
The 9/11 Distraction... FROM the "New World Order"

The common knowledge is that 9/11 catalyzed what many refer to the “New World Order”, regardless of how things really went down that day. From there this “NWO” is assumed to be a mere push for global domination (imperialism). In essence, the general concept of this NWO ends there, but in truth it’s something much more powerful and frightening than a mere quest for imperial domination: Artificial Intelligence, and my new video blows the lid right off this completely ignored threat.


It’s really quite obvious that the 9/11 event distracted the population, at least for a time, from any concept of truth, with this so-called “War on Terror”. In the foggy aftermath, those skeptical of 9/11 and this war have found a focus and often a newfound drive to learn “The Truth”. But even more importantly is that without 9/11 there would be alarmists, ”conspiracy theorists”, and just people who generally look into such things.