JUNE 2008: George Bush's welcome to PARIS

Herblay FRANCE

bonjour ,

last night George Bush came to Paris and thousands of people went to the streets to welcome him. As many saw we tried to have him arrested for crimes against humanity but Nicolas Sarkozy had not given the necessary instructions to the police to permit them to put him behind bars. Pity there was not the Chief UN War Crimes Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte to do her duty for once !

Down below are some photos taken last night.

Yours John

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Its easier for most to badmouth another country's leader ...

and in this case the French have got it right.


How would one say

"9/11 Was an Inside Job" [and '9/11 = Inside Job'] or "9/11 Truth Now" in French?


Translation to French of "Inside Job'"

Herblay FRANCE

Hundreds of times I have been asked this and looking for the reply with the French I can only say that there is no good translation. We have to keep "INSIDE JOB'" for us as well.
Reopen on their tee shirt says "Made by Bush" which I find quite good but attacks too directly George Bush.
We can say
”travail de l’intérieur”
"travail interne"
"Complot de l'intérieur"
"Complot mené de l’intérieur"

I have asked the French intellectuals if there was an a moment in French history where a part of their gouvernement went against the French society but their reply was never so it is perhaps for that reason we do not have a French equivalent.

In waiting for a good translation I am sticking to "Inside Job"'

911 TRUTH MOVEMENT for me translates by "Mouvement pour la 911 vérité".

Yours John

that phrase is a problem translating into any language

Operation d'Etat sounds usable to me.
Some analysts have viewed 9/11 as a coup d'etat but the term did not catch on in the US. Maybe 'controlled demolition' would be easier to translate?

Thanks for the report back too. w/ pics!

John, you wrote: "I have

John, you wrote:
"I have asked the French intellectuals if there was an a moment in French history where a part of their gouvernement went against the French society but their reply was never so it is perhaps for that reason we do not have a French equivalent." /end quote

It's not a clear cut parallel to 9/11, but during the Algerian rebellion in the early 1960s some French soldiers rebelled against DeGaulle because he wanted to grant independence to Algeria and they were not in favor of this. These soldiers formed an organization called (in English) Secret Army Organization also known as OAS. They staged terror attacks in Algeria and France and I believe even attempted to assassinate DeGaulle. I do not know enough about French history or the OAS to say whether or not the terror attacks by the OAS were designed to look as if they originated with FLN or other Algerian pro-independence fighters (which would make them classic false flag attacks), or if the OAS rebels acknowledged that they were the ones performing these attacks to try and terrorize their fellow citizens and their government into denying independence for Algeria.

See the entry on the Algerian war at http://i-cias.com/e.o/algerian_war_1954-62.htm :

Quote: "Command over Algeria was exercised by a group of top generals, who had fought under Charles de Gaulle against Nazi Germany during the Second World War. De Gaulle became president of France in 1958, following a putsch by French settlers and the military in Algeria. In 1959, when de Gaulle tentatively moved towards allowing self-determination for Algeria, these same generals organised a second putsch attempt in April 1961; under the battle cry "Algeria must stay French!" After it failed, they created the terrorist Organization Armée Secrète (OAS—Secret Army Organisation), which carried out numerous killings of civilians in Algeria and also in France. Thanks to the amnesty announced in the declaration of independence signed at Evian in July 1962, as well as a further amnesty at the end of the 1960s, these generals have never faced any criminal charges for the attempted coup or for the systematic use of torture." /end quote

Mouvement pour la 911 vérité--Thumbs Up!

Thanks for the wonderful pictures. They are welcome and fascinating!

Paris has always been known for its good taste with two exceptions: George Bush's visit and Jerry Lewis. It does seem somewhat like Jerry Lewis coming to Paris, IMHO!

Unfortunately, France has been infected with Sarkozy another minion of the NWO. It's important the NWO agenda be stymied on every front.

Thanks again, for taking the time and caring, it is good to see these protests.

Bush and Sarkozy
...don't believe them!

Thank you

I wish I was there with all those good French people :-)
I must visit Paris again soon.

Grande protestation ... petit coin (hope that is right ;)

Hier, l'Irlande a rejeté le traité de Lisbonne, et Paris a rejeté le Président Bush.

Les peuples du monde s'unir pour protéger notre souveraineté nationale.


(hope I said that right John, it came from a digital translator and was well meaning).

Bush, French president united against Iran


Thanks for the pictures

As usual you don't hear a word of these protests in the media here (Spain), unless of course there were "confrontations between radicals (or even anti-sistema) and the police"...
So that's why it's great to see these pictures.

Oh and btw, in spanish we also have a problem translating "9/11 was an Inside Job", and although I am not a fan of slogans, it's true you do need some at least, to get the word across faster.
Some people here are using "Auto-atentado", which translates to something like "auto-terror attack" - I don't like it either, it's not like congress authorized a military action against the USA, so it sounds ridiculous in my opinion.

We all know this was all far more complex, and we should stick to facts and not slogans. Make up your own short frases, catchy, but keep it undeniably and completly provable right there and there.
We have plenty of evidence to put out and "sloganize", if you will, so make your own "slogans" with this evidence -don't be like a parrot, please.

Inside job ==> La terreur fabriquée ?


bonjour ,

your spanish translation makes me think of another good translation which in this context is "La terreur fabriquée" french translation of the book
"9/11 Synthetic Terror" by Webster TARPLEY


If in Spanish and other languages there is a problème why don't we all just use


Pehaps "INSIDE JOB" is to typically American that there is no real translation possible ?

Yours John

Thought about it too.. but

Im not sure it´s the ideal thing to do, I am more in favour of finding one that "rings" in each language, and perhaps use inside job also to symbolize the friendship and support of the truth movement in the USA.

At least here in Spain nobody would realy bother thinking what it means in spanish, apathy is a big obstacle, so I think adding riddles to the message doesnt serve the porpuse of spreading the information. Right now I am using either "Investiga el 11-S" (investigate 9/11), or just other frases, like "The war in afghanistan also started with a lie", to catch the attention of people passing by.

I think each culture is slightly different, so idealy we will use what works best in each context. :)