
History Channel - 9/11 Conspiracies, Fact or Fiction? on BitTorrent

For those of us who can't wait until tomorrow night for the scheduled History Channel hit piece, '9/11 Conspiracies, Fact or Fiction?' Bit torrent comes to the rescue. I have yet to see it myself, but if we all chip in and seed the torrent, the downloads should pick up speed.

New Cleveland 9/11 Truth Compilation dvd available by torrent download

This is a nice tool for all you truthers out there hitting the streets with info for the masses. I thank the DC group for the inspiration. Here's the 2nd version of our Cleveland 9/11 Truth compilation. It's an .iso dvd-5 image (single layer).

To download here is the link to download the torrent.

It contains:
9/11 The Explosive Reality
FDNY and EMS quotes excerpt from 9/11 Guilt: The Proof Is In Your Hands
Improbable Collapse
9/11 Press For Truth
9/11 Commission: Omissions And Distortions
Aftermath: Unanswered Questions From 9/11
9/11 The Myth And The Reality
9/11 Coincidences
9/11 Citizens' Commission 9/9/04 -
Michael Rupert - Cheney: Command & Control Morning 9/11
Whistleblower Indira Singh on Sibel Edmonds Letter, PTech, FBI, and Terrorists
Don Paul excerpt from 9/11 Guilt: The Proof Is In Your Hands -
Indicting The Financiers Behind The Crimes of 9/11
The 9/11 Whistleblowers -
Dr. Graham from Shreveport Louisiana,
Chief Judiciary for Clinton Impeachment David Schippers
Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer The Able Danger Program and Mohamed Atta
FBI Operative Randy Glass

BitTorrent download for "Improbable Collapse"

The new (and high-rated) video "Improbable Collapse", directed by Michael Berger, is now also available as a BitTorrent download (699.15 megabyte) through mininova. See here:

The video sports interviews with Prof. Steven E. Jones, whistleblower Kevin Ryan, 9/11 truth research pioneer Jim Hoffman and Dr. David Ray Griffin. For some full reviews of it.... hmm, I don't know of any (yet). Just watch it yourself. It is probably the best one that is out there right now, if you look for something to show to 9/11 truth newbies (like your Aunt Tillie, or your Uncle Sam).