August 11th
This week and Beyond in the 9-11 Truth, Justice and Peace Movement
Today, the 4th of July, Independence Day begins an important week for the 9-11 Truth Movement if it really wants to bring Justice to the criminals and Peace to all the victims, of that day and of the lies about that day. We should all be out there with information and passion today and tonight. If you're looking for a good piece of info to print, We Are Change has a good "Patriots Question 9-11" flyer that is quite relevant to Independence Day.
May I suggest a concerted talk show call-in effort from today up to Saturday 7/7/07 and keeping on until 7-11. Remember, this is the 2nd anniversary of the London False-Flag bombings and next wednesday, 7-11 is the first anniversary of the Mumbai bombings which fit the False-Flag MO pretty well (except for them having a tough time pinning it on anyone). We can lace the airwaves with information around the history of false-flag operations, contextualize 9-11 in a set of recent events, and warn people to watch out and, more importantly, act to stop the coming events being prepared for us.
Check my previous post on calling radio shows for numbers, times and techniques-