DOJ casts serious doubt on its own claims about the anthrax attack
Tuesday, Jul 19, 2011
By Glenn Greenwald
"President Obama... actually threatened to veto the entire intelligence authorization bill if it included a proposed bipartisan amendment (passed by the House) that would have mandated an independent inquiry into the FBI's anthrax investigation."
Ever since the FBI claimed (for a second time) that it had discovered in 2008 the identity of the anthrax attacker -- the recently-deceased-by-suicide Army researcher Bruce Ivins -- it was glaringly obvious, as I documented many times, that the case against him was exceedingly weak, unpersuasive and full of gaping logical, scientific, and evidentiary holes. So dubious are the FBI's claims that serious doubt has been raised and independent investigations demanded not by marginalized websites devoted to questioning all government claims, but rather, by the nation's most mainstream, establishment venues, ones that instinctively believe and defend such claims -- including the editorial pages of the nation's largest newspapers, leading scientific journals, the nation's preeminent science officials, and key politicians from both parties (led by those whose districts, or offices, were most affected by the attacks). To get a sense for the breadth and depth of the establishment skepticism about Ivins' guilt, just click on some of those links.
Since that initial wave of doubt, the FBI's case against Ivins has continuously deteriorated even further. In February of this year, a panel of the National Academy of Sciences released its findings solely regarding the bureau's alleged scientific evidence (independent investigations of the full case against Ivins have been successfully blocked by the Obama administration), and found -- as The New York Times put it -- that "the bureau overstated the strength of genetic analysis linking the mailed anthrax to a supply kept by" Ivins; the Washington Post headline summarized the impact of those findings: "Anthrax report casts doubt on scientific evidence in FBI case against Bruce Ivins."
But the biggest blow yet to the FBI's case has just occurred as the result of an amazing discovery by PBS' Frontline, which is working on a documentary about the case with McClatchy and ProPublica:
The Justice Department has called into question a key pillar of the FBI's case against Bruce Ivins. . . . On July 15 [], Justice Department lawyers acknowledged in court papers that the sealed area in Ivins' lab -- the so-called hot suite -- did not contain the equipment needed to turn liquid anthrax into the refined powder that floated through congressional buildings and post offices in the fall of 2001.
The government said it continues to believe that Ivins was "more likely than not" the killer. But the filing in a Florida court did not explain where or how Ivins could have made the powder, saying only that the lab "did not have the specialized equipment’" in Ivins' secure lab "that would be required to prepare the dried spore preparations that were used in the letters."
The government's statements deepen the questions about the case against Ivins, who killed himself before he was charged with a crime. Searches of his car and home in 2007 found no anthrax spores, and the FBI's eight-year, $100 million investigation never proved he mailed the letters or identified another location where he might have secretly dried the anthrax into an easily inhaled powder. . . .
In excerpts from one of more than a dozen depositions made public in the case last week, the current chief of of the Bacteriology Division at the Army laboratory, Patricia Worsham, said it lacked the facilities in 2001 to make the kind of spores in the letters.
Two of the five letters, those sent to Democratic U.S. Sens. Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Thomas Daschle of South Dakota, were especially deadly, because they were so buoyant as to float with the slightest wisp of air.
Worsham said that the lab's equipment for drying the spores, a machine the size of a refrigerator, was not in containment.
"If someone had used that to dry down that preparation, I would have expected that area to be very, very contaminated, and we had non-immunized personnel in that area, and I would have expected some of them to become ill," she said.
In its statement of facts, the government lawyers also said that producing the volume of anthrax in the letters would have required 2.8 to 53 liters of the solution used to grow the spores or 463 to 1,250 Petri dishes. Colleagues of Ivins at the lab have asserted that he couldn't have grown all that anthrax without their noticing it.
That Ivins lacked the means, ability and equipment to produce the sophisticated strain of anthrax used in the attacks -- especially to do so without detection and leaving ample traces -- has long been one of the many arguments as to why it is so unlikely that he was the culprit (or at least the sole culprit). That the DOJ itself -- in order to defend against a lawsuit brought by an anthrax victim alleging that Fort Detrick was negligent -- would admit that Ivins lacked the means to commit this crime in his lab, particularly without detection, is extraordinary. Just like the NAS findings that cast doubt on the FBI's genetic analysis (once deemed to be the strongest part of the case even by skeptics), this admission further guts the government's claim to have solved this case.
