Steven E. Jones And James Fetzer Exchange

Here is the initial posting to by Jim Fetzer (response from Dr. Jones is below)...
An Open Letter about Steven Jones

by James H. Fetzer
19 November 2006

Friends and Colleagues:

When I founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth, I invited Steve Jones to serve as co-chair. He has responsibility for co-editing our journal, which he originally founded with Judy Wood as co-editor and me as managing editor, and runs our members' forum, while I maintain our web site at He is now planning to take control of the web site from me.

I have raised objections on moral, legal and intellectual grounds and I am categorically opposed to it. But he appears to be persisting in what might be described as a "hostile take over" to control Scholars. Because this is going on behind the scenes and you would otherwise be unaware of this scheme, I am publishing this open letter on

The background to this move concerns new research about what happened at the World Trade Center involving hypotheses that differ from those Steve has been investigating and promoting for more than a year now. On 11 November 2006, Judy Wood was my guest on "Non-Random Thoughts" and we discussed new research she and Morgan Reynolds were doing on possible causes of the destruction of the World Trade Center, which involves the use of high-tech, directed energy-weaponry. I put up links to their research, which are available on our web site under "Events" for that date. Right or wrong, this is fascinating stuff, which I even discussed during lectures in Tucson the next two days:

Dr. James Fetzer: Did Classified Weaponry Destroy the Twin Towers?

On 15 November 2006, I invited Steve to come on a new program that I will be hosting on with Kevin Barrett. "The Dynamic Duo" will be broadcast from 3-5 PM/CT. Kevin will host on M/F and I will host on T/W/Th. This new approach is so fascinating that I wanted Judy, Morgan and Steve to be my guests 28, 29, and 30 November 2006 with consecutive appearances on those days. Judy and Morgan agreed, but Steve has not, and, in a series of email exchanges, he began to raise questions about my management of the web site, where he seems to think any new idea that is controversial requires some kind of counterbalancing opinion. These are new views, of course, and the purpose of inviting him onto the program was for that very purpose!

Steve appears to be committing the blunder of supposing that the web site, like the journal, should include only finished research reports, which are fully referenced and formally presented. That is all wrong, because the web site and the journal have entirely different functions. The journal is for peer-reviewed studies. The web site is for current events and recent developments to keep the public informed about what is going on within the research community in its exploratory stages, including mini-nukes and high-tech weapons, which may or may not "pan out" and reach stages of development suitable for journal publication.

What is ironic about his attitude toward "unfinished research" is that he repeatedly characterizes his own studies of the use of thermite (in a sulfur-enhanced version known as "thermate") as both preliminary and incomplete. If that is the case, then by his own standard, there is a serious question whether his own research is ready for prime time! It is also worth mention that he has revised his basic paper on numerous occasions, which, to the best of my knowledge, have not been subject to additional peer review. If we only mention or discuss finished research on, there is a serious question whether Steve's work properly qualifies for inclusion in the journal he edits, much less the web site.

The hardest part of scientific inquiry is the stage of speculation in coming up with alternative hypotheses as possible explanations for the phenomena under consideration. Here we are talking about the complete destruction of two 500,000-ton buildings and five other structures the demolition of which is seldom mentioned in public discourse. Judy and Morgan have discovered the WTC was constructed in an enormous "bathtub" to create a barrier to protect the site from overflow of water from the Hudson River, which would have flooded PATH TRAIN tunnels and subways throughout Manhattan. To avoid this catastrophe, it appears to have been indispensable to turn 4/5 of the towers to dust and demolish just 1/5 by more conventional means, such as those Steve Jones has advanced.

Critics seem to be deriving a lot of mileage from my having described this new research as "Fascinating!" What I meant by that--as I think anyone who listens to the program can discern--is that the importance of the bathtub and the completeness of the destruction of the World Trade Center, where it looks as though every building with a "WTC" designation was targeted for devastation, greatly expands the scope of the evidence regarding what has to be explained (in philosophical language, it broadens and redefines the explanandum for any potential explanans, where the explanandum describes what is to be explained and the explanans offers the initial conditions and laws advanced to explain them). This is an enormous advance and is truly fascinating!

11 November 2006

Interview: Judy Wood will be the guest on "Non-Random Thoughts" with host Jim Fetzer

Related: The Star Wars Beam Weapon

You don't have to be a philosopher of science to understand that, in a scientific investigation of the events of 9/11, the range of alternative explanations that might possibly explain the explanandum must include not only (a) jet-plane-impacts/jet-fuel-fire/pancake collapse hypotheses and (b) classic controlled demolition from the bottom up hypotheses but (c) non-classic controlled demolition from the top-down hypotheses. It should be clear that these, in turn, can be refined in terms of (c-1) non-classic controlled demolition from the top-down using thermate and other conventional explosives, (c-2) non-classic controlled demolition from the top-down using mini-nukes, and (c-3) non-classic controlled demolition from the top-down using directed energy weapons. All of these deserve consideration and, to the the best of my knowledge, none of (c-1) to (c-3) has been refuted at this stage of scientific inquiry.

During the course of her interview with me, Judy suggested that the source of the energy required might possibly have been based in space. This is not as fanciful as it might sound, insofar as the US has been pursuing "full spectrum dominance" (of air, sea, land and space!) for some period of time. The very idea of space-based weapons strikes many people as a stretch, if not absurd. But they are trotting out a lot of the same kinds of ridicule and sarcasm as apologists for the official government's account have been advancing to attack those of use who are critics of what we have been told, which is supposed to be "completely ridiculous"! Just listen to O'Reilly or Hannity & Colmes! If we don't consider the full range of possible alternative explanans, we may arrive at false conclusions by eliminating the true hypothesis from serious consideration because it seems farfetched or even absurd.

Cutting-steel using thermate and disintegration-of-steel via directed energy weapons, of course, are different kinds of causal mechanisms, where we have visual evidence of disintegration at work, which may be found on Judy's site and is included in the 16-minute segment from my second lecture in Tucson, a link to which I have given above. Indeed, Judy appears to have done far more to develop her "proof of concept" than has Steve. Some of these research preliminaries are archived:

Indeed, prototypes have been built and tested, beginning as long ago as 1991! Videos and links to other videos demonstrating the use of Ground Based Lasers (GBLs) may also be found at several links here:

Appendix2, for example, includes this about Space Based Lasers (SBLs):

"Talon Gold achieved performance levels equivalent to that needed for the SBL. In 1991, the space-borne Relay Mirror Experiment (RME), relayed a low-power laser beam from a ground site to low-earth orbit and back down to a scoring target board at another location with greater pointing accuracy and beam stability than needed by SBL."

The specific weapons used to destroy the WTC could have been ground based or space based. Judy tends to believe that, whether it was the use of a mirror to reflect an energy beam from Earth or a space-based energy source, it came from above. (My own opinion is that WTC-7 may have played a crucial role here.) If someone suggests that this sounds "loony" or "far out" to them, then I would ask, "How do you know that she's wrong?" It would be scientifically irresponsible not to consider an hypothesis that poses such an intriguing alternative to account for demolishing the WTC, especially given all the evidence she has adduced.

His desire to keep discussion of new, controversial approaches from the public appears to have motivated his attempt to take-over the web site. Personally, I find this rather odd, since all of our research on the events of 9/11 qualifies as "controversial" and the public is entitled to know about new research at the cutting edge. As I have explained in email exchanges, especially, "An Open Letter to Steve Jones", his attempt to take over the site is morally, legally, and intellectually objectionable on many grounds, including that it qualifies as taking something that does not belong to him. I created and have maintained it from scratch. Because this would affect everyone with a serious interest in Scholars for 9/11 Truth, I am exposing it here.

To the best of my knowledge, Steve has found support among perhaps ten or twelve members of Scholars who are active on the forum. Since our current membership approximates 400, this does not appear to be the majority view. Splinter groups often form when dealing with complex and controversial issues, especially when they have ramifications of a political kind. Everyone who has joined Scholars has joined with the current web site and management of If he thinks that he can do better, then I encourage him to resign from Scholars and create his own site. But he should not attempt to take control of a site that I created and maintain, which would display the virtues of theft over honest toil. Those who have opinions they want to express about all this can email or .

James H. Fetzer
Founder and Co-Chair
Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Here is Steven Jones' response...


You wrote, "He is now planning to take control of the web site from me. I have raised objections on moral, legal and intellectual grounds and I am categorically opposed to it. But he appears to be persisting in what might be described as a "hostile take over" to control Scholars." "…his attempt to take over the site is morally, legally, and intellectually objectionable on many grounds, including that it qualifies as taking something that does not belong to him."

What nonsense. As I have written to you privately (e.g., appendix below), Jim, I have no interest at all "to take over the site." My work is research, and I have no interest to "control the Scholars." (Would you explain what that means to you?). Even if we agree by vote of all the members to have an elected committee to provide direction or oversight to the website, as we have discussed privately and on our Forum, I have clearly stated that I would not be on that committee. Period. So your accusation that I attempt "to take over the site" is not only unfounded, it is bizarre.

Further, I stated that I do not intend to continue much longer to work with you as co-chair of this group, for obvious reasons, but I wish to see civility restored here so I will continue on a little longer. If there is a vote on the idea of having a committee to oversee the st911 website, the vote will go to ALL members, and the option of having you continue as the sole manager of the website will be included as an option of course. All this is being discussed on our Forum, and we urge you to participate directly in that discussion. I posted our initial email exchanges on this subject on our Forum per your request. I am confident that if you would PERSONALLY visit the st911 Forum, you would find your statements above untenable.

Your "Open Letter" was posted on the st911 website yesterday without giving me the courtesy of preparing a simultaneous post. This constitutes a prime example of why there needs to be an elected committee to oversee the website, IMO. If an elected committee had approved of your open letter (even without simultaneous post from me) there would have been no hard feelings. There are other examples of course, and I and Dr. Legge and others find that you have been unresponsive to our requests for changes on the very cluttered website. Hopefully you will see the value of an elected editorial board for the organization's web page, should the membership choose that route. I urge the members of this group to not "jump ship" (as some have told me they are going to do) until after we have a chance for a vote on this issue -- and any other issue the members wish to see resolved. The society belongs to all the Scholars. We do not belong to you, Jim.

I sent to you scientific arguments against the notion that you promoted in Tucson, that some kind of energy-beam was directed from WTC 7 to bring down the Towers. (Interested folks may wish to watch Jim Fetzer's presentation here: ) I'm very disappointed that you did not respond to my scientific arguments, but instead launched into this public diatribe, the ad-hominem tone of which is reminiscent of Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds as many will recognize. Are you teamed up with them?

As I noted in my reply to the attack piece by Reynolds and Wood,

"I would like to emphasize at the outset that Reynolds and Wood and I …unitedly disagree with the official "conspiracy theory" that nineteen hijackers managed to get through the multi-trillion-dollar air defense system, and managed also to completely bring down these skyscrapers on 9/11. The details, HOW this was actually done, we disagree on.

