Alex Jones on Russia Today 12/3/08. Speaks about the police state, 9/11, economy, etc...9:57

December 03, 2008

Alex Jones on Russia Today 12/3/08. Speaks about the police state, 9/11, economy, etc...9:57

Good Post

Russia Today is a better source of real information about what is happening in the USA than any of our American MSM.

I believe it was Rosie O'Donnell who said

you have to go outside the US to find out what's happening inside the US.

Keep her informed and...

she must have been

she must have been referencing david cross :D

I like it ithat AJ is speaking to a wider audience

How ironic that "Russia Today" is reporting the TRUTH.

I heard a comment that in the Soviet Union everyone knew they were being fed lies and propaganda so people learned to read between the lines, but in the US people have no clue.


and it will make it easier for some to frame Mr. Jones as "anti-American" and 9/11 truth as Russian propaganda.

Fortunately, thinking people know better.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.