It should be unnecessary to explain why the anthrax attack was so significant, and why discovering the perpetrators with confidence is so vital. As I've argued before, the anthrax attack was at least as important as (if not more important than) the 9/11 attack in creating a climate of fear in the U.S. that spawned the next decade's War on Civil Liberties and Terror and posture of Endless War; multiple government officials used ABC News' Brian Ross to convince the nation that Saddam was likely behind those attacks (as but one example, The Washington Post's Richard Cohen, in 2008, cited the anthrax attacks as his primary reason for supporting the attack on Iraq; in October, 2001, John McCain said on David Letterman's program that there is evidence linking Iraq to the anthrax attack). Even if one believes the FBI's case, it means that one of the most significant Terrorist attacks in American history was launched from within the U.S. military. As Alan Pearson -- Director of the Biological and Chemical Weapons Control Program at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation -- put it:
If Ivins was indeed responsible for the attacks, did he have any assistance? Did anyone else at the Army lab or elsewhere have any knowledge of his activities prior to, during, or shortly after the anthrax attacks? . . . It appears increasingly likely that the only significant bioterrorism attack in history may have originated from right within the biodefense program of our own country. The implications for our understanding of the bioterrorism threat and for our entire biodefense strategy and enterprise are potentially profound.
Indeed, Cohen claimed that "a high government official" told him shortly after the 9/11 attack to carry cipro as an antidote against anthrax. The Editors of Nature added: "This case is too important to be brushed under the carpet. The anthrax attacks killed five people, infected several others, paralysed the United States with fear and shaped the nation's bioterrorism policy."
But, of course, in the U.S., the nation's most powerful political and financial factions -- especially those who control the National Security State -- are immune from meaningful scrutiny and investigation. As a result, President Obama -- in what I think is one his most indefensible acts -- actually threatened to veto the entire intelligence authorization bill if it included a proposed bipartisan amendment (passed by the House) that would have mandated an independent inquiry into the FBI's anthrax investigation. Democratic Rep. Rush Holt, whose New Jersey district was the site where the letters were allegedly mailed and one of the bill's sponsors, said at the time he was appalled that "an Administration that has pledged to be transparent and accountable would seek to block any review of the investigation in this matter."
Indeed, the veto threat issued by the Obama White House was refreshingly (albeit unintentionally) candid about why it was so eager to block any independent inquiry: "The commencement of a fresh investigation would undermine public confidence in the criminal investigation and unfairly cast doubt on its conclusions." That would happen only if the FBI's claims could not withstanding independent, critical scrutiny. But -- as is even more apparent now than ever -- the White House is fully aware that it cannot. In a rational, non-corrupt environment, that would be a reason to insist upon -- not take extraordinary steps to block -- an independent investigation into one of the most consequential crimes ever committed on U.S. soil. But that, manifestly, is not the world in which we live, and thus -- despite continuously mounting evidence that we do not know anywhere close to the full story of who perpetrated this attack -- the country's political leadership continues to stonewall any efforts to find out.
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Gee Whiz,
could it now be any more obvious that the anthrax bombs were part of the 9/11 false flag operation, and that elements of the US military are involved?
well, they are the number 1 suspect
and. unlike Ivins (alone), they had the means, motive, and opportunity ... and no alibi !
But, on the flip side, the govt says it was most likely a lone nutjob ... and we all know they'd never lie to us
Great nw interview with Graeme MacQueen
On Guns and Butter, today, 7/20. Listen or download it here:
Impeach Obama!
One more reason the president doesn't deserve to represent us! Here's some more
In little more than two years President Barack Obama has violated the U.S. Constitution by:
1) Ordering military attacks on sovereign nations without Congressional authorization.
2) Issuing Executive Orders for the extra-judicial assassination of U.S. citizens in violation of guarantees of due process.
3) Presiding over military, paramilitary and intelligence service use of torture in violation of prohibitions against cruel and unusual treatment.
4) Ordering and attempting to assassinate foreign heads of state.
5) Obstructing justice by failing or refusing to investigate credible allegations of torture brought against the previous administration.
President Obama is the current occupant of the throne to the imperial presidency. The first four items above apply to Mr. Obama himself, while the last applies to alleged crimes that occurred during the presidency of George W. Bush, with substantial supporting evidence, that Mr. Obama has neglected to prosecute.
