Annie Machon

Skipton, North Yorkshire's, First 9/11 Truth Meeting (UK)

(Streaming videos at link.)

Skipton's First 911 Truth Meeting (Narrowboat pub, Thursday 19th October 2006)

Written by David Barltrop
Monday, 23 October 2006

What follows is uncut and unedited footage of the events at the Skipton 911 Truth Movement's first meeting in the town, held at the Narrowboat pub on the evening of Thursday 19th October 2006. The two speakers concerned were David Shayler (former MI5 officer) and his partner Annie Machon (also former MI5). The reason I filmed this event was to provide a document of proceedings thereby allowing those who were unable to attend to view the event online. The film was made with the permission of the organisers. Apologies for camera shake and poor sound in parts.

The footage has been split into three sections:

* An introduction by David Shayler.
* A talk given by Annie Machon.
* A questions and answers session run by both David and Annie.

Video Download: Annie Machon - June 3, 2006

Annie Machon, Keynote Address from the "9/11: Revealing the Truth / Reclaiming Our Future" conference, held in Chicago, June 2-4th, 2006

MI5 was founded… way back in 1909, and its primary purpose was to investigate the threat of German espionage in the run-up to the first World War. They have moved on slightly in those 80 years, but all that time, they didn’t exist… officially. – Annie Machon, June 3, 2006.

Annie Machon would have left the room 10 years ago (in reference to Meria Heller). An intelligence officer for MI5, she and infamous truthteller David Shayler walked away from MI5 after deciding that they could not morally justify withholding from the British public the unpleasant realities that made up the workaday intelligence lifestyle. This included criminal practices that went as far as subletting an assassination attempt on Libya’s Qaddafi to a terrorist organization with al-Qaeda links—3 years after the first WTC bombing in 1993. (If you go to the archived April 8, 2006 broadcast of “World Crisis Radio” you can listen to Shayler tell his story in his own words.)

Short Review of the Chicago 9/11 Conference Keynote DVDs

Here is my short review of the - Chicago Keynote address DVDs

Annie Machon

"MI5 was founded, way back in 1909, and its primary purpose was to investigate the threat of German espionage in the run-up to the first World War. They have moved on slightly in those 80 years, but all that time, they didn't exist, officially." - Annie Machon, June 3, 2006.

Annie Machon is a former intelligence officer for MI5. She and infamous truthteller David Shayler walked away from MI5 after deciding that they could not morally justify withholding from the British public the unpleasant realities that made up the workaday intelligence lifestyle. This included criminal practices that went as far as subletting an assassination attempt on Libya's Qaddafi to a terrorist organization with al-Qaeda links - 3 years after the first WTC bombing in 1993. (If you go to the archived April 8, 2006 broadcast of "World Crisis Radio" you can listen to Shayler tell his story in his own words.)