"I will also observe that there is a group of 9/11 researchers, including Reynolds, Wood, Haupt and Holmgren, who take the approach of personalized attacks on any other researcher who dares to suggest that real planes hit the Towers. Really – they support the "no-planes-hit-Towers" notion so strongly that they resort to personal attacks on anyone who challenges their pet theory. As I have done."

The current "pet theory" that I have challenged is one now supported by you and (not surprisingly) Wood and Reynolds – the idea that "space beams" or "energy beams" were directed at the Towers to bring them down. But why must you take on the uncivil approach of ad hominem attacks rather than scientific discussion? I don't understand it, Jim.

I thought the role of the Scholars group was to avoid the ad-hominem style and use the scientific method instead.

I will re-iterate below the scientific arguments I offered to you a few days ago. But first, let me state that I am willing to participate on your radio program, when the conditions I emailed to you five days ago are met:

November 15, 2006

A few things need to be straightened out first.

1. Is the directed-beams hypothesis a SCIENTIFIC hypothesis? Let the proponents delineate crucial experiments which will permit testing the hypothesis, and which have the potential of proving the hypothesis wrong. If an hypothesis is not falsifiable by experiments,
it is not scientific.

2. Judy Wood and Morgan R have made unsubstantiated statements which need to be supported with facts or withdrawn before a civilized discourse could take place.

For example, Morgan Reynolds wrote on 8/24/06:

"The SJ-phenom kept building and building but it was headed for a big crash because of its obvious infirmities. Some argue that this behavior can be traced to the perps. Regardless, on hindsight it would have been better to have taken out this bilge months ago, Judy has been trying for six months in private. But SJ is incorrigible and a serial liar. We've got to clean up our own backyard mess before his implosion takes nearly all 9/11 skeptics down with him." (Morgan Reynolds)

Please then substantiate this claim that "SJ is incorrigible and a serial liar" with delineated facts. Also, explain how Morgan R. and Judy W. plan to take "out this bilge", so that we may be assured that no foul play is planned for the proposed debate.


Steven Jones

The email sent by Morgan R. (above) is quite revealing, isn't it? Have you bought into this program, Jim? But wait – if you and they will respond to my two conditions above, then yes, I will be happy to participate on your radio show once again. (You already invited Morgan Reynolds and Judy Wood…)

And if you or Judy or Morgan have arguments against the thermate hypothesis, please be sure to explain the independent observations of high concentrations of finely powdered zinc, barium, manganese and sulfur in the WTC dust. I discussed these data and the chain of custody question thoroughly in my talks at UC-Berkeley, Univ. Denver, UC-Boulder and Sonoma State Univ. recently (videos are available). I find that rather than addressing my scientific arguments, you have attacked me personally. Further, recall that the beginnings of the Scholars group go back to Prof. Marcus Ford, who organized a nucleus of nearly 50 scholars during the spring/summer of 2005, long before you and I agreed to co-chair a more "formal" Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

Finally, I find that your latest letter and the divisiveness it engenders detract from the mission of the Scholars society. This is most disheartening. There is plenty of evidence now to enable us to join with other groups, to unitedly call for an investigation of certain "rogue" officials regarding 9/11 anomalies and the 9/11 wars. We need solid leadership, not attacks on those who share the same overall goals.


Steven E. Jones

I append several scientific arguments against the directed-beam notion espoused and promoted by Wood and Fetzer and Reynolds, based on my email to Jim Fetzer a few days ago:

Nov. 18, 2006


It's about 2 am, but I woke up and care about you sufficiently to
endeavor to reason with you.

I believe you have accepted and are presented arguments which are not only ill-founded, they are embarassingly wrong. (Tucson lecture And I'd like to reason with you, Jim. Let's reason between ourselves, shall we?

1. You start out with the grand piano falling in over 30 seconds, from the height of a Tower. This is wrong. I teach the physics of air drag forces and concomitant terminal velocity -- and the terminal velocity depends very much on the mass (or weight/g) of the object.

Ask Judy to provide her calculation in writing, showing the area she has assumed and the mass, the density of air and the terminal velocity she calculates. Then let me or an independent physicist if you wish check this for you.

Consider a small parachute the size/area of a grand piano, with a man on it. He would fall quite fast. Now replace his mass with that of a grand piano (but in a ball of say lead). Surely you have enough horse-sense to see that the latter case will fall MUCH faster. And that's what the equations say also. A parachute the size of a grand piano acting on a large mass just doesn't slow it much. But let her show her calculations!!

Added: As Alfons showed on the Forum, the terminal velocity can be calculated with the help of a NASA web-site: . Alfons used a Yamaha grand piano,

  • Length: 161cm (5'3")
  • Width: 149cm –
  • Height: 101cm
  • Weight: 628 pounds (m = 285kg)

The drag coefficient depends on the attitude of the piano to the velocity vector as it falls; we take a maximum-drag orientation and therefore take a large drag coeff;

Mass = 285 kg
Cross Section = 2.3989 sq. meters
Drag Coefficient = 1.28 (Flat Object CD = 1.28
Altitude = 417 meters = 1368 ft
Terminal Velocity = 39.346 m per second

Then the total fall time is 10.5 seconds (+or-). Which is just about the time the Towers took to collapse! Your example in your Tucson talk backfires on you… gives ammo to those who would debunk everything you say.

Jim, ask Judy to give you the equations, her calculations -- with numbers. And lets check her work.

2. You and Judy say that the bathtub was not damaged. Have you checked this out? I just wish you would read the research offered freely on our Forum. but let me quote from there, which in turn is quoting from an engineering journal:

"Half of WTC 'Bathtub' Basement Damaged By Twin Towers' Fall

( 10/8/01)

"Visual surveys indicate roughly 50% of the seven-level basement structure of the World Trade Center is now rubble as a result of the impact of the collapse of the twin 110-story towers. Outside the tower footprints, the section of greatest concern within the so-called 1,000x 500-ft bathtub is along its south side. There, a 200 x 30-ft hole from 40 to 70 ft deep sits between the tub's perimeter slurry wall and the remains of Two WTC.

"A significant part of the south tower fell in and collapsed everything," says Joel L. Volterra, an engineer with Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers, the city's local engineer on the bathtub.

"Engineers are busy drawing up emergency tieback, bracing and shoring schemes so that contractors can start mobilizing tieback rigs this week or next to anchor the south perimeter of the 70-ft-deep slurry wall.

"Roughly 40% of the bathtub's reinforced concrete diaphragm slabs and steel columns are in "pretty good shape," says George J. Tamaro, the Mueser Rutledge engineer leading the foundation repair team."

SO -- the engineers say only about 40% of the bathtub was in pretty good shape, the rest being significantly damaged. Water was only about 1 foot below the damaged area, in another report -- and pumps were brought in. The report does not say whether the pumps were needed or not, but that doesn't matter does it? The damage to the bathtub in PUBLISHED engineering reports says the damage to the bathtub was extensive.

Jim, someone is giving you erroneous information -- and you're swallowing it. Read the engineering reports for yourself.

3. I'm NOT seeking to wrest control of st911 -- but I do hope that you will listen to the MEMBERS about how they want the web site handled. We're hoping for ideas on how to handle the website, as many of us are not satisfied. Will you listen to the voice of the members, or is such a vote -taking idea just futile? You should read the discussion on the forum to know where I and others stand -- not just a few extracted and out of context quotes of me or others. I DO NOT seek power here, but a better web-site. Indeed, I've said that I want
to end my co-chair status after one year, after we decide what to do about the web site, which is losing visitors the data clearly show. We need to do something…

4. The generators in WTC 7 -- how many gallons of diesel fuel do you suppose they might burn in 10 seconds (Tower fall time, approx)? Perhaps 20-30 gallons in 10 seconds? That would be 120-180 gallons per minute -- and that seems high to me. I'm here paraphrasing an argument by a PhD chemist on the Forum -- the power which the WTC 7 generators can deliver in 10 seconds is NOWHERE NEAR enough to vaporize steel and pulverize concrete. We know that explosives (like superthermite and RDX explosives) can do the pulverizing, because they store energy in small packages. But diesel fuel running generators (which are not even 50 % efficient ) simply cannot deliver the necessary energy in 10 seconds time. Can you see this? It's a conservation of energy argument which is very strong and I hope easy to grasp when it is laid out like this. And the steel was thrown out of the footprint area, much of it -- but not vaporized.

5. An energy beam with enough energy to pulverize concrete and vaporize steel -- what would this do to human flesh, Jim? Wouldn't flesh be charred? If not, why not? Yet body pieces -- not charred - were found all over GZ.

Jim, you're being sold a bill of goods by these people and I beg of you to consider sound arguments instead.\ It's now nearly 3 am and I'm going back to bed, sleep I hope. It really concerns me that you are being so easily led by the nose my friend by these ideas of Judy's or whoever. Ask for numbers, calculations. Insist on these so you can do some checking before you go telling people that a grand piano takes 21 seconds over the time of the tower's fall. What a bunch of obvious garbage, Jim. You're going to be laughed at by anyone who knows how to calculate terminal velocity, which is mass-dependent!

Will you listen to reason?


What we have been doing on the Forum and in private emails is providing constructive criticism of the website and also pointing out the errors made by Judy and Jim. Surely those are acceptable, sound things to do.

As far as I'm concerned...

This should end here. We have TOO MUCH momentum now to waste time with NONSENSE. Get outside... hand out flyers... do what you have to do... just DO IT!!!

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

And as far as Jim Fetzer goes...

He does not speak for me.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Jon, what happened to “United with the Facts”?

Before we get to the content of Jones ‘reply’, what is the source of this ‘reply’ from Jones?

 I see no source given for Jones’ words (unlike Fetzer’s published letter).

Regarding the content, there are (at least) two glaring problems with Jones’ reply.

First, his most basic assumption on the size of a grand piano is (intentionally) incorrect. Some facts on grand pianos:

      "The Steinway D has the following published dimensions Length : 8' 11-3/4" (274 cm) Width : 61 1/4" (156 cm)"

If Jones had been an honest researcher, he would have used 9’ as the length of the piano. If we recalculate using a real grand piano we find a surface area of 4.29 square meters, some 78% greater than that presented by Jones.

Such misrepresentation is not new to Jones, but this is particularly sloppy. Jones knew what he was doing when he took “Alfons” numbers and he knew they were being used to misrepresent the facts.

The second glaring problem is Jones twisting of the bathtub damage report.

"Roughly 40% of the bathtub's reinforced concrete diaphragm slabs and steel columns are in "pretty good shape," says George J. Tamaro, the   Mueser Rutledge engineer leading the foundation repair team." SO -- the engineers say only about 40% of the bathtub was in pretty good shape, the rest being significantly damaged.”

This last statement by Jones should be in a textbook under “logical fallacy”.

The only information stated was that 40% of the bathtub was in “pretty good shape”. There is no mention of the other 60% and it may well be in perfect shape.

For Jones to state “the rest being significantly damaged” is totally unfounded. Jones is a purveyor of lies and half-truths.

Think for yourself.

My father...

