3rd Beam

3 Beams for Truth on Sept 11, 2010

9/11 Truth activists put up a third beam of light on September 11, 2010 alongside the 2, to remind the public that a third building was also destroyed on 9/11: WTC Building 7, the most obvious instance of controlled demolition, with only minor fires, and falling symmetrically into its own footprint at near freefall acceleration


AE911Truth shines 3rd Beam into NYC skyline for WTC 7

1280 Architects & Engineers

Launch Third Light Beam into NYC Night Skyline on 9th Anniversary of September 11th

Represents WTC Building 7 still officially unexplained free-fall collapse & explosive implications

NEW YORK CITY, Sept. 11 – At 9:11 p.m. on the 9th anniversary of the September attacks, the members of the 1280 strong Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth lit up the skies over Manhattan with a towering 2 billion-candlepower beam of light to raise public awareness that three, not just two, World Trade Center high-rise buildings collapsed symmetrically at near free-fall acceleration on 9/11, though only two were hit by planes.

‘Why is there a Third Beam in my skyline?’ New Yorkers are asking tonight. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, who held a