911 attack

The Red Pill Trailer #2

Sorry that was the wrong trailer, this is the second trailer.

Second trailer for upcoming short documentary film on the history of the shadow government within the United States and their role in the 9/11 attacks.

Release date: May 11, 2008


Clinton To Bush:Rescind 9/11 Veto Threat

Unfortunately, a subscription to the online newspaper is required to read the entire article; however, it's still good to get a heads-up on where this issue stands with Hillary Clinton and President Bush.

Source: http://www.rockawave.com/news/2007/1214/Community/024.html

Clinton To Bush:Rescind 9/11 Veto Threat


Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday called on President Bush to rescind his threat to veto the budget measure providing $109 million in critical funding to healthcare programs to treat those who are now suffering from illnesses as a result of the 9/11 attacks.

9/12: From Chaos to Community

In the wake of the September 11 attacks, New Yorkers from all walks of life felt compelled to overcome their sense of powerlessness by volunteering to help out in the recovery effort. They brought in supplies, set up relief stations, and for ten months fed and cared for the recovery workers. Many deep and unexpected — even unlikely — relationships developed out of this.

Using cinema verite footage, interviews and archival photographs, we follow several characters through a series of events reuniting them with each other after the closing of the site. Through their stories we present a portrait of the city within a city that was Ground Zero, and examine how an extremely diverse group of people transcended politics and culture in an effort to heal their city and themselves.

9/12: From Chaos to Community — a 60-minute character-driven documentary — is a vibrant, moving, sometimes funny, sometimes painful portrayal of hope and healing in the wake of disaster.

Groups: Bin Laden Plans Video on 9/11

This undated photo shows al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan. Bin Laden will address Americans on the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks with a new video, Al-Qaida's media arm announced. (AP Photo, File) (Anonymous - Associated Press)

Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/06/AR2007090601973.html?hpid=moreheadlines

Groups: Bin Laden Plans Video on 9/11


The Associated Press

Thursday, September 6, 2007; 6:43 PM

CAIRO, Egypt -- Osama bin Laden plans a new video to be released in the coming days ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in what would be the first new images of the terror mastermind in nearly three years, al-Qaida's media arm announced Thursday.

The al-Qaida leader has not appeared in new video footage since Oct. 29, 2004, and he has not put out a new audiotape in more than a year.

Putting Congress On Record For 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: Progress Report

Source: http://www.kxmc.com/News/Nation/142505.asp

Putting Congress On Record For 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: Progress Report

Jul 10 2007 12:00AM


Yesterday, when I posted about Rep. Keith Ellison comparing the 9/11 attacks to the Reichstag fire, I called on readers to contact their representatives in Congress and get them on record as to whether or not 9/11 was a conspiracy or a terrorist attack. Responses are trickling in, and my wife has taken it upon herself to start a calling campaign of her own, so here are the results so far

Minister has to deny linking Bush to 9/11 attack

Source: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2045921.ece

From The Times

July 9, 2007

Minister has to deny linking Bush to 9/11 attack

Charles Bremner in Paris

A French Cabinet minister sought yesterday to play down remarks in which she appeared to say that President Bush may have been behind the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.

Christine Boutin, 63, Minister for Housing and Town Planning in President Sarkozy’s Government, said that her comments had been distorted in a video that was circulated on the internet.

During an interview with a small French television channel in November, Ms Boutin was asked if the Bush Administration might have been involved in the destruction of the World Trade Centre in New York, and the attack on the Pentagon. “I think it is possible,” she said.

Column - William Rusher: Who knew what about 9/11 attacks?

Source: http://www.amarillo.com/stories/062407/opi_7821455.shtml

Column - William Rusher: Who knew what about 9/11 attacks?

SAN FRANCISCO - A recent national poll indicated that 35 percent of Democrats believe that President Bush knew in advance about al-Qaida's attack on New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001. What are we to think about this staggering statistic?

There are those who simply dismiss the poll as inaccurate, and certainly it is true that plenty of public opinion polls are sloppily conducted, misleading or just plain wrong. We can hope that is true this time, but it would be a mistake to count on it. There are many factors at work here, and some of them suggest that the poll is quite probably correct.


Source: http://www.nypost.com/seven/03182007/news/regionalnews/mike_kills_sensitive_9_11_probe_regionalnews_susan_edelman.htm



March 18, 2007 -- Mayor Bloomberg killed a study on the city's response to the 9/11 attacks after his lawyers said they did not want a report that cited any missteps or dealt with "environmental" or "respirator issues," says a former city official.

City lawyers raised fears that the proposed "after-action report" - which the U.S. Department of Justice had offered to fund - could lead to criticism and fuel lawsuits, David Longshore, former director of special programs for the city's Office of Emergency Management, told The Post.

"The Bloomberg administration acted to sweep any potential problems under the rug," said Longshore, who was trapped in a loading dock outside the WTC while both towers collapsed. He later developed sinusitis and throat polyps and sued the city.