The founders understood the need to disperse concentrations of power and divided layers of restrictions on power between the three branches of government. A review of U.S. military engagements since WWII shows that every president since FDR has exceeded their Constitutional mandates—with Congress' unofficial cooperation. But Presidents Bush and Obama went far beyond their predecessors with Obama's excesses even worse than Bush's.
Obama's unprovoked assault on Libya is where we need to draw the line on executive overreach.
Click here to send a letter to the House Judiciary Committee demanding impeachment proceedings against Mr. Obama.
As the founders understood: Give presidents an inch and they will take a mile, as evidenced by the fact that Mr. Obama has secretly deployed U.S. Special Forces in upwards of 75 sovereign countries.
Congress is not without blame. By appropriating astronomical amounts of money to the so-called 'war on terror'—approaching $4 trillion since the September 11, 2001 attacks—Congress has put the cost of imperialism on the American public's credit card without taking the responsibility of declaring war. Congress has been astute in grandstanding, maneuvering and laying blame, but short on officially declaring itself on matters of life and death.
Click Here to send a letter your Congress member about impeaching President Obama.
Last month Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Justice Department's review of over 100 previously dismissed claims of U.S. torture of detainees had yielded but two cases meriting a full investigation. Everyone else, including George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and George Tenant —the high level officials who ordered the torture—go scot free.
If past torturers are not prosecuted, then future torturers will feel free to pursue their despicable trade, knowing that they probably will not be prosecuted either.
Click here to tell Attorney General Holder to honor his oath to uphold the Constitution by investigating the masterminds of torture.
The United Nations, General Barry McCaffrey, Human Rights Watch and many others have all documented U.S. torture. General Taguba, who oversaw the official investigation into detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib said: "There is no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has committed war crimes. The only question that remains to be answered is whether those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account."
Mr. Holder says it is time to move forward, not look backward. But people cannot be tried for crimes they may commit. It is only possible to try people for crimes they did commit—in the past. So the Attorney General's position is not only nonsensical, it constitutes obstruction of justice.
Click here to tell Attorney General Holder to honor his oath to uphold the Constitution by investigating the masterminds of torture.
Imagine if there were a known terrorist who was suspected in blowing up American buildings and the president and attorney general knew where to find that terrorist but their response was: "Those crimes happened in the past. Forget about it! We need to look forward."
Their heads would roll.
Support VotersForPeace and take a stand against injustice.
It is far from time to throw up our hands in despair. The 'Arab Spring' teaches us that even in the most repressive regimes, power resides with the people. Our forebears left us all the tools required to effect changes we seek. It is time to insist that Congress send a strong message to President Obama, President Bush—and all presidents who come after them—that the days of Congress looking the other way while imperial presidents shred the Constitution are over.
Please send a letter to Congress saying enough is enough.
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More Coverage...
Court documents filed this week by the Department of Justice claim that Dr. Bruce Ivins, an army scientist who allegedly mailed packages of anthrax spores to government officials and members of the press in 2001, did not possess the equipment necessary to have orchestrated the attacks.
St. Bill of Hicks
"Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do as we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!"
posted on progressive site and 9/11 truth blackhole Daily Kos.
Here's the single responder…
I voted no (0+ / 0-)
Because I think this is gonna be another JFK assassination thingie. Facts and tinfoil will get wrapped so artfully that as time progresses it will become more rather than less confusing.
And we live in a world where people make up their minds and no amount of factual evidence (or lack thereof) will change anyone's version events.
I call this; "Cherished Beliefs"
"And we live in a world where people make up their minds and no amount of factual evidence (or lack thereof) will change anyone's version events."
The ONGOING 911 PSYOP provided the masses with a common experience and retelling ad nauseum the false narrative drove it deep into their programmed minds. There it stays as a "Cherished Belief". "WE WERE ATTACKED BY MUSLIM TERRORISTS!"
Or, in Zelikow's words
Or, in Zelikow's words, 'public myths.'
RAW READERS are much more aware.
most comments there are right on.
They've learned well
'as time progresses it will become more rather than less confusing.'
'And we live in a world where people make up their minds and no amount of factual evidence (or lack thereof) will change anyone's version events.'
There's the old can't-do American spirit! Yes, we'll never be able to lick them on the information front, so let's just go along with the official account. After all, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?
Kos must be so proud! His devotés have obviously learned well. (What are they called anyway? Kos-heads? Kos-ters?)