Is my father because he had relations with my mother. That is a fact. He is the father of a 9/11 Truther. That is also a fact. It doesn't mean putting the two facts together means my father had anything to do with 9/11.

I'm not going to argue this. Move on.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

You don't have a source?

Jon, I asked you for the source of Jones' comments (as you gave for Fetzer's published letter), not an argument.

Do you have a source?

I also presented two problems with Jones' comments: misrepresenting the size of a grand piano and lying about the bathtub damage statement.

Did you examine these problems?


Professor Jones...

Sent them to me in an email in the form of Word Documents. I posted them online.

Did you examine these problems?

You may as well ask me to rip my face off.

Let it go.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

I'd like you to provide evidence for

this idea that your "father" is your father because he allegedly "had relations" with the person you believe to be your "mother."

My hypothesis is that she was artificially inseminated by aliens and/or she is herself a shape-shifting alien. Can you prove otherwise? I'd like to see you try.


"Private correspondence" is used all the time as a source.

You're right...

It was the immaculate conception thing...

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

casseia, There you go again -- talking about ET aliens & 9/11

First, we have stallion4, others & you talking about the possibility that ET aliens may have destroyed the WTC towers on 9/11.

Then you come up with a prediction / hypothesis that exotic "plasmoids" destroyed the WTC towers.

Now, you are telling us that one or more of the leaders of the 9/11 Truth Movement, e.g., Jon Gold, may be descended from ET aliens (i.e., you say: "My hypothesis is that [Jon's mother] was artificially inseminated by aliens and/or she is herself a shape-shifting alien.")  Is your hypothesis "falsifiable"?  Can you do double-blind testing & experimentation.  Or have you already done that?

casseia, what will you think of next?  Are you sure that your hypotheses are good for the 9/11 Truth Movement?  Why would anyone in the 9/11 Truth Movement want to do the job of Fox News better than Fox?  Aren't you afraid that someone will tell Alex Jones & Dan Abrahamson?

What you say may be almost as ridiculous as the possibility that more-advanced, Top Secret, already-proven directed energy weaponry might have been used in part on 9/11 to mostly pulverize the WTC towers.  So ridiculous, right!?

(CAUTION: High-temperature, molten, dripping sarcasm is still present in the basement of the 9/11 Truth Movement.)

No not aliens

I said it was my pet purple fire-breathing dragon that destroyed the towers. Not Space Beams or aliens. *sheesh* Get it right.

It's your post Jon and it has problems.

Thank you for providing the source.

As discussed above, the statements made by Jones are intentionally misleading and are the basis of his arguments regarding the piano and the bathtub.

I have pointed out these misrepresentations made by Jones (and posted by you).

You, as the poster of the blog and, in this case, personal courier of the information presented, have an honorable interest in resolving these errors.

I hope that you will. 


"Intentionally misleading"

What possible basis do you have for that statement?

My new rule of thumb: character assassination of Prof. Jones = disinfo, unless/until proven otherwise.

What about "Unproven Character Assasination of Others"?

casseia, I agree with you when you say: "My new rule of thumb: character assassination of Prof. Jones = disinfo, unless/until proven otherwise."

What about "unproven character assasination of others"?  Or is that still okay at 911 Blogger?  If not, then why don't you ever express any disaproval about such "unproven character assasination of others"?


Rule of thumb

Heres mine: anyone that claims to know the solution to "most , if not all of the problems the world faces today" = disinfo , untill proven otherwise.
This rule of thumb is giving red blinking alerts for "Thomas J Mattingly", as you can probably imagine. But im sure he has a "polite and cooperative" way to explain all that in a way that avoids giving actual answers.

Cheap Energy Solves Most World Resource Scarcity Problems

em7, Cheap energy solves most, if not all, of the resource scarcity problems of the world

Cheap energy solves the two most significant problems: the scarce resource extraction problem & the scarce resource distribution problem.

If you are looking for someone to vilify for saying that cheap energy solves many if not most world problems, then plenty of candidates will line up to allow you (encourage you) to do it to them.  And R. Buckminster Fuller will be one of the first in your line.  Please save a place in your line for me.

IF (and I emphasize "IF") a directed energy weapon was used on 9/11, and IF the power source for such directed energy weaponry came from amongst those sources with which I am familiar, then this might be one way to get many if not most of the people of the world to vilify these types of cheap energy sources...  Hmmm...


You know perfectly well that my point was not "cheap energy sources dont solve problems".
Let me quote you, from the SpaceBeams thread. Just a few samples. I could have snipped out dozens of dubious claims more, but it should be enough for a start. As long as you dont even bother referencing your claims, it might be better you forget about even making them in the first place.

Thomas J. Mattingly the Superman:

"My education, background, and experience in physics, chemistry, engineering, medicine, space technologies, electronics, computers, and telecommunications is relatively extensive (and rather eclectic),..."
"I also have a relatively extensive background in high-profile cover-ups -- dating back to the Viet Nam War. "
"I also have decent domestic & international contacts in business, science, intel, foreign policy, military, and politics."
"Variants on what some call "Zero Point Energy" (a deliberate misnomer) have been proven "over unity" electricity in the labs of comapnies that I personally know"
etc etc etc

em7, Thank You for Not Disputing the Solution...

Thank you for not disputing the solution to many if not most of the world's resource scarcity problems.

Although what I say about myself is all true, it is irrelevant to the cheap energy & other solutions to resource scarcity problems that others & I propose.  After all, a couple of bicycle mechanics supposedly invented the airplane about 100 years ago, didn't they?  They are generally known as the Wright Brothers.  See

If you believe in airplanes being invented about 100 years ago, then do you also believe in military directed energy weaponry (about some of which you may not yet know)?  Or is it not in your best interest to believe in such things at this time? 

As Fox News, others & you might say in coordinated unison about directed energy weapons, they're "Space Beams."  And they can't possibly be real, can they?  But see "Directed-Energy Weapon" at

Since I'm also smart enough to know that I may not know everything (LoL), I am open to the possibility that such directed energy weaponry may be more developed & more powerful than I previously knew.  (This still does not mean that directed energy weaponry was necessarily used on 9/11.)

Unless you just want to continue to rant about "Space Beams" (and me), then you too may want to ask some additional questoins of others.  Or maybe not...


"Thank you for not disputing the solution"

hmm, lets see:
1 - You talked about space beams and Tesla weapons and perpetum mobiles as if you had one in your living room.
2 - I didnt quite believe you and accepted your offer to PM you to get more information on it , specially what you personally have been working on
3 - You dont answer my PM, but choose to accuse me of 'not disputing the solution' on this site, and to compare me with Fox news.

You are a liar. And the only reason i still rant about you is because i think the world needs to know. But, at this point, i guess every blogger here with a brain has realised this. Its over. You can leave now.

Btw, that wiki article you link to, is not exactly a good page to 'prove' your point. Did you actually read it? The part about Tesla??

There are no errors. Jones

There are no errors. Jones quotes engineering reports that clearly demonstrate that the bathtub was damaged by the collapse:

"Visual surveys indicate roughly 50% of the seven-level basement structure of the World Trade Center is now rubble as a result of the impact of the collapse of the twin 110-story towers. Outside the tower footprints, the section of greatest concern within the so-called 1,000x 500-ft bathtub is along its south side. There, a 200 x 30-ft hole from 40 to 70 ft deep sits between the tub's perimeter slurry wall and the remains of Two WTC.

As to the size of the hypothetical piano your claim that a slightly larger piano would fall nearly three times as slowly is absurd.

But the real key to all this is that the Space Beam theory is absurd on its face and can't be falsified.

Let's have a look.

"Visual surveys indicate roughly 50% of the seven-level basement structure of the World Trade Center is now rubble as a result of the impact of the collapse of the twin 110-story towers"

Nothing about damage to the bathtub.

"Outside the tower footprints, the section of greatest concern within the so-called 1,000x 500-ft bathtub is along its south side. There, a 200 x 30-ft hole from 40 to 70 ft deep sits between the tub's perimeter slurry wall and the remains of Two WTC."

Again, nothing about damage to the bathtub. It is a cleverly chosen statement (by Jones) intended to create the impression that the bathtub was damaged. The damage spoken of is a "hole" which "sits between the tub's perimeter slurry wall and the remains of Two WTC.".

By first telling you what to look for (damage to the bathtub) he tricks you into to 'seeing' what is not there (in the quotes).

I made no claim regarding any particular speed at which the piano would fall. I did point out the intentional misrepresentation of its size by Jones in order to skew the result.

The available evidence does suggest the possible use of exotic weaponry in combination with more conventional explosives in the destruction of the towers.



You're the one confusing the


All that quote says is that there was a hole in the basement structures WHICH WERE CONTAINED WITHIN the bathtub. The bathtub is more than "40 - 70 feet deep."

So you want to use a larger

So you want to use a larger piano.... this makes no sense for your arguement.... a larger piano would only increase the resistance causing the piano to fall at a slower rate.

As far as thwe logic that they used a space beam to save the "bath tub"? How did they know that this "weapon" would preserve the "bath tub"?

Because of all the other times they used it to destroy buildings in which there was a "bath tub".... yea.... that's right..... remember that one time...ummmmm????

The piano and the bathtub

You say "a larger piano would only increase the resistance causing the piano to fall at a slower rate."

Jones used a (much) smaller piano to produce a faster rate to skew the result. That's the problem.

I am not arguing for or against the importance of the piano 'test' (in fact, I've never heard of it before). I object to his decision to use misleading numbers and his apparent motives for doing so.

I commented on Jones' misstatement of what the observers reported regarding the bathtub. Jones misrepresentation of the statement was intentional and intended to discredit the claim of an intact bathtub.

I did not address the use of exotic weapons. However, I believe the theory on exotic weaponry preserving the bathtub is that it would greatly reduce the mass which fell on the bathtub, thereby helping to preserve it.

Show "Why is Jones afraid to address the Bathtub?" by Anonymous (not verified)

In a controlled demo the

In a controlled demo the debris is all placed into a pile in the basement of the building. no bathtub issues.

500.000 tons

Yes but in the case of the 107 ft. story Towers that means 500,000 tons X 2.

In a conventional demolition.

Where's the "pile in the basement"?

"In a controlled demo the In a controlled demo the debris is all placed into a pile in the basement of the building. no bathtub issues."

Where's the "pile in the basement"?

The basement of WTC2 was just a vacant hole! Where did the material go?

vote this BS down into obscurity where it belongs, please

Surface area is not relevant to drag, cross section is. And so you're the one with the sloppy misrepresentations, not Jones - a man of such patience it's almost unbelievable, to me anyway. I have a much shorter temper...

...and so I'll just say GFY, shill.

Hey Einstein

The surface area being discussed IS the cross section, not the total surface area.

Los Alamos Weapons Developers ... retiring to 9/11 "truth"

HeavyWaterGate: Consultant of Army Future Weaponry Committee linked directly to Tesla Science!

Steven "Los Alamos" Jones/HeavyWaterGate: Cold Fusion Patent Holder
linked to U.S. Army Future Weaponry Committee


Consultant of Army Future Weaponry Committee linked directly to
Tesla Science, but all links are DOWN!!


