Occupy Wall Street: Michael Moore states, 'We oppose the way our economy is structured'

Occupy Wall Street: Michael Moore states, 'We oppose the way our economy is structured'
Current TV, Keith Olbermann, October 04, 2011

In a wide-ranging interview with Keith, filmmaker Michael Moore talks about his participation in the Occupy Wall Street protests, the goals of the movement and how it's evolving.


...I wondered aloud how Current TV would cover Occupy Wall Street, went to their website, and found this example. There's more but., they're clearly covering it.

Capitalism is like beer Mr.

Capitalism is like beer Mr. Moore.

It's the abuse of it by assholes that's the problem.

Not the one's who use it responsibly.

The US has not been truly capitalist for some time

since the playing field has become so skewed against ordinary people. Just try to compete with Walmart. A closer term would be Crony Capitalism:

So why bash good capitalism, when the current system is something else? And Michael, who are you speaking for?

since 1913 perhaps ... ?

ellen hodgson brown wrote an amazing book called the web of debt detailing how the u.s. currency system fell under the control of bankers

btw does anyone have a link to a non emotional non opinionated piece on the alex jones/ mike ruppert thing? just the facts pls