"Impeach" is too good for
"Impeach" is too good for what it appears that Obama might be guilty of. The facts suggests that he is using his position of chief executive to personally obstruct justice from being served. By going to these lengths to protect terrorists, he has dragged the White House and the office of president down to the level of "harboring terrorists".
Similarly, the 441 day stonewalling by the Bush Administration to prevent any inquiry into 9/11 was also an attempt to prevent justice from being served, and the sham of an inquiry that was finally authorized under the guise of "independent" was a continuation of that obstruction.
I wouldn't worry about how low the White House can go,
if you have studied Iran Contra and the Central American death squads as closely as some of us have, then you will know that the White House plumbing has been running hot and cold taps of blood for decades now.
We are approaching the tipping point, brothers and sisters, gird yourselves for the coming chaos.
WE need to be the calm voices of reason, appealing to all Americans to have faith in their neighbors and their core values and stand together against all those who will try to divide and conquer us one more time.
Let's make this the last battle for the heart of America, the turning point we all know has to happen before we can move forward and create the world we all want to live in.
The key is to push the trillion dollar fraudulent war on terror, as post-Reagan Americans care most about money first and their real freedom second at this point.
Now is the time, brothers and sisters, be not afraid to speak truth to power and about power everywhere you go and with everyone you meet.
The truth shall set us free, but we have to set it free and put it out there first.
Love is the only way forward and love is a verb, SO LET"S GET BUSIER.
Ya, but who are we
Ya, but who are we realistically going to get instead?
"This is Next"
The terrorists behind 9/11 were also behind the anthrax attacks..... "This is Next."
The anthrax letters indeed came from the same terrorists who hate our freedoms who were still attacking us. Blamed first on Osama and then Saddam via the claim that "bentonite links the anthrax to Iraq's WMDs labs." This blatant lie was repeated in the MSM before being exposed. When the strain proved to be US weapons- grade, the frame up shifted to Hatfil, who was defamed mercilessly and then finally exonerated. Then to Ivins, whose flask (RMR-1029) was allegedly linked to the attack. More bullshit. We find out that Ivins lacked the necessary equipment to have carried this out.
Find out who put the nanothermite in the towers and you'll find out who sent the anthrax.
Dr. Graeme MacQueen relates anthrax,9/11, & Iraq
Remember his talk in Walkerton, Ontario, May 2010, worth watching again.
Also his challenge to the peace movement from Dec '09.
The two chemical and
The two chemical and biological agents that played a major part in the 9/11 and anthrax attacks respectively have several characteristics in common:
*Both substances originated from secure US government/military run laboratories.
*Both substances are manufactured by state of the art industrial procedures, in laboratories equipped with the latest, most modern equipment, which is (presumably) expensive to manufacture and only obtainable by organizations with specific permits etc.
*Both materials were manufactured in facilities with the tightest security, on account of the potential danger.
*Both attacks were blamed on Muslims and Arabs... the involvement of Muslims in the anthrax attacks was sharply dropped from the news (as was the entire story) when it was discovered that "al Qaeda" had nothing to do with it.
*One can very safely assume that both materials were not accessible to non-credentialed people with middle eastern names.
As RL McGee stated, find the perps of the anthrax attacks via a full, no-holds barred investigation with full subpoena power, and THAT will likely lead us to the real 9/11 terrorists. It's hardly a wonder that Obama and the powers-that-be are scrambling desperately to put a lid on this.
Anthrax - "The Toronto Hearings"
Anthrax - I would like to see this subject addressed at "The Toronto Hearings".
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I know of at least one Associated Press reporter who is very interested in going to "The Toronto Hearings".
Justice Department Retracts
“Justice Department Retracts Court Filings That Undercut FBI’s Anthrax Case
“In a legal filing last week [5], department lawyers in the civil case said that the lab lacked the "specialized equipment in a containment suite" needed for Ivins to have dried the deadly powder.
That and other statements raised hackles at the FBI and among prosecutors in the criminal case, leading to hurried huddles at the Justice Department.
In a statement Tuesday, department spokesman Dean Boyd said that Civil Division lawyers had submitted "inaccurate information" and that "the Justice Department and FBI stand behind their findings that Dr. Ivins had the necessary equipment in the containment suite" to produce the spores.” More:
Of course it is not a surprise. As for the attacks of September 11th, 2001, the U.S. government will never tolerate that the official version of the anthrax attacks is questioned.