NORMAN M. HALLER Technical Consultant
works under
ROBERT A. FUHRMAN, chair, Lockheed Corporation (retired), Pebble
Beach, California

part of Air Force Hypersonic Technology Program

Review and Evaluation of the Air Force Hypersonic Technology Program
Publication Year:1998


links down, also at*/

Robert A. Fuhrman, (BSE AA '45) was a prominent leader at Lockheed,
holding a number of key positions before retiring as vice chair and
chief operating officer. Fuhrman, a member of the National Academy of
Engineering, also sat on the President's National Security
Telecommunications Advisory Committee and the Defense Science Board.
Kenneth J. Krieg
Under Secretary of Defense
Kenneth J. Krieg is the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition,
Technology and Logistics. The Senate confirmed him to this position in
June 2005...

...He joined the Department of Defense in July 2001 (!) to serve as
the Executive Secretary of the Senior Executive Council (SEC). ...
...Before moving to industry, Mr. Krieg worked in a number of defense
and foreign policy assignments in Washington, DC, including positions
at the White House, on the National Security Council Staff, and in
Office of the Secretary of Defense.


I don't usually talk on here but this needs to be said: Forget the scholars. It hurts to say all those that say these people were soap opera goons from the start were right it goes. We can hold on, just forget about the "experts" from the "alternative" media.


I agree! Enough! Let's stick to the facts,and work as a team for the truth.
What is this an ego thing? As far as i am concerned we already have more than enough justifable questions that need to be answered than for reaching,and speculations.

Nice to see...

Fetzer was able to let it go.

He also attacked those of us that frequent

Well, science requires more mental discipline than is found on 911blogger.

Science that helps or hurts the movement? Because OBVIOUSLY Fetzer doesn't have the "mental discipline" to distinguish between the two.

Jim Fetzer w/ Steven E. Jones = Somebody
Jim Fetzer w/o Steven E. Jones = Nobody

Move on.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

I think it's a mistake to

I think it's a mistake to antagoize Fetzer by rubbing Steven Jones' popularity in his face. The fact is that anyone can be useful and helpful when he or she uses his or her head and sticks to the facts that appear to be known, but that those who are more interested in saying outlandish and shocking thing than they are in the truth are never helpful.

Fetzer has drifted far off the track of rationality.


It has nothing to do with who's more popular. It has to do with how Jim Fetzer got his start in the 9/11 Truth Movement. By riding the coattails of Jones and Griffin essentially. That's all I'm pointing out. Without Steven E. Jones, Prof. Fetzer would NOT be the "center of attention" that he is today.

Secondly, move on. Nothing to see here.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

what did Fetzer let go of?

Nothing that I can see. He has shown his colors--his career as a truthseeker (if ever that's what he was) is over as far as I'm concerned. From now on it's keep an eye on Fetzer, Wood, and Reynolds to gauge the state of disinfo.

Move on indeed


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


this is sad. Fetzer has done

this is sad. Fetzer has done some great work in the past. his work on JFK and Wellstone is amazing. its so sad to see him sucked in by this Judy Woods crap.

get a name douchebag, then

get a name douchebag, then make cute little comments like that.

This was the plan from jump street, Chris

Bring in credible 9/11 researchers to later discredit them and other 9/11 research by saying SPACE BEAMS brought down the towers!


Is not liked in the JFK community. FYI.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

yes, because some of his

yes, because some of his work directly discredits some of theirs. that would be motivation not to like a guy. FYI.

Is that like...

How "some of his work directly discredits" the 9/11 Truth Movement?

NO WONDER he isn't welcome in the JFK Movement.

If you like Fetzer, and want to keep on defending him, that's your business.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

im not gonna defend Fetzer

im not gonna defend Fetzer on his letters to Jones and his siding with Woods but i can give credit where its due, unlike some. his Wellstone stuff was great, and a good chunk of his JFK stuff was pretty good as well.

Let me put it this way.

Let me put it this way. Fetzer is in the position where he could get an order any time of any day to push the button that will "pull" a building and leave thousands of innocent ppl dead. He would do it or else... That is the organisation he really works for and that is what he really is. Agents give some useful info just to get you on their side!

"Falsehood is never so successful as when she baits her hook with truth and no opinions so fatally mislead us as those that are not wholly wrong." - Charles Caleb Colton

Don't honor the messenger, honor the message!

By the way I am the "douchebag" who still refuses to get a name

You said he has a bad

You said he has a bad reputation in the JFK truth community, and that his main "thing" is that the Zapruder film has been manipulated?

Do you know his argument for the reason, because as I understand it, the Zap film is the smokin gun for a conspiracy.

Try Reading....

....or at least looking over Fetzer's anthology, "The Great Zapruder Film Hoax." as well as "Assassination Science" and "Murder in Dealey Plaza."

The material on the Zapruder Film manipulation is extremely interesting.

And in Fetzer's history in researching JFK's murder, yes there are cases of people baldly lying about the evidence and misrepresenting his position. It should be no surprise to people here familiar with the treatment of 9/11 data and details by "Popular Mechanics" and others.

How does anyone figure the truth about the JFK murder has been blocked?

It's been mixed in with mud, blood, tears, further murders, foul, bold, and bald lies, faked self-righteous anger against questioners, intelligence actors and writers, pay-offs, constant vigilance on the part of the clique who performed it...... and Media control, initiated in the very moment, 16 minutes after the shooting, the Dallas police put out a description of Oswald, without him having been sighted or captured.

The tactics being used against the 9/11 movement were appparently perfected in the supression of the JFK material over 40 years.

I wouldn't write about this as if I knew what I was talking about, mislead others, and trust those who disparage Fetzer on his JFK work, without looking into the matter myself.

Don't take anyone's word for these things without checking the details oneself. We should've learned that already.

Someone stated in this thread that they don't care for science unless it's "good for the movement"!

Has anyone in this hostility fest bothered to check out Fetzer's work in the field of logic, philosophy of science, scientific discourse?

I'm uncertain why people think Fetzer gained his reputation through Jones.

What have been Jones' past publications?

Jones' statement, that the proof that the Tower's falling from something other than what the government's story puts forth resides in his own tests of a sample material for thermate - How is it that good for the movement?

To me, it is not, since it discounts the proof that is already there...staring everyone in the face - which Jones himself details very well in his 35 page paper....which, yes, I did read in its entirety.

It's ironic to me that people who purportedly are pursuing "9/11 Truth" use tactics and display the mind-set of those who are our ememies, and who, in the mainstream society, are trying to supress this material in total.

"People who disparage something, without understanding it, only betray their own ignorance" -Hindu saying.

he indeed is not liked by

he indeed is not liked by the JFK community

At this conference two years ago, Professor James Fetzer declared that a "historical turning point" had been reached: The alteration of the Zapruder film had been proven!

When my colleague here, Hal Verb, had the temerity to disagree, the Professor told him he was "irrational."
When earlier this year, I had the temerity to disagree, I was told by the Professor that " have thereby discredited yourself as a commentator on these matters."

It is Professor Fetzer's practice to ascribe nonsensical views to people and then criticize them for holding them. Likwise here. The Professor ascribes to me the silly idea that "...a view must be true because it is widespread." Then he exposes me as having committed "the fallacy of popular sentiments" for holding such a silly idea.

This isn't argument. It's just silliness!

You may wonder why I've taken the time to attack Professor Fetzer here. It is because he expresses a trend in assassination research which I find odious.

His emphasis on credentials and the cult of expertise (or alleged expertise) is demeaning to the tradition of inquiry we all share as a community. When the final history of this case is written it will be based on the canons of acute historical research. These canons have nothing to do with how many initials you can hang after your name or how often you're called "distinguished."

He called me...

A charleton and a fraud yesterday, and basically said I've contributed nothing to the movement.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."


I was in the middle of questioning his intentions re: the movement, etc...

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

I think he called you a "charlatan"

Charlatan: a person who pretends to more knowledge or skill than he or she possesses


This guy is full of shit

The Zapruder film is shown to have been doctored, by a number of researchers, in elaborate and painstaking detail.

Look at the material yourself. And then get back.

This is absurd.

This is the equivalent of the Popular Mechanics guys saying Kevin Barrett is nuts for claiming free fall of the Tower proves the airplanes didn't cause the collapse.

The evidence on the Zapruder film is completely overwhelming. It's huge. Check it out yourself it you don't think so.

If you think there is a better explanation for the anomolies in it, I'd love to hear them. But anyone who looks at the evidence and then claims otherwise, to me, really is "irrational."

I really have a problem discussng this with people who have no idea of any of the material these arguments are based upon. It's all heresay.

It's become pure ad hominem. And he-said. They said.

How many of us predicted

How many of us predicted this would happen? It was just a matter of time. I side with Dr. Jones and any rational person who understands how this crap, even if true, will get NOTHING done in waking people up.

If the beginning of that video doesn't speak volumes for what is going on right now, I don't know what does. I was wondering why people like Reynolds weren't kicked out of st911, and now surprise surprise...

I think you can drop the bit

I think you can drop the bit about "even if it's true" it's not true. The bathtub/space beam argument is clearly total garbage.

Consider it changed. See,

Consider it changed.

See, the thing I find messed up by Fetzer's argument is that using that kind of logic means we have to consider EVERYTHING, just because we can't disprove it. That's pretty much the argument for God. Not to make religion an issue here, but saying you have to consider something that can't be seen or heard and leaves no trace of evidence is just madness. So yeah...I take back my "even if true", because I was just being polite.

That's it! Fetzer - Ex

That's it! Fetzer - Ex Marine, always gets invited on to shows, problems with debating, now this - this is really saddening me about Jim. I don't want to call it what I think it is. I just want it to go away and end. There will be more difficult times ahead.

Props to Prof. Jones...

Props to Prof. Jones...

Jones all the way.

Jones all the way. Reynolds, Wood and now Fetzer are acting like 6-year-olds.

Show "Steve, will you listen to reason?" by Michelle Jones (not verified)

Judy Wood is the worst thing

Judy Wood is the worst thing to happen to the movement since Nico Haupt. She's either off her rocker or dinsinfo. Judging from her tactics I'd go with the latter. Fetzer has either outed himself as same or needs to take an early retirement. Certainly he is not competent enough to be "leading" anything, let alone S911truth. Let him form a breakway group "nuts for space beams, holograms and smearing legitimate researchers". There's at least twelve other people who believe in these theories. Perhaps they meet at a clubhouse bi-weekly and explore new and innovative ways to derail the truth movement.

I must say that I'm heartened the members of this board are showing such savy. We've learned from the FBI's COINTELPRO scams and we're not gonna fall for it a second time.

Off her rocker and disinfo

are not mutually exclusive categories. In fact, I think they tend to go together in a lot of cases.

Show "I think the problem with" by Robbie Martin
Show "The verdict is in!" by Anonymous (not verified)

The space-beams stuff sounds like it was meant as a follow-up

to the cartoon-planes disinfo. The general public is not going to believe any of this bunk.

