
Occupy Oakland Police Following Brutal Raid: 'Just Following Orders'

Abby Martin of Media Roots went out to cover the immediate aftermath of the brutal police raid of Occupy Oakland at 6:20 am on October 25, 2011.

500+ Oakland PD used tear gas, rubber bullets and completely leveled two encampments of peaceful protestors practicing civil disobedience. 90+ protestors were then arrested.

Contact the Mayor Jean Quan here:

Media Roots - Why Occupy Oakland?

Abby Martin of Media Roots conducts on the spot interviews with Oakland residents about why they want change during the first two days of Occupy Oakland.

9/11 Experts Speak Out - Letter to family and friends

Feel free to send this to family and friends.

Dear Friends and Family, September 11, 2011

I strongly urge you to view this excellent analysis of the many questions surrounding the free fall collapse of the third World Trade Center building, Building 7. Remember 9/11 YES! Remember Building 7 NO? Remember WW2, Hitler and the Holocaust YES! Remember the Reichstag Fire ( false flag terrorism? Loss of freedom?) NO? The German people either ignored or didn't care or were not ready to accept the real truth. Have we learned anything? Are we thinking more clearly? Asking the right questions? Paying more attention?

Click here:

Apparent News Blackout: Conyers spills the beans on Obama & SS & jobs bill; call for WH protests

NOTE: I posted the following diary at firedoglake, and also dailykos. At dailykos, it has been the top-recced diary, today, currently with 505 recommendations and 787 comments. If you look at the ETA's at the bottom, there appears to be a clear case of news blackout. Conyers calling for large demonstrations at the White House should be news - if not on the front page, than on the second page. Instead, it appears to be on NO page. No mention at ABC/NBC/NY TIMES/

Well, thank goodness for and

Hallelujah! Some outspokeness from a Democratic Congress critter, at a higher level than "blame everything on the GOP".

Help Contact Media Outlets in the Toronto Area for the 2011 Anniversary

Tenth Anniversary Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001

On the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the International Center for 9/11 Studies will sponsor four days of citizen hearings at Ryerson University in the city of Toronto, Canada. These international hearings will be commonly referred to as the Toronto Hearings and more information can be found at .

Help Kevin and friends by contacting the media outlets up and around Toronto, including all Canadian, Rochester NY and Buffalo NY outlets, and politely yet firmly ask them to cover this important 10th Anniversary event.

This is a list of television and radio stations along with a list of media outlets in and around Toronto, Ontario including the Greater Toronto Area:

NBC Buffalo NY: (
CBS Buffalo NY: (
ABC Buffalo NY: ;

Blueprint for Truth airing on public access TV in SF


On Friday, May 6, Blueprint for Truth will be airing at 8 pm. on Public Access Channel 27 in San Francisco. (It played the weekend of April 23 as well, when their satellite was down.)

Public Access TV is a great way to reach a lot of people. If anyone is interested in getting "Blueprint" aired on their local public access TV channel(s), it can sometimes be as easy as filling out a simple online form if you are a local resident.

"For Channel 27 in SF, I didn't even need the form," Rebecca Coolidge, AE911Truth volunteer, explains. "You can direct the station to a free downloadable version at (click on the "Quick Lists of All Shows" link on the right, and then on "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth." There are shorter versions there that they can choose from as well.)

Blueprint for Truth will also be airing on Friday, May 13, at 12:00 am on public access TV in Houston, TX. It has aired numerous times this year in Houston according to Jackie Carpenter, another AE911Truth volunteer. "Last Sunday morning when I turned on my TV I saw Richard Gage talking about Building 7!" To see the schedule, visit Houston Media Source (What's on? click Here.)

There have been airings in Spokane, Austin, San Diego, NY, Berkeley -- and soon in Washington, D.C. Albuquerque, NM is airing 2 hours of 9/11 truth programming weekly, Mondays and Thursdays at 8 pm. The program is called '9/11 Myth vs. Reality,' which uses footage from BFT. A report and Action Alert is forthcoming with more details. For more information about putting Blueprint for Truth on public access TV, contact:

Please report any airings to the team!

Tales from a traveling truther

I'm writing this from an Irish pub in Seattle.

I helped move a couple from our group up here from the bay area and am now hanging out, talking to people and enjoying the land of my birth.

I brought about a case of 9/11 truth materials with me and am giving them out to everyone I meet, and also left them at every stop along the way.

I'm always amazed at how many people still have not heard of WTC 7.

The other morning in Albany Oregon I ran into a cab company owner that knew all about 9/11 (he's a big fan of AJ). He wants to do some events, so anyone in the area should contact me and I will put you in touch with him. He also wants stuff to put in all his cabs, so I gave him a big pile of literature before I moved on.

The perception and deception dollars remain the best ice breakers around and usually lead to a greater conversation and allow the subject of 9/11 to be introduced in a natural, non-threatening way.

Operation Checkmate: the pawns fight back


"When the people fear the government that is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, that is liberty.



- Thomas Jefferson



Media Roots TV Interview with Cindy Sheehan

This is a special Media Roots TV interview conducted by Abby Martin with Cindy Sheehan, mother who has made the ultimate sacrifice and fearless anti-war activist. She relays her powerfully lucid point of view in a candid interview at her home on February 6th, 2011.

For more information about Cindy go to

Civil Disobedience at Downing Street for 9/11 Justice: An Interview with Gareth

Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: ACTION

Gareth reports:

On Monday 31st January 2011, in solidarity with Jon Gold's action outside the White House, I took a ‘911 Truth’ sign to Downing Street – the British Prime Minister lives at No. 10 – and sat down outside the gates. Within seconds I was approached by a policeman carrying a machine gun who demanded I immediately move, a request with which I respectfully declined to comply with. After ten minutes I was approached by two Ministry of Defence policemen who issued the same request. We talked a little about 9/11. Moments later a police van pulled up and four police officers got out – I was also surprised to see a further four Ministry of Defence policeman approaching to see what was going on. After explaining that I was respectfully going to decline all further requests to move on I found myself being dragged from where I was sitting, put into the police van, and driven away to Charing Cross Police Station.

I was released later the next evening having been detained for 30 hours. I’m glad I took a good book!

Civil Disobedience at the White House for 9/11 Justice: An Interview with Jon Gold

Author: Cosmos
Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: ACTION

9/11 Justice activist and researcher Jon Gold has announced his intention to chain himself to the White House fence this coming Monday, January 31. 9/11 Truth News asked Gold a few questions to find out more about the upcoming action.

9/11 Truth News: Why are you going to chain yourself to the White House?

Jon Gold: To try and bring attention to the fact that we were lied to about 9/11 and that there needs to be justice and accountability for what happened. That there are family members still seeking justice for what happened and that the people of the world deserve it. When you take into account what that day has been used for - and then think about the fact that we don't exactly know what happened that day - that is an unacceptable situation. People are dying. If that day wasn't what we were led to believe - and it wasn't - then the people of the world need to know about it.