Family of Secrets Author Speaks in SF
Author Russ Baker, gives a gripping talk on his book, Family of Secrets- an in depth examination of the Bush dynasty and America's invisible government, at Borders Books in San Francisco, June 15, 2010.
Anyone interested in the scholarly pursuit of how power really works in the US and to what extent the purveyors of that power will go need to read Russ' book. This highly disturbing book has been quarantined even by what many consider to be an open minded show---Comedy Central. The jokes on us. If you want to understand the dark back story to events like those on September 11, consider bringing Russ Baker into your consciousness.
David Chandler- Visalia Friends Meeting-Dec.17, 2009
David Chandler is the author of numerous online videos that analyze the
collapse of the World Trade Building from the point of view of a
physics instructor. David’s contributions to the NIST final Report on WTC 7
led to their admitting to 2.2 seconds of “free fall” in the buildings collapse.
David is also the author of the popular internet site:
about US income distribution.
John Parulis
Green Candidate and 9/11 Truth Activist, Carol Wolman at Golden Gate 9/11 Truth March, Sept.6, 2008
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9/11 First Responder, Craig Bartmer at Sept. 6 Golden Gate Park Truth March
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