Bush; George W.
Archie's Creek Thu, 06/23/2011 - 5:20pm
Wars of 9/11 Retribution Continues as 67,000 Troops Remain
One Canadian Comments: The Official 9/11 story continues to free fall in doubt world-wide by world public opinion, as the events of 9/11 remain highly questionable. The evidence of controlled demolition of the 3 WTC towers continues to be ignored by the leaders in the West and covered-up by the main stream corporate media. Regardless of Obama's reduction of 33,000 U.S. Troops, "The Wars of 9/11 Retribution" will continue and innocent Afghan civilians blood will flow with the remaining 67,000 troops who will stay in Afghanistan with no end to this bloody war in sight.
From The White House
SnowCrash Sun, 02/20/2011 - 12:47pm
'Curveball' admits he lied about Iraqi WMD; Wilkerson implicates Bush and Cheney
Cheney’s office misled Colin Powell on Iraq threat, former aide says
The Raw Story, February 19, 2011
Lawrence Wilkerson, the former chief of staff of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, said Friday that former vice president Dick Cheney’s office misled his old boss with bogus information to sell the Iraq War to the American people. This talk with MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur Friday came in the wake of Iraqi defector Rafid Ahmed Alwan Al-Janabi nicknamed “Curveball” admitting he lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.