9/11 Hartford Conference
AE911Truth "The Blueprint" Bimonthly Newsletter - Late March 2011
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Richard Gage on Talknation Radio : WHUS Uconn Storrs
Richard Gage discusses the mysterious collapse of WTC Building 7 with host John Shwenck on WHUS Talknation in support of "Investigate Building 7 : A Call to Reexamine the Most Important Event of Our Time " at the Univ. of Hartford this Saturday March 26th. ( www.investigatebuilding7.org )
( The support and interest we have been getting from throughout the CT University system has been truly fantastic and overwhelming ...DB)
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9/11 Family Members Patty Casazza And Bob McIlvaine 11/3/2007 Transcript
On 11/3/2007, 9/11 Family Members Bob McIlvaine, and "Jersey Girl" Patty Casazza participated in a panel specifically about the 9/11 Commission at the "9/11: Families, First Responders, & Experts Speak Out Symposium" in West Hartford Connecticut. The following is the transcript for that panel.
Following Richard Gage's presentation...
Damon Bean: Uh, some very nice surprises, um.. that just happened. Patty Casava, one of the Jersey... (Jon Gold corrects Damon) Casazza, one of the "Jersey Girls", original "Jersey Girls", has made a surprise appearance (loud applause). And, she will be coming on next, I think, I'm sorry, we do have a lot of questions here, and I hope to... I hope... they're great questions, I hope to get them online and maybe Richard could do... answer those questions online and we'll make it available for everyone, but we'd like her come up with Bob McIlvaine, and, um... and take some questions on the Commission . And, the other wonderful news is Cynthia McKinney will be here (loud applause). She will be doing the introduction speech for William Pepper, and she should be arriving at about 7 o'clock, so... without further adieu... and we will have Jon... yeah, let's have Patty up first... (Damon points to Patty)... Patty... (applause from the audience as Patty walks to the stage)...