Boston globe

The Boston Globe did the unthinkable: It gave Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth some ink!


Columnist Alex Beam interviewed AE911Truth founder Richard Gage in the lead-up to this week's architecture industry trade show in Beantown.

Dubbed the ABX, which stands for Architecture Boston Expo, the convention ranks second in both attendance and importance to the crème de la crème event—the American Institute of Architects' annual conference.

Not surprisingly, Beam makes the usual trite digs at 9/11 "truthers," the name he insists on calling the 2,350-plus professional architects and engineers who have signed AE911Truth's petition calling for an independent investigation of the destroyed WTC towers.

But Gage holds his own, directing a few jabs back at Beam...

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"Facts don't necessarily have the power to change our minds". (great article with enormous implications for 9/11 Truth))

Best Opinion: Boston Globe

"It's one of the great assumptions underlying modern democracy that an informed citizenry is preferable to an uninformed one," says Joe Keohane in The Boston Globe. "'Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government,' Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1789." The firm American belief in this notion is at the heart of our democracy. We believe that "knowledge is the best remedy" to "ignorance and misinformation," and that if people have the facts they'll be "clearer thinkers and better citizens." Unfortunately, we may have been wrong all along. Here, an excerpt:

The Boston Globe Covers The Boston 9/11 Truth Tea Party

A big thanks to Carol Brouillet for making me aware of this.