big "UNITED FOR TRUTH" action day in Brussels Belgium next Friday the 11th of September 2009
Herblay FRANCE
bonjour ,
there is going to be a big "UNITED FOR TRUTH" action day in Brussels Belgium next Friday the 11th of September 2009 see annex °1 or follow the link below
°1 _ _ _ _ _
Bruxelles UNITED FOR TRUTH sur le 11/9
"UNITED FOR TRUTH" le vendredi 11 septembre 2009 à Bruxelles
UFT’09 est la troisième édition annuelle et consécutive des manifestations demandant l’ouverture d’une enquête internationale sur les attaques du 11 septembre 2001 aux USA ainsi que la fin des politiques guerrières et sécuritaires en recrudescence alarmante depuis cette fameuse date.
Fondée en 2007, la plate-forme UFT rassemblait plus de deux cents personnes à Bruxelles. En 2008 nous étions près de 500 à rallier (sous la pluie !) l’ambassade des USA depuis le conseil de l’Europe. Diverses organisations (CADTM, ATTAC,etc.) et personnalités (G.Chiesa, P.Galand, D.R.Griffin, etc.) apportèrent leur soutien.
Cette année, nous organisons deux rassemblements :
le vendredi 11 septembre à midi, avenue des arts, face à l’ambassade des USA.
ZERO : the 9/11 Truth debate in the European Parliament - part 2
Here is the second part of the European Parliament debate. In this clip the Italian Parlementarian addresses the question from the audience as to why none of the mainstream media journalist showed up.
More videos will follow.
ZERO : the 9/11 Truth debate in the European Parliament - part 1
Here is the first video from the 9/11 Truth Debate in the European Parliament, with an interview with Japanese Parlementarian Yukihisa Fujita and comments from 911Belgium's spokeperson Mark Dermul. The video was created by the Spanish & French representatives of 9/11 Truth.
More video will follow shortly.
Report on Brussels Presentation from Dr Eric Beeth
Yesterday evening I attended the Film + debate evening organised by the Euro-Parliamentarian Giulietto Chiesa, together with Yukihisa Fujita, David Ray Griffin and the makers (Paolo Jormi Bianchi, Thomas Torelli, Francesco Trento and Franco Fracassi) of the documentary film “ZERO - Inchiesta sull’11 settembre”.
Excellent movie, produced thanks to an enormous investment of time and money by the film-makers, and out of pocket donations from a very large number of citizens wanting the truth to shine forth. It deserves a wide distribution, hopefully also to a world-wide television audience.
It complements’s “Unter Falscher Flagge”, which can already be seen on google-video with English sub-titles. The film “Zero” interviews many military and intelligence experts, some who I had not been listening to before. A highlight of the film is the wonderfully happy face of Dario Fo (1997 Italian Nobel Prize winner in Literature) who through-out the movie comments on certain known facts with his logic that should be grasped by the humanity loving child within each of us.
We all have way enough proof that the whole “Al-Qaeda” hype and “War on Terror” is a fraud. We must not tolerate these “McCain-like” synthetic-terror-mongering false paradigm messages in our media. It is long overdue that we speak out as citizens, and not only in internet forums. For example, we can picket the media during “11th of the month” actions.
Yukihisa Fujita stressed the importance to continue to increase the political and cultural weight of the growing amount of credible allegations by responsible people in all walks of society. Although the US State department is irritated that European media and political institutions are more and more deeply questioning the “OFFICIAL MYTHformation” of the “War on Terror”, in the end, the US will be most inclined to change its ways only when the American people themselves inform themselves better on the full depth of the criminality and “false flag” deception of its current rogue administration. This is something that will not magically disappear by electing an “Obama”. The whole media and political institution needs a full renewal before it again can deserve the trust of us American citizens.
9/8 9/9 European 9/11 Action!
Greetings to anyone who follows my blog here somewhat...
We've been quite busy this weekend! We spent about 6 hours demonstrating yesterday (Saturday 8 Sept.) in The Hague with a half dozen people. Easily more than 1,000 flyers were handed out, and probably close to 500 or more DVDs. Today we joined the European-wide march through Brussels, and have some preliminary video footage available for that as well.
The Hague (9/8/07):
Brussels (9/9/07):
Letter: David Ray Griffin to 9/9 Brussels Truth March
Dear 9/11 Truth Seekers,
I regret that, due to the fact that I'm addressing an audience in
Oslo, I am unable to attend your United for Truth March here
in Brussels. Nevertheless, I wish, by means of this written
statement, to say a few words of encouragement and appreciation for
your efforts.
The attacks in New York and Washington six years ago left the
American people stunned and ready to agree to almost anything the
Bush-Cheney administration proposed. At home, this has meant severe
restrictions on civil liberties in the name of the so-called PATRIOT
Abroad, we have had a so-called war on terror, which has really been
a war of aggression against Muslims and a war for oil and domination
in Muslim nations. This has meant six years of torture, humiliation,
and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Afghanistan and
Iraq, people who were either innocent civilians or soldiers fighting
against an immoral and even illegal occupation.
During this period, we have also seen an unprecedented media cover-up
in the United States and allied countries. Such cover-ups have
happened before. But in this case, the crime was more enormous, the
consequences were more catastrophic, and the evidence was more
obvious. (For example, just by looking at the collapse of Building 7
of the World Trade Center, anyone who knows anything about these
matters can see that it was brought down by explosives, as Danny
Jowenko of Holland has illustrated.) The failure of the media to
expose the lies of the official story threatens the continued
existence of democracy, which simply cannot function without an
independent media, dedicated to revealing crimes of state.
The truth is, of course, that the War on Terror is bogus. The 9/11
Truth Movement is driven by a desire to find out the truth about what
really happened on 9/11 and who is really behind these attacks. In 6
years, the movement has made a lot of headway. More and more people
are starting to realise that the attacks of 9/11 were an inside job,
orchestrated by the United States government as a pretext to carry
out its pre-established policies.
Announcing: 9/9/07- Major Protest in Brussels and Madrid
I posted this video as a comment for the text announcement: 9/9/07- Major Protest in Brussels but here it is again for all to see and spread the word.
The video was posted by the organisers United for Truth.
Also in the news is that there will be a sister rally in Madrid on 9 september. This was announced by I hope she provides more detals and links.
Both about 911 related issues.