9/11 warnings prior knowledge

3 attack warnings just weeks before 9/11 all reported by FOX News simultaneously on 9/11/01

UNBELIEVEABLE! 3 warnings all mentioned in the very same FOX News report from 9/11/01 that came in the weeks before 9/11:

1) The London newspaper Bin Laden warning 3 weeks before 9/11. (see below CBS and FOX News videos below main video, especially the FOX News Newt Gingrich interview)
2) U.S. Law enforcement warned about possible attacks against U.S. and government facilities.
3) The State Department warning of 9/7/01 telling government and military officials to be on a "hightened state of alert". (see MSNBC State Dept. warning video below main video)

If this isn't a prior knowledge smoking gun, I don't know what is...

3 terrorist warnings came in just weeks before 9/11

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Bin Laden warned of huge attack 3 weeks before 9/11