Call For New 9/11 Investigation Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Call For New 9/11 Investigation

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Call For New 9/11 Investigation
June 24, 2012 5:58

Egypt’s new president, Mohamed Morsi has long called for the U.S. to hold a “scientific conference” to determine the real culprits of the Sept. 11 attacks, having cast doubt on al Qaeda’s role in 9/11 for years.

“The U.S. administration has never presented any evidences on the identity of those who committed that incident,” longtime Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Morsi is quoted as saying in a 2007 posting on Ikhwanweb, the Islamist group’s official