UPDATED Saturday 24 - Civil Information[ing] Richard Gage's 9/11 Blueprint For Truth in Edmonton

"Notch up another successful day of 9/11 Truth action" After enduring a snow storm over the past 48 hours. The clouds cleared and a warm sun came through on one of the most important days in the week before Richard' Gage's "9/11 Blueprint For Truth" speaking event in Edmonton. Today we handed hundreds of leaflets, and will continue to so each day until Richard arrives and the doors open at the Stanley A. Milner Library main theatre Friday March 30, 2012 @ 7PM. Edmonton , Alberta, Canada.

A Canadian Public Investigation of 9/11 Commences - http://911justicecanada.ca/

The Compelling 9/11 Evidence Heads North: AE911Truth Tour of Canada Kicks Off March 24 - http://www.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/618-the-compelling-911-evidence-heads-north-ae911truth-tour-of-canad...

Edmonton "Civil Information Activism" & "Kiosk" Citizen News Reports - http://www.ciactivist.org/

Over 900 signatures!! Great job!

Keep up the great work! Ya'll really are making a difference. The ripple effect....

Another Civil Information Action Report

Thank You

If we want respect, we must be respectful.

Presenting AE911Truth in a civil, respectful way, CIAction gains respect for themselves, AE911Truth and the Truth Movement.

Well done! Carry on.
