911 Truthers

Alexander Cockburn's climate change adventure

Thankfully, this article has a comments section.

Source: http://www.salon.com/tech/htww/2007/05/04/cockburn/index.html?source=rss

Alexander Cockburn's climate change adventure
The Nation columnist goes through the global warming looking glass, and comes out looking like a 9/11 "truther."

Andrew Leonard

May. 04, 2007 | The dose of Alexander Cockburn's global warming skepticism included in the recent special issue of the Nation on Cuba (and available in full from ZNet) elicited immediate derision in the enviroblogosphere. But no single rebuttal has been as amusing as the one by George Monbiot, the environmental bomb-throwing columnist for the Guardian, who, with all the precision and attention to detail of a brain surgeon, demonstrates how Cockburn has neatly relegated himself to a loony bin full of conspiracy theorists who look remarkably similar to people Cockburn has previously ridiculed. It's simply too good not to pass along, and thanks much to Grist for bringing it to our attention.