“9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out” with Richard Gage Dallas Aug 16th

In Dallas at the Unity Church on Thursday night, August 16th, “North Texans for 9/11 Truth” helped to sponsor “9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out” with Richard Gage, AIA, introducing this dynamic film and leading the discussion afterwards. About 80 people from all walks of life turned out for the event which included engineers, a high-rise architect, film makers, and James Gourley (Toronto Hearings, co-author of scientific papers, NIST FOI champion). This event was part of a three city Texas film premier tour with Richard Gage appearing in Houston and San Antonio the previous two nights.

Event website - http://911expertsspeakout.webs.com/

With short notice, Joe Stokes, founder of “North Texans for 9/11 Truth”, got the ball rolling towards organizing and promoting this event. Members and non-members started pitching in. The promotion covered a wide spectrum. Flyers, posters, emails, word of mouth, meetup groups, internet event announcements and ads, Facebook pages and comments, online publications, etc.

Richard Gage, who very often puts in 80 hour weeks, emanates a variety of characteristics which are often found as common denominators with other people in the 9/11 Truth Movement. Individuals helping to promote and organize this Dallas “Experts Speak Out” Event certainly also are imbued with many of these qualities. There are many stellar characteristics which stand out. Here are a few.

Purpose and Dedication and Recognition of Importance. Gage imparts this message at every event. This was seen throughout the course of planning and pulling off the event as local volunteers were determined to do what they could to make things happen. As Hank, Bruce and others will testify, it takes a lot of dedication and tenacity to trek through the hot Texas 100 degree sun putting out many hundreds of flyers and posters.

Compassion and Care. A young lady, new to the demolition information, timidly came to the event. She had been in New York City on 9/11/01 and had actually gone up to the roof of her building to watch Building 7 fall when around 5pm it was announced on the news that it would be coming down soon. She had been traumatized by the 9/11 event and loss of friends. At one point during the event, she broke down into tears. In between his speaking presentations, Gage took it upon himself to demonstrate a sincere concern, helping to console aspects of the 9/11 event with her. In fact, you found Richard with his vibrant blue eyes spending time and really listening to many of the folks who came to the event.

This type of care and holding value for the lives of others was also demonstrated by all the volunteers who assisted with the Dallas event.

Independent, self-determined action. One of the strongest, common denominators of people who are active in the 9/11 Truth Movement is their self-determined thought and forthright action. They do not have to seek “approval” or “permission”. The manipulators of society strain hard to make the public compliant sheeple who need “authorization” and “authorities” for their actions and thoughts. Not so with the folks who helped out with this event. The dust was flying all over. Volunteers were taking it upon themselves to do what they could. There were so many people doing promotions and helping, that it was quite amazing to find out about the many promotional actions.

“North Texans for 9/11 Truth” would like to extend its appreciation out towards ALL the folks in the 9/11 Truth Movement, because you care and are determined and you take action. Thank you!! You are appreciated!!

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out - Trailer - AE911Truth.org


its a fine piece of work. Thanks to everyone. Thanks to these experts speaking out. Very cool. Your courage stands in the face of that 'intellectual elite' mute silence.

Who's who in the picture?

If you don't mind

Core Group N Texans 911 Truth

front row L to R

Me,( Joe,) Robin Dallas, Dave, Hank, Richard

back row

Michael, Bruce, Doug , TomT

Richard Gage - True dedication

It is amazing to see how hard Richard works! ...and he possesses many admirable qualities!
He is the right man for the job.
I am so glad that he leads AE911Truth.

Great video

I just watched "Experts Speak Out" and highly recommend it to anyone. This is the video about 9/11 that you want to give to the most die hard skeptics of the 9/11 Truth movement. There are so many experts with published credentials speaking on the impossibility of these buildings falling the way they did without having their resistance taken away by controlled demolition that it is impossible to come to any other conclussion. The buildings were professionally imploded by controlled demolotions, nano thermite was found in the dust. As they say, you don't have be an expert to see that these buildings were imploded professionally. The motive for this event was to get us into Afghanistan to remove the Taliban from stopping the CENTGAS/TAPI pipelines. And it was a stepping stone to move oil companies into Iraq and . . .

Richard Gage makes minor appearances throughout the documentary and instead lets the experts speak. The video is to notch and the presentation is very professional. This should be at the top of anyones 9/11 documentary video collection, only it should not stay there collecting dust, it should be passed around.