Black; Cofer

CIA threatening Duffy & Nowosielski with federal prosecution

Secrecy Kills, September 11, 2011

Apparently, things have taken a turn towards the surreal, as the CIA attempts to block documentary film makers Duffy & Nowosielski from publishing their investigative research with legal threats. I quote:

"On Thursday, the CIA threatened the journalists behind Who Is Rich Blee? with possible federal prosecution if the investigative podcast is released in its current form."

"We are delaying that release while we consult with others and weigh our options. A press statement with a more complete explanation will be made available at this site soon."

I am unable to locate the Richard Clarke interview on Youtube at this time, save for Jon Gold's channel. See here for a direct link with a time jump to the fragment in question.

See also: Sibel Edmonds Interviews Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy, for their most recent interview on The Boiling Frogs on September 1st, 2001.