Ben Chertoff

Osama: More Bounty, More Baloney

Osama: More Bounty, More Baloney

Kurt Nimmo, Another Day in the Empire

July 14, 2007

It is politics as usual. In order to hype the "war on terror" angle over what is perceived as a floundering effort in Iraq—in fact, the effort in Iraq is a smashing (no pun intended) success, as it has destroyed the country—the "U.S. Senate on Friday voted to double the bounty on Osama bin Laden to $50 million and require President George W. Bush to refocus on capturing him after reports al Qaeda is gaining strength," according to Reuters. "By a vote of 87-1, the Senate set the reward for the killing or capture, or information leading to the capture, of the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States."

Of course, there is no evidence Osama bin Laden had anything to do with nine eleven and the government refuses to provide any, beyond pointing to a handful of obviously faked video and audio tapes.

Popular Mechanics caught in a lie?

PM "Researchers" Benjamin Chertoff & Davin Coburn can't agree on what the term "Pull it" means


From the link above:

Benjamin Chertoff, Researcher for Popular Mechanics, on Coast to Coast AM - March 5, 2005:

I'm glad somebody brought up the Larry Silverstein comment, because we certainly looked at that... What he says is "they decided to pull" which is referring to the fire department. And of course in some circles of the controlled demolition industry "Pull" is used to mean that you actually demolish a building.

Just over a year later, Popular Mechanics changes their story...

Davin Coburn, Researcher for Popular Mechanics, on The Charles Goyette Show - August 23, 2006:

Having spoken to any number of large controlled demolition firms... the term "Pull it" is not a demolition term... We have never heard it used that way and neither actually have the people who do this professionally that we spoke to.(More after jump...)