CIA threatening Duffy & Nowosielski with federal prosecution

Secrecy Kills, September 11, 2011

Apparently, things have taken a turn towards the surreal, as the CIA attempts to block documentary film makers Duffy & Nowosielski from publishing their investigative research with legal threats. I quote:

"On Thursday, the CIA threatened the journalists behind Who Is Rich Blee? with possible federal prosecution if the investigative podcast is released in its current form."

"We are delaying that release while we consult with others and weigh our options. A press statement with a more complete explanation will be made available at this site soon."

I am unable to locate the Richard Clarke interview on Youtube at this time, save for Jon Gold's channel. See here for a direct link with a time jump to the fragment in question.

See also: Sibel Edmonds Interviews Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy, for their most recent interview on The Boiling Frogs on September 1st, 2001.

Snapshot of announcement on secrecykills.com27.39 KB

Got Accountability?

I wish they would challenge them to go ahead with the prosecution, in order to get their facts into a court of law. Get some witnesses on the stand.

Located the Youtube video

Please download it and store it on your harddisks.


And its interesting that it's CIA and not FBI who is involved. Any thoughts on why that is?

The FBI recently raided a local solar firm here in CA (Solyndra, which recently filed bankruptcy but after $ millions in Federal loans) and it was front-page news, literally, all over the papers. Will this threat of legal action be covered in the MSM at all?

I did a google search of Blee when I first saw that they were making this film and only their site came up, virtually nothing else.

Sibel Edmonds responds

On Thursday, September 8, 2011, the CIA issued legal threats against producers Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy on their discovery of the identities of the two key CIA analysts who executed the Tenet-Black-Blee cover-up in the case of two key 9/11 hijackers. The analysts were referred to only by first names initially, but were going to be fully named in a follow up segment.

Nowosielski and Duffy are working with legal advisors and we will have more on this soon. Meanwhile you can listen to our recent exclusive interview with the producers and their discovery here at Boiling Frogs Post:

Podcast Show #55: The Boiling Frogs Presents Ray Nowosielski & John Duffy

Also, here are related interviews with Paul Thompson based on the exposé by the two producers: Part 1 & Part 2.

The producers’ website was taken down yesterday. We are in touch with them, and we will keep you informed. Please disseminate this stunning new development, the CIA’s panic, and the content of their interview. Thank You.

Sibel Edmonds

The Real News coverage: 9/11 Not an "Intelligence Failure"

TRN covers "Secrecy Kills":

Ray McGovern and Jason Leopold: The intelligence agencies had the information, the question is why didn't they use it.

Somewhat disappointing performance by Ray McGovern, who contradicts his own past statements and takes a cautious position. Paul Jay does an excellent job, asking the questions we all want answered.

Pat Curley responds....with a false equivalency

Curley compares Duffy and Nowosielski to Robert Novak in the Plame Affair... in a cheap, deliberately cretinous sort of way.

Response to Pat Curley here.

So perplexing:

Why are US troops fighting for our freedoms in foreign countries while the CIA is fighting our freedoms in our country?

I hope the best for Ray and John on this.

I am tapping toes in curiosity:

Page 30 in The Big Lie is a print promotion for "Who is Rich Blee?"!

Take that CIA! Rich Blee's name has been published and is around the world! (At least 8,000 copies for now) HAHA

FYI - Statement on Delay


I'd encourage everyone to send these guys a couple bucks to show our support. They have a donate link on their site.

To me, their statement suggests that they will release the podcast with the names of those two women. Let's show them that we support that stance.

and to 911blogger too

I've been reading here forever and decided to become a monthly subscriber.