Ben Swann/Reality Check: We Are Taking On "Rethink 9/11"

Reality Check: We Are Taking On "Rethink 9/11"

Published on Sep 5, 2013
Ben Swann Reality Check to cover the "Rethink 9/11" campaign Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Will he be fair?

I am familiar with his work and fully expect he will do a good job, but after so many prior disappointments by media personalities, I am reserving my expectations. I am hoping he will at least discuss the freefall of building 7, its utter impossibility, and its ramifications to the official narrative. xing my fingers.


Recent Ben Swann interview

I thought this was a very good interview with Ben Swann conducted by Gary Franchi. It was conducted just over a week ago. Very engaging and enlightening. Thought it would be good to share here.

Link to the Show!