The very idea

that the initial attack was posted by Fetzer on main page is totally unprofessional, even if there was drama. This material is not for the public eye. I don't know how I can even recommend the website to anyone after that blunder. No matter who is legit (even if Jones appears to be the sane one at this point), the whole thing hurts everyone. Lets hope this water flows under the bridge quickly, and lets get back to handing out flyers and DVDs.

I haven't been recommending st911...

..for awhile now. Primarily as Stephen Jones had correctly pointed out in his response, the site is nothing but a "clutter" and now with this added uncle fetzer starwar junk...(fool), I would be either crazy or a disinfo shill in my own right if I were to point someone towards st911.

Either way..just like the "no-planers at wtc 1 and 2", fetzer and company will make it a bit more difficult for us to dissiminate our info with clarity, however , at the end of the day it all comes down to basic fricken common sense.

Though I hope the majority of scholars(including Jones) take control andpimp slap the ol' fetzer right out the door.

Show "Jones, sane? Is a Junk Journal full of ad hominems sane?" by Anonymous (not verified)
Show "The grand piano is easily" by u2r2h

"Doesn't it look like the

"Doesn't it look like the THIRD PLANE (Elephant) has a big whatzit underneath?"

The elephant plane is certainly interesting; perhaps there was meant to be third crash. As for "whatzit", you can't possibly determine anything from that distance.

I don't think anyone's suggesting that space weapons should be ignored; what we object to is slandering Jones' research and person and promoting outlandish theories with no evidence to support them.

I'm With

Steven Jones all the way. Fetzer should bow out of the spotlight and stop damaging the 9/11 truth movement so badly, unless of course this is secretly his intent.

I hope Fetzer bows out

I hope Fetzer bows out gracefully, at least from the website management gig. The site is poorly organized, too busy, doesn't hook newbies.

His choice in how to handle this Jones thing is a disappointment- childish. Jones is more balanced & persuasive in his reply.

I was regularly listening to Fetzer's RBN shows, and that Nov 11 show with Woods was just weird, Fetzer was way too excited relative to the highly speculative nature of Woods' spiel, which was out of character for him. He's not telegenic, and often comes off looking/sounding like he's going to pop an artery.

Early on he was way too devoted to the lib/con/divide/conquer paradigm, which was counterproductive to the movement-- however he did since mute that canned spiel about the virtues of liberalism, thankfully.

It's not personal, Fetzer's passion is admirable, but this spat is the last thing 911 Truth needs. If nothing else needs an overhaul. He points to video lectures and interviews of himself near the top- not the most compelling 911 Truth multimedia.

Be da' man Jim, take one for the team, patch this mess up with grace, let someone else run the site, remain active through other means.

This has been posted on

This has been posted on along with another paper now with this lovely gem:

So is there something wrong with even DISCUSSING alternatives that may be controversial? Frankly, EVERYTHING connected with 9/11 falls into that category, so I have found it fascinating that critics of Judy and me who have neither listened to our interview nor viewed the segment of my Monday lecture in Tucson are so willing to trash us in no uncertain terms! Well, science requires more mental discipline than is found on 911blogger. Steve has announced that he is planning to step down as co-chair for many different reasons. He has said that he doesn't like the co-chair arrangement in any case. I am not stepping down as founder of Scholars, which would be an historical impossibility, and I intend to continue to manage our web site. But I am perfectly willing to listen to our steering committee, which has been a source of advice about the direction we take as a society. It is probably true that the steering committee has not been very active in recent times. I can revive it.

Nothing like writing off all those that disagree with you as mentally inept! Sounds like Fetzer's typical logistical reasoning!

pom·pous (pmps) Pronunciation Key Audio pronunciation of "pompous" [P]

1. Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious: pompous officials who enjoy giving orders.
2. Full of high-sounding phrases; bombastic: a pompous proclamation.
3. Chracterized by pomp or stately display; ceremonious: a pompous occasion.

Fetzer is 100% full of shit

This is just disgusting.

"I can revive it." - Jim

"I can revive it."
- Jim Fetzer

I, I, I. All hail Fetzer OUR GLORIOUS LEADER. With Uncle Fetz and Judy by his side we shall take over the world using SPACE BEAMS AND HOLOGRAMS. MWAUAHAHAAAA.

Hey Jim, why not let people vote like Jones recommended? Afraid of a little democracy?

9/11 blogger and mental discipline

"Well, science requires more mental discipline than is found on 911blogger" = Ad hominem

“We're an empire now, and when we act we create our own reality."

Jones says iron glows bright red at 500°

For his "Scientific Method Proof," Jones said iron glows bright red hot at 500°. Huh? Didn't he read his own paper??
Jones said this on camera. Is that why he's chicken to have those videos release? Or was it that he was unable to answer the entire line of questions he was presented? His "handlers" had to stop the questioning because he was about to lose it.

Don't you wonder why they won't re-air that segment? Heck, in the past, 911blogger was really slick about "ripping" a broadcast. So, why not this one? eh? It's really-really incriminating of Jones. I know, I saw it! They'll need another month of editing and even re-shooting it.

Space Rays Qui Bono?

Question is, what's most productive in reaching and waking up newbies and fast?

What are the odds that you or I much less joe six pack are going to be scientifically convinced of exotic space-based directed energy weapons blowing up the towers, merely augmented by thermate cutting charges? May as well try to educate them about nanotech and string theory while they're at it.

The only group who benefits from expending energy towards such a futile "911 space ray public education campaign" with st911's name associated with it, are the perpetrators of 911. O'Reilly & Co can turn off lots more sleeping sheeple at this point in the game with quips about bigfoot and rays from outer space, than we could ever turn on with the notion, even in the unlikely event that these latest space ray theories ultimately prove correct like Galileo. Time is of the essence given how quickly the overtly fascist 911-enabled policy rollouts are taking place, IE keep the space ray noise in the footnote section with the hologram notions for the specialized geeks to debate if they must, and off the front page of 911 Truth, where the MSM is now going to try to cement their new cointelpro straw man toy.

transparent bs by steve "los alamos" jones

Jones is a hypocrite and charlatan. Did Salter's outrageous "plane theory" paper conduct or even suggest a falsifiable experiment, as Jones asserts is the "only" way to do science? No, of course not, yet Jones rushed it to "print" regardless.

Jones'is not free to narrowly redefine "science" at his own whim -- much less only at his convenience.

Note also Jones bitches and moans at Fetzer about things others have said about him while at the same time he himself appears on the dais with Jim Hoffman, who has been attacking Scholars & Fetzer for months!

Of course, Fetzer doesn't bring this up and sticks rather to the scientific principles involved -- Fetzer is behaving more the scholar, Los Alamos Jones the chickenshit gossiping schoolgirl.

Yep. Jones was hired to keep the truth from being seen.

Yep. Jones was hired to keep the truth from being seen.
Why else would Jones be exhibiting such divisive and childish behavior?
If the Wood-Reynolds dissertation is so wacky, why is Jones resorting to ad hominem attacks?
Why can't Jones use science? It's like he doesn't even know what science is.
Why has the Wood-Reynolds piece caused such a stir if it weren't significant ground-breaking research?

Jones seems threatened by the truth! Perhaps only NOW is his job in jeopardy.


You are an idiot or disinfo.

Jones has not attacked anyone at all.

Reynolds & Wood are obviously plants and Fetzer I have no idea what the hell.

But what is clearly happening here is a set up.

I guarantee that Reynolds-Woods & Fetzer all 3 will be on all the Mainstream media spewing this utter BS in the next few months.

This is an old ploy that unfortunately works everytime, Unless we TAKE BACK the MSM then game over.

"Idiot" and "disinfo"

Also not mutually exclusive categories.

Jones: 1. There is a sense


1. There is a sense that the web page reflects the views of Jim
Fetzer but not a majority view. We have seen email along these
lines. It has been strongly suggested that there be an editorial board
to review the web-page content, and I think this suggestion has


Well, let's get specific. Pursue (a) through (e). There are
scientists who find some kind of mini-nuke possibility plausible,
even if you do not. And I know some members still worry that the
Pentagon is going to produce a new video of a Boeing 757 coming
toward the building, when they have already provided one showing
that, whatever hit the Pentagon, it was not a 757. I hope that
the concerns behind this exchange are more substantial than that

Reading between the lines it sounds like Jones is saying that at least some number of the group don't want to be associated with some of the things on the site. I guess the organization's website is just for Fetzer and not for the organization. Obviously he could care less for anyone else's opinion. What an ego.

Jim Fetzer

Hm, what a disappointment.
Untill recently, i was thinking st911 stands for the sort of 911 research that got me interested in the first place. That is, research based on logical reasoning. It was through the work of Steven Jones and Jim Hoffman that i started to realize that 911 scepticism and alternative theories are not solely based on speculation, but , some of it actually has very much a 'base' in real life. Some of it could actually get somewhere, cause, as i said, it is based on logical reasoning. Im not gonna use the word evidence, but, i hope you get my view...
Now, reading this letter by Jim Fetzer, i get the impression that he is not able to make a distinction between pure speculation and logic (unlike Steven Jones, whose letter i can totally follow and understand). Jim Fetzer, can you not see the huge 'jumps' in the Beam Weapon theory, from an "idea" to conclusions...
And this 'science is not a popularity contest' argument starts to make me sick. It really does.
The general 'tone' of the letter also gives me the impression we are once again dealing with an ego thing here, to a certain degree. Very sad.
Maybe Jones should team up with Hoffman and forget about Fetzers st911. Seems the only way to me.

sorry to be so harsh but...

wow, Fetzer is offically a retard. He got tricked by energy beam weapons? Jesus christ the scholars were doomed from the very beginning with this guy at the helm. im very very sad right now. Obviosuly this explains why he let morgan reynolds and judy wood ambush Jones on the radio 2 months ago about the color of aluminum. Jim fetzer does not speak for me or anybody i know in the movement, we have always and will always think he is an embarassment to our cause.

Why are demolition theories even necessary in the first place?

Perhaps the most important issue to consider is the general public's perception of the theories being presented. Even if there is validity to an argument of laser beams being used, why would it be a good idea to communicate that? The public is already balking at the idea of a controlled demolition, and it isn't a good idea to start introducing ideas that sound even more far-fetched.

Demolition theories are unnecessary to prove complicity in the first place, so why is the truth movement devoting so much energy to them at the expense of the mountains of obvious bread-and-butter proof, such as insider trading, prior warnings, money trails, blocked investigations, stated intentions, testimony by key individuals, drills, prior examples of government sponsored terrorism, ect.. ?

I agree completely.

I agree completely.

because most people who died on 9/11 died of CD

and most who die after it will have died of... CD.

and the biggest single profits from the events of 9/11 were a result of... CD

the demolition of the world trade center is literally and figuratively the smoking gun that matters the most. it is the scene of the crime. it is where all those things you mentioned converged that morning. it is the images of the towers being destroyed that were seared in people's minds alongside bin Laden's face.

we will have succeeded when it is the face of Silverstein, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al that are thus emblazoned with the clouds of death emanating from ground zero.

And finally, you can call them "theories of demolition" if you like, but there is no question that those were demolitions, and until that fact is understood as a fact and not as a theory, our work is not done.


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


First off all we are not

First off all we are not detectives investigating a crime scene, we're people who are trying to get attention and popular support for an idea. As such we should use our best evidence, our best arguments, and stick to what we know. What Fetzer and company are proving is how easy it is to make the CD hypothesis look crazy.

I also love how you put Silverstein's name before Bush or Cheney. Are you really asking me to believe that Silverstein was more culpable than Cheney? Do you have any evidence that Silverstein was in any way complicit? His "pull it" statement demonstrates that he was involved with the decision to destroy the WTC 7 by CD, but that hardly demonstrates that he was involved in the murder of 3000 people seven hours earlier.

Finally, only by focusing on the most solid evidence can we hope to create the political will for the kind of investigation that actually will resolve the questions.

Before you guys get into it again,

I would like to point out that you both agree that we are "trying to get attention and popular support for an idea." The disagreement is about the best strategy to accomplish this, and you two are not likely to agree anytime soon on what the "most solid evidence" actually is. Really. From what I have read, neither of you is going to persuade the other at this point in time, any more than I am likely to persuade Andrew Lowe Watson that beam weapons are a waste of mental energy. I'm sure this is not news to you, but it should definitely influence your decision about whether to plunge back into a major argument.

So what is the role of this

So what is the role of this site? To convince newcomers of "the idea" or to exchange information and views with ppl devoted to the cause and then argue(="give reasons or cite evidence in support of something"). If the argument is "major", it might be worth and even necessary to plunge in to I think.

No, that IS the role of this site.

On occasion, though, a couple of reasonable, intelligent posters will hit an impasse and develop a sort of reflexive need to carry on with an argument that neither is going to win. This argument has been "plunged into" a LOT in the last week, and at a certain point, without taking a break, it becomes more destructive than constructive, at least for a period of time. This is obviously my opinion, and it's a free country and a free 911blogger, yadda yadda, and both of these guys are grown-ups, etc. etc. Just my meta-discourse two cents.

I hear you but don't you

I hear you but don't you think that problem could be solved by changing the site a bit? For example: if some ppl have the "reflexive need to carry on" about one subject wouldn't it be handy to have a section of the site devoted to that subject and let the reasonable and intelligent posters plunge into it as much as they like without disturbing others? Just a thought.

They're not disturbing me.

It's not a question of being disturbed by them.

You've been making "one last post" all week long

But thanks for the comparison to the Holy Inquisition - that was truly indispensible.

Spacebeamers everywhere are no doubt eternally indebted to your relentless courage in standing up for their rights.

Did you know...

Andrew Lowe Watson composed the music for Improbable Collapse?

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."


I read that somewhere.

Casseia is right

It is abundantly clear to anyone who has been paying attention that misterguy and I (and a few others) disagree pretty profoundly on what the most important aspects of the entire 9/11 case are. I for one am confident in my approach and that is because I spend much more of my time interacting with people on the street than I do online.

It is enough to say that we seem to disagree on where the truth will lead us--and I can't imagine that anyone on this site, save Ernie (or was it Bert?) would disagree with the statement that we need a vigorous new investigation into every apsect and player involved in the events of 9/11. Or that we all want the whole truth to come out. Whether or not this is truly the case, no one participating in this forum can claim otherwise.

Most important of all is that our discussions serve to not just help us spread the desire for and understanding of the importance of the truth, but also to help everyone who reads the forum to come to their own conclusions about where the truth does lie. For that reason we must all in good faith and with as much restraint as possible make our best case for what we believe. Admittedly, many of us are too easily provoked into needlessly combative arguments. I plead guilty to that, all the way. I am human. I get offended sometimes, and sometimes enjoy a little too much striking back when I perceive a slight.

That said, those of us who are in this movement heart and soul have become, like it or not, fighters. We suffer like any other soldiers from the stresses of conflict, and while our fight is nonviolent, it challenges our spirit and we do our best to keep fighting against extreme odds and with no promise of reinforcements, all the while maintaining a degree of positivity and good will that represents the real reasons we joined this thankless struggle in the first place.

Nothing this important is going to be easy or fun. This is as serious as life gets and every now and then we rely on people like Casseia to help us regain our focus--that is what it means to be a community and a team. A lot of us will never agree on some things, and that is something we have to accept. Some of us will make mistakes, and sometimes we will have no choice but to have it out with someone else. None of thiscomes close to being as big as what we are a part of. Some of us may not even live to see the fruits of our struggle--maybe none of us in fact--we have to be willing to accept that win or lose in our lifetimes, we have to create something lasting.

Very few things will appear perfect in their infancy. While we tend to the garden of truth we must also sow seeds for future gardeners, store water for dry spells, and most of all keep each other sane, strong, and effective in our labor.

Onward truthers! We have our reward--it's knowing that we're fighting the good fight. Don't let's sweat the details too much. :)


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


"We rely on people...

like Casseia to help us regain our focus"

... unless it happens to be the weekend during which casseia is single-mindedly tormenting an anonymous troll because she thinks he's John Albanese.

We all need to be pulled back from the brink from time to time, IMO.

I have a one word response

I have a one word response to this florid little lecture of yours:


gilded: based on pretense; deceptively pleasing; "the gilded and perfumed but inwardly rotten nobility"; "meretricious praise"; "a meretricious argument"

you are an inspiration

and a credit to the movement misterguy. your command of language, your incisive wit, your formidable intellect--what truther would not be humbled and honored to stand by your side. by your efforts we will strike at the roots of the weeds of deception! Grab your thesauri, everyone, and follow this man to the promised land!!


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


Looks good

Either Jones wins and the Scholars become substantially more reasonable, or Fetzer wins and takes them out onto the fringe, where everybody ignores them. Both of those options would represent progress.

Show "Well, did we ascertain if" by brianv

maybe because the "no plane

maybe because the "no plane crowd" has done nothing but swipe at a clue bud , it helps

You're phony.

You're phony.


Judy Wood = mechanical engineer
Morgan Reynolds = economist

Lasers and beam weapons are the realm of *physicists*.

These two people are UNQUALIFIED to write this goofy article.

Judy Wood is Poison

Stay as far away from her as possible.
That woman is not right.

I'll make it real simple-like

In 1952 a man named Gene Pope purchased a newspaper called the New York Enquirer.

"Pope acquired the New York Enquirer in 1952 for $75,000. The Enquirer purchase was supposedly made, in part, with a loan from New York crime boss, Frank Costello. In 1954, Pope revamped the format from a broadsheet to a tabloid, and renamed it The National Enquirer. Pope worked tirelessly throughout the 1950s and 1960s to increase the circulation of the Enquirer."

Prior to this time, his biography states:

"At age 59, Pope worked as an intelligence officer for the CIA.

His speciality was "psy-ops" or information warfare.

He "quit" before he bought the newspaper. Not.

Why in the world would the CIA want to produce tabloids?

You know the answer. Because if you publish an article about CIA drug smuggling betwixt "Bat boy found in cave" and "bush family are shape-shifting lizards" and "holograms hit the WTC" and "Space beams used to bring down towers" you can smear by association. It's called bracketing. You can paint legitimate research on black ops and parapolitics as universally nutty, low-brow entertainment for old women with blue hair and porcelain gnomes in their gardens.

Try an experiment: call up a family member and explain to them that space weapons destroyed the towers. Better yet, try it on a man on the street.

Then try a different experiment: tell someone that there were war games on 911 simulating roughly the same scenario as the actual attacks, and give them the articles from the main stream press detailing exactly this.

Which tactic is more effective? The beauty of the second scenario is that there is actually evidence to support it.

Why on earth would a "scholar" with above-room temperature IQ, supposedly interested in spreading the message of 911 truth react with excitement, nay, unabashed glee -- at this utterly proposterous (as if designed for maximum wack effect), completely unsupported theory which can only hurt his efforts? Let's say there was actually some evidence to support it. Shouldn't he at least tread with extreme caution? Instead of leaping on the space beam bandwagon and slandering the vigorous research of Jones? - The man who has produced the most rock solid evidence yet of controlled demolition? - Not including the laws of gravity?

Perhaps Fetzer was trying to be inclusive and doesn't know any better; now that his ego's hurt he's digging in and pouting like a small child. But something about his attack on Jones doesn't smell right. And Judy, well, as said, she's either a nut, disinfo or both.

Stick a fork in fetzer. He's done.

Bravo, Danse--a truly excellent post.


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


Fetzer is pulling a Jack

Fetzer is pulling a Jack White (JFK)

Jim Fetzer Explains How the

Jim Fetzer Explains How the WTC was Demolished on 9/11. This is crap. People look at this stuff, and they think they are nuts. I think Fetzer's a nut.


sheeeshh! thats probably the worst WTC demolition talk ive seen , ever. If i had no idea about the case and would watch this, i would not have to think twice: it would look like Fox is right, and the 911 truth movement indeed is a bunch of crazy nuts, specially given this is one of their leaders.
Theres so many flaws in there, its terible. The piano thing, o.m.g.! Also, that stupid 'phrase repeating' he does as in 'steel to dust..' , is, i.m.o., crap. The only thing this does to me is give me the impression the speaker wants to brainwash me.

Exactly what it was designed to do...

"Fool's gold exists because there is real gold." -13th century Persian poet Rumi

the speaker wants to brainwash me.

"Flash -- Here's a bulletin from CBS News ... three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade today in downtown Dallas." Correspondent Dan Rather reported the story from "the corner window just below the top floor, where the assassin stuck out his 30 caliber rifle." after seeing the Zapruder film(the only Reporter allowed)"At that moment, when the president had his right hand up to the side of is face, he lurched just a bit forward," Rather reported..... he lurched just a bit forward,.... he lurched just a bit forward,.... he lurched just a bit forward,....

the part they didn't repeat.... "It was obvious that the first shot had hit him."

Fetzer needs to be shown the door

in no uncertain terms. This guy can not be allowed to continue representing himself as a leader of this movement on FOX and elsewhere.

I agree

Unfortunately, though, he will be allowed to continue representing himself as a leader of this movement on FOX and elsewhere.

couldnt agree with you more,

couldnt agree with you more, i hope to god alex jones abandons fetzer and FAST. Jones in the shadows kind of dumped morgan reynolds, notice how he never mentions him anymore? I wouldnt be surprised if he was removed from the newest cut of terrorstorm.

even if Fetzer isnt a disinfo agent, he's sure acting like one.

He's dividing and conquering the 911 truth movement with his extremely large ego.

We cannot let this continue and should try to avoid at all costs any association Fetzer with intelligent researchers in the movement (jones). Jones should remove himself from st911 immediately, if this is what its become.

Fetzer has a show on GCN right now

The Dynamic Duo with James Fetzer and Kevin Barrett
Starts Monday 11-20-06 3pm to 5pm Central Time

His first show's today according to his "Scholars" website. Starts in about 20 minutes:

Click on "Network 2" to listen.

Here's the Live Call-in number:


Tell Fetz how you feel about him.

I've been encouraging people to write and call GCN's Ted Anderson to tell him exactly how they feel about Fetzer joining the Network, and so far it still looks like he still has a show there.

Ted Anderson
1- 877-996-4327 / Ext.101

It must also master all the

It must also master all the forces that are formed from the very constitution of an organized multiplicity; it must neutralize the effects of counter-power that spring from them and which form a resistance to the power that wishes to dominate it: agitations, revolts, spontaneous organizations, coalitions - anything that may establish horizontal conjunctions. Hence the fact that the disciplines use procedures of partitioning and verticality, that they introduce, between the different elements at the same level, as solid separations as possible, that they define compact hierarchical networks, in short, that they oppose to the intrinsic, adverse force of multiplicity the technique of the continuous, individualizing pyramid.

- Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish

Ok, so he's going to spend

Ok, so he's going to spend all this time talking about JFK. What a cop out. People, call the show and talk about his BS space beams. I don't care if it's off topic. Make the guy talk about it.

Yes! Make Fetzer explain himself

At best, Fetzer is an egomanical conspiracy monger with no intellectual filter.

He should defend his theory if he intends to sink Scholars for 911 truth with him. People ought to call in and flood his show.

False Flag News

I was on last night, and supposedly, D. L. is going to mention this blog tonight.

You can listen to last night's show here.

I'm on at 33:00, but the whole show is good.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

What was it...

That Daniel said last night about this event that had "truthers" backing up "debunkers" ridiculing this ridiculous theory?

Click Here

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

I think...

A lot of energy is being directed at Fetzer right now. Energy that could be used for other things. I'm just not going to follow him anymore, and move on. Please try and do the same.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

jon i agree with you on that

jon i agree with you on that point, however i think that since he does have now 2 radio call in shows we should take advantage of that to call him out on his space beam theories and support for no plane psychopaths. I mean i do think our efforts would be better routed into other avenues of activism, but i think it's about time we all realize fetzer is a joke.

It's just...

I see a lot of people putting a lot of energy into this, and it doesn't deserve it. Not in my opinion anyway. I wish I would see this energy directed elsewhere, to better, and more productive things. That's all.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Show "Exposing ppl who want to" by Anonymous (not verified)

He has

Been exposed as someone who thinks that promoting theories the mainstream media would use against us in a HEARTBEAT is important. As someone promoting these theories without giving a care in the world to the movement's credibility, or its' cause. Both go hand in hand.

What more is there to expose?

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

When's the bitch next on FOX

When's the bitch next on FOX news is what I want to know. If it's got to be a representative from the scholars why not Dr Jones? And I don't know how Kevin Barrett must be feeling now but he was pretty much down with Fetzer, and honestly I'd say to I don't think Barrett is disinfo for a second. Does anyone know his stance on this shit?

It was disturbing to tune into Fezter's show today

and hear that it is being co-hosted by Kevin Barrett and that the show is called the Dynamic Duo. I hope Barrett is paying attention.

Now that Barret seems to be

Now that Barret seems to be part of it too don't you think we need to rethink what, who and how we promote to newcomers? How will we deal with this on the streets? Maybe simply stop promoting ppl and only facts but still, I think ppl need a real person to look up to (I know that sounds terrible but I speak for myself). I don't understand how you can just hit the streets now as if nothing is happening. It's all falling apart Jon. I used to support Fetzer now I feel I've made an ass of the movement and myself!! We should make flyers and documentaries about agents too I think. Someone like Fetzer is not stupid so that means he is not just "someone promoting these theories without giving a care in the world to the movement's credibility, or its' cause". He is a criminal! How do we explain this on the street Jon?


Who do you think you're fooling?

And who are you in this

And who are you in this Masquerade Party?

bugger off

Get a name - that way your statements can be accounted for.

Once you have a recongnizable identity I'd be more than happy to chat.

Please do not engage in intellectual cannibalism

When ego's and personalities interfere with the educational process, take refuge in the facts, which are beyond corruption.

Refrain from name-calling, take the high road, stick to the truth, just keep asking the questions that need to be answered, there are literally thousands of these questions.

The truth is on our side and more are seeing the truth of 9/11 every day.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Be well.

Fetzer's officially a

Fetzer's officially a f*cktard now, it's disappointing but some people have been saying this for a long time now, especially Jim Hoffman. It does explain a lot, like why WINGTV is on etc. Jon's right though there's no point wasting time on the disinfo assclowns, that's one of their key objectives besides making us look crazy. In the meantime though when's Albanese's film out LOL?

Gentlemen, please don't fight

I agree with Dr. Jones. I think that anybody who wants to put forth a new theory should be able to present full support and calculations for his theory. If that is not the case then we would be distracted from Dr. Jones' solid scientific work to another unsubstantiated "conspiracy theory" similar to the Official "conspiracy theory" that Dr. Jones, among others, has successfully proven to be in error.

It's not like there isn't time for Mr Fetzer to "dot the i's and cross the t's" on his new theory. If it is the truth you will be able to do that. The truth movement does not need internal squabbles to get to the truth.

I would like to remind Mr. Feltzer that the "bath tub" was weakend. It is in one of the many videos that I have seen. I just don't recall which one, Sorry about that. I recall a person working on the retainer wall saying that the wall had moved and if something wasn't done the Hudson River would end up flooding the entire ground zero.

The One I heard

On the show I saw the person interviewed said they were all surprised the thing didn't break, and couldn't figure it out.

Surprised and Happy.

I can't remember the name of that one either.

The Scientific Method

You said, "I think that anybody who wants to put forth a new theory should be able to present full support and calculations for his theory. "

Well, where are Jones' calculations to support his claim? Where is his proof of concept showing that thermite can pulverize a building? Can he name even one skyscraper in history that was brought down with controlled demolition using thermite? He really needs to substantiate this wild hypothesis he has.

Jones needs to run an experiment and demonstrate to us that a building can be brought down by controlled demolition using thermite, with the remote-control detonation system he has hypothesized, while showing that more than 80% of the building's mass is vaporized or turned to dust.

Let's apply "the Scientific Method" when we look at the work of Steven Jones. Has he tested his hypothesis?

Honest Reply!

I am new to 9-11B Ii joined because i would like to say this. I started high school after turning 14, when i took my first foray into "machine shop".
20+ yrs. later, i've seen alot of metal!
Steel , Aluminum, Titanium, Copper ,Brass, Etc...

It makes me remember doing a conductivity test in grade 7, of which metals are better conductors of heat than others. Some of the rods sagged at the ends, but the Steel holder responsible for conducting the heat from the burner, never melted!

Maybe i'll put it in my microwave oven, and see which has to be returned for service?



Science. Not ad hominem. Transparency. Not obfuscation. Logical analysis. Not name calling, promotion of unsubstantiated theory, denial of empirical data.

Jim Fetzer, Judy and Morgan all fail the tests. Many disinfo folks sneaking into this forum fail the test. Jim is his own worst enemy. Judy and Morgan are simply, IMO, ... well, and deeply-implanted disinfo. The goal was most likely always was to discredit and destroy the truth movement from within.

That is why it is so important to focus on the failures, lies and obfuscations extant in the official conspiracy theory. That is all you have to do.


"There are none so hoplessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free" (Goethe)..... a paraphrase from V: Cast aside the illusions. Only when you are finally hopeless can you truly be free.

Yes! Let's stick to the SCIENCE

So, I guess that eliminates Jones. His divisive attacks on Jim Fetzer, Judy Wood, and Morgan Reynolds are based on dishonesty and incompetence, at best. He claims to be a physics expert, yet it's easily shown that the answers he calculated (and said he had two friends check) is physically impossible.

So, why does he provide information that can be so easily disproved by anyone who's taken high school physics? Is Jones unable to make these calculations or is he simply trying to support the official story? In addition, those weren't even Judy Wood's calculations that Steven Jones was attacking with his bogus "analysis."

Yes, let's have a Logical analysis.

I've decided...

To delete any and all references to Jim Fetzer from my site.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."


Republic: 5-person committee of elected members serves as a board (1-year stints) and does the sorting/approval work for st911 web site. 60.0%

Democracy: all st911 members can vote via this Forum regarding articles etc. for the st911 web site. 32.0%

Retain the status quo, with Jim Fetzer in sole control of the web site. 8.0%

False Flag News...

Mentioned this blog on Wednesday.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

excellent show

Best one on RBN.

Steven Jones owes Judy Wood a public apology!

On grand pianos and terminal velocities

by James H. Fetzer with Judy Wood and Anonymous Scholar

22 November 2006

Steve reports here that a "poll" taken on the Scholar's forum showed 60% favored a web site run by a 5-person committee, 32% favored voting on what appears by all members, and 8% favored the current arrangement, where I manage the site with advice from the steering committee. This result might be a bit more impressive if he had observed that only 25 out of some 400 members of the society cast votes, each weighing in at 4%.

Posting by a committee is guaranteed to produce mediocre and uninteresting posts. Only the most widely accepted views are going to be represented. Votes by the whole society would be absurd. It would take forever to secure a quorum, for example, and most of those that eventually appear would be out of date by the time they were put up on the web site. Based upon my experience, the ideas under consideration have little merit.

Steve does not mention that I advanced a proposal to resolve tensions within the society just yesterday, which, I suggest, are more deserving of being taken seriously. They are these:

. . . . . . .


Here are my proposals, which I invite all of you to consider:

(1) Steve and Kevin will strengthen the editorial board of the society's journal by adding up to a dozen highly-qualified hard science types, possibly drawn from the membership of SPINE;

(2) The editors will be more even-handed in processing papers that represent non-standard points of view, where there is some evidence of partiality to positions preferred by the editors;

(3) The web site will be overhauled to clearly demarcated be- tween proof that the official account is wrong and attempts to explain how it was done, which is overwhelmingly more difficult;

(4) The founder will make an effort to emphasize problems with the official account and be very careful in his discussions of the state of research to not create false impressions thereof.

(5) All parties will cease and desist from attacks upon each other, where objective discussion of the merits of different theories about the case should be done in a respectful manner.

We need resources to overhaul the web site, which may require some time and effort. Suggestions are welcome. Perhaps we can recruit professionals who will assist us in doing this. I will be glad to undertake the supervision of the project with advice from a new set of co-chairs or the steering committee. Perhaps this list would be willing to serve as that committee.


P.S. Steve and I have been invited to appear together at The
National Press Club on Wednesday, 10 January 2007. I
suggest we both accept the invitation and do our thing.

. . . . . . .

I have accepted the invitation to speak at The National Press Club, and I hope that Steve will as well. We could focus on what happened to the World Trade Center and discuss some of our differences in point of view. For example, after studying Judy's work, I am convinced that the problem we confront in explaining what happened is vastly greater than just what happened to WTC-1 and WTC-2, even if we toss in WTC-7! That still leaves out WTC-3, WTC-4, WTC-5, and WTC-6! Take a look at Judy's photographs and diagrams. It will blow you away!

Moreover, thermate increasingly appears to be an inadequate cause of the devastation of the complete World Trade Center. EVEN IF IT WERE GOOD AS GOLD REGARDING WTC-1 AND WTC-2, we would still be left with a monumental task in explaining the devastation to WTC-3, WTC-4, WTC-5, and WTC-6, which, to the best of my knowledge, Steven Jones has never addressed. His evidence of the use of thermate also seems to be undermined by the discovery that thermate appears to have been used to bring down what little remained after the towers went "poof"! But if that is the case, then its presence is explainable on grounds other than its use to destroy the Twin Towers and it too, as a framework for explaining the evidence, goes "poof"!

Now it is certainly true that I used the figure of 30 seconds to characterize the time of free fall for a piano from atop a 110 story building. Steve has made a great to-do over this, posting his own calculations that the correct time for such an event should have been 11 seconds! (I was actually citing HIS OWN NUMBER in this response!) Judy Wood, however, has discovered that Steve made a mistake in his calculations and the correct time, given his assumptions, should have been 12.54 seconds. That is fascinating, because Judy had told me a long time ago that her best guess ABSENT CALCULATIONS would be between 12 and 13 seconds, which is exactly right on the basis of Steve's assumptions!

Moreover, Steve biased his argument by using a "baby grand" of abnormal weight rather than a Steinway. This is rather troubling. We usually argue on the basis of premises that are fair to both sides. Even when he "loaded the piano", however, HE STILL GOT IT WRONG! Indeed, given the variables that are involved, if we consider a 500 pound piano with its lid flapping open, it could have taken as long as 30 seconds! So even though I used a figure a friend of Judy had offered, as she had told me at the time, it is correct to say that a piano in free fall could take as long as 30 seconds to make the fall from the top of a 110 story building to the ground!

The benefits of mathematics in argument are thereby again displayed. This demonstrates that even experts in a field such as physics can get things wrong. Steve has put a lot of eggs in this basket, which turns out to have been built on a blunder. (I offer Judy Wood's calculations below and Anonymous Scholar's display of the argument. They do good work.) Why Steve should be persisting in all of this after I have offered a proposal for resolution is a question that ought to be directed to him at I understand that a new web page design is being proposed by an expert in that field, which I look forward to reviewing. Perhaps all of this will have a happy ending, after all!





I went through the piano calculations, inside and out. I think I figured out how that bogus number was calculated, but it's easier to show that his values are physically impossible.

Steven Jones has committed a blunder, "big time"!

* If he checked these calculations, he's responsible for them!
(I never said I checked the ones my friend gave me.)

I will use these numbers instead of the ones posted on 911blogger.

These values are less embarrassing to Jones.



1. You start out with the grand piano falling in over 30 seconds, from the height of a Tower. This is wrong. I teach the physics of air drag forces and concomitant terminal velocity -- and the terminal velocity depends very much on the mass (or weight/g) of the object.

Ask Judy to provide her calculation in writing, showing the area she has assumed and the mass, the density of air and the terminal velocity she calculates. Then let me or an independent physicist if you wish check this for you.

Consider a small parachute the size/area of a grand piano, with a man on it. He would fall quite fast. Now replace his mass with that of a grand piano (but in a ball of say lead). Surely you have enough horse-sense to see that the latter case will fall MUCH faster. And that's what the equations say also. A parachute the size of a grand piano acting on a large mass just doesn't slow it much. But let her show her calculations!!
Added: As Alfons showed on the Forum, the terminal velocity can be calculated with the help of a NASA web-site: . Alfons used a Yamaha grand piano, o Length: 161cm (5'3") o Width: 149cm - o Height: 101cm o Weight: 628 pounds (m = 285kg) The drag coefficient depends on the attitude of the piano to the velocity vector as it falls; we take a maximum-drag orientation and therefore take a large drag coeff;

Mass = 285 kg
Cross Section = 2.3989 sq. meters
Drag Coefficient = 1.28 (Flat Object CD = 1.28
Altitude = 417 meters = 1368 ft
Terminal Velocity = 40 m per second
Then the total fall time is 11 seconds (+or-). Which is just about the time the Towers took to collapse! Your example in your Tucson talk backfires on you... gives ammo to those who would debunk everything you say.

Jim, ask Judy to give you the equations, her calculations -- with numbers. And lets check her work.


1. Jones said the values were for a Yamaha grand piano. This is dishonest. They are not. The values he presented are for a heavy baby grand piano, not a grand piano (see listing of Yamaha baby grand, item #6 on list:

2. I entered the measurements and data he gave -- using the internet gizmo to calculate it. The time it gave was 12.54 seconds, not 11 seconds. (His version on 911blogger shows 10.5 seconds.)

3. Here is a simple proof to clearly illustrate he is wrong.


Jones gives Terminal Velocity = 40 m per second

Lets say you drop a billiard ball in a vacuum, no air resistance, so that it can rush up to speed as fast as possible. Then, when it reaches the speed of terminal velocity, it remains that speed from thereafter.

The time it takes to get up to terminal speed:
v = g*t, solving for t, t = 4.0775 sec.

In that time, how much distance was covered, getting up to speed?
Use x = (g/2)*t*t, solving for x, x = 81.549 m

What distance remains of the entire building height, which will be at constant speed of terminal velocity?
Building height - distance getting up to speed = 417 - 81.549 = 335.45 m.

How long does it take to cover that distance at a constant speed?

Use x = vt, solving for t, t = 8.3862

What is the total time?

4.0775 + 8.3862 = 12.46374 seconds.

12.46374 seconds > 11 seconds (+or-)

Or, is Jones going to play games, saying the (+or-) covers any error he has?

Note: The time I calculated is conservative, in that I assumed a fall through vacuum for the first part. In reality it would take the object longer to get to terminal velocity due to air resistance. But hey, even then he's real wrong! It's impossible for an object dropped from the height of WTC1 to reach the ground in 11 seconds if it has a terminal velocity of 40 m/s.



SJ: "I teach the physics of air drag forces and concomitant terminal velocity..."

JW: One might remark, It's no wonder they took him out of the classroom!

SJ: "It really concerns me that you are being so easily led by the nose my friend by these ideas of Judy's or whoever. Ask for numbers, calculations. Insist on these so you can do some checking before you go telling people that a grand piano takes 21 seconds over the time of the tower's fall. What a bunch of obvious garbage, Jim. You're going to be laughed at by anyone who knows how to calculate terminal velocity, which is mass-dependent!"

JW: I believe Jones said he checked these numbers and he had two of his forum friends (Frank Legge and Alfohs) check them, too.

This makes them all look silly. I never said I had checked those numbers. I was only relaying what someone else said. By the way, it is possible to have a grand piano take 30 seconds to drop. You may need to lower the weight to 500 pounds and flop the lid open to increase drag. So it's physically possible! In contrast, Jones' calculations are physically impossible.

Judy Wood, Ph.D.



I agree!

I agree! Steven Jones owes Judy Wood a public apology!

Steven Jones also owes this movement an apology for his divisive posts about the piano, his ad hominem attacks on REAL researchers, and for distracting us away from our search for the truth.

Heck, you should know that CIA OPs don't appologize!

Heck, you should know that CIA OPs don't appologize for doing their job!

Steven Jones' ad hominem attacks on other researchers

Steven Jones' ad hominem attacks on other researchers discredits him. He doesn't understand how to make these calculations yet attacks others.

Sheesh! Jones can't address the technical merit of the work so he resorts to ad hominem attacks and posts dishonest information.

Instead of using divisive postings and ad hominem attacks on others, why doesn't Jones do HIS OWN RESEARCH? How long has he been promising to prove that the buildings "fell down" due to arson, using thermite?

What's the hold up? What kind of game is he playing?

Steven Jones demonstrates how to lose credibility

Watch his waffling and dissembling over the alleged "peer reviewed" publication of his "findings".....

The whole "thermate" deal is a set-up.
Of course there's residue of conventional explosives at the WTC site.
Becaues that's what was used AFTER THE FACT, to complete the clean-up and haul-away what was left after 9/11.

Which will make it easier for other government certified "experts" to discredit the "thermate did 9/11 argument".
It's been deliberately set up to fail that way.

If Jones had any intellectuall integrity at all, he would be pointing to the VIDEO EVIDENCE OF DESTRUCTION AND SPONTANEOUS COLLAPSE as the key, basic and primary evidence for an engineered destsruction of the Towers.

And closer, detailed examination of photograhphic evidence from around the site that morning (toasted cars, craters in some areas but not in others, the survival of the "batht;ub" underlying the complex .... this would tend to lend greater weight to the likelihood that unconventional weapons were employed at 9/11 ...
perhaps in conjunction with more conventional explosives like thermite .... or even mini-nukes.

The limit the "evidence" to a "materialsl analysis proving thermate" is bullshit ....
It will never fly in court, because it is so easily discredited.
That's why Jones is advancing it.

Raising the evidence of unconventional weapons use, on the other hand, points the finger directly and unambiguously at the government and military-industrial complex.

It also links the use of these weapons here, to their current ongoing use in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon .. .... of which we already have abundant photographic evidence...

But Jones would rather play the bumbler, using his sloppy and flimsy "research" and his credentials as a "pre-Colombian Jesus" expert to discredit the movement.. ..... as he does in the video shown below...

Hmmm.. I am personally

Hmmm.. I am personally unsure of what to think of Steve Jones. Going back to the days of the cold fusion debate he was the most ardent resistor to the reasearch. being in hot fusion himself of course and being paid for quite nicely by the government... Which is why I was suprised he put his career on the line with 9-11. He was however branded as a opportunistic self promoter during the cold fusion debacle, a science which is still very lively if not mainstream.

I found the cold-fusion documentary with Jones and the relevant issues as to his personal involvement in the debunking of the technology. It's at:
CCC-Media: Read, Watch, Think, Decide!
check the Technology section, the title is "Heavywatergate: The War On Cold Fusion".

I am not knocking Jones, just saying the man is no angel. And maybe this time things blew up in his face unexpectedly.

Wow! Interesting video. Thanks for posting it.

There are really strange parallels.

Jones Still a Cold Fusion debunker.

Heavywatergate == The War on Cold Fusion
While nah-nah poopoo'ing "Cheap" cold fusion, he went to work for Los Alamos to develop the technology Judy Wood points out.
So of course he was prepared and poised to jump into a leadership role in the 911 movement. to lead us away from the reality of cold fusion existing and being used against us.
In Chicago Professor Jones was bragging about developing a particular shape mirror that could turn suns rays into a thousand degrees.
Something for Haitians to cook food on once all their trees were gone, he said.
Such a form could be used to focus microwaves the same way.
On weaponry we are not supposed to know they have, or even believe could be possible.

Will people keep up the nah-nah poopoo, and rally around a monster who helped prevent us from having limitless pollutionless power , casting us instead into dependence and perpetual war?

Maybe that explains why Jones just bought a new house.

But, it looks too obvious. However, his bogus thermite story is a bit obvious, too.

That childish baby talk and giggle sure do show how easily most folks can be taken in. The perfect OP!