11 to be introduced in a natural, non-threatening way.
I used them in Spiffy's restaurant in Chehalis, WA, where I stopped for breakfast on the way up yesterday. Once those had their attention, I gave them the broadsheet from ae911truth and that really got these 60-somethings thinking (I have broadsheets with me, if you want some contact me, see below).
I may end up taking the train back to the bay area with stops in Portland and Medford, so if any of you want to get together here in Seattle or one of those places, contact me and we can do some serious truthing, or just hang out. Email me at marin911truth (at) yahoo (dot) com.
The person I crashed with last night describes himself as a "conservative" and didn't really want to talk politics, but we had a great chat about the state of the country and I left him with plenty to read.
Well, I have to find a place to charge this laptop and I'm going to pass out more literature. I'm hoping to make the Mariners game tonight and pass out even more there.
More to follow ....
The truth shall set us free (but we have to get it out there).
Love is the only way forward (I don't know anyone who wants to go backward, do you ?)
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Great job
Keep up the effort. I'm doing the same type of thing.
Thanks, you keep it up, too
I have a bunch of the ae911truth broadsheets and I am putting those in news stands all over the downtown.
I almost got thrown out of a pub for passing out the new perception dollar. Let's see if they let me in tomorrow (well, later today seeing as it's 3am, goodnight).
I bought a Seattle Sounders jersey and gave a bunch of info to the shop keeper, she had not seen WTC 7 and was stunned.
One on one and let them ask the questions as much as possible.
The truth shall set us free (but it takes an open mind, especially within the movement).
Love is the only way forward (love means letting people form their own hypotheses and see where it goes).
Seattle Pub manager says no politics in the pub
Yesterday I watched the Champions League Game in Seattle in a pub here in Seattle, where I am visiting after moving some truthers up here over last weekend.
Sabra, the manager at Fado's Irish Pub told me that if I brought up politics in the pub again I would get tossed.
Irish not wanting politics? My Irish ancestors are rolling in their graves.
So, if you want to let her know that you think politics should be allowed in this pub (I'm sitting here now after the ManU - Schalke game that just ended) drop her a call or email:
FTR - I was passing out perception dollars and for those who seemed interested I had ae911truth newspapers, 11 Remarkable Facts cards and ae WTC 7 cards to give away.
Be friendly, the food here is very good, the place is great for soccer fans, but I won't be back unless they change this policy (it was too late for me to find another place to watch the game easily).
The truth shall set us free (but one has to be open to it).
Love is the only way forward (sometimes loving someone means letting them get to the truth in their own way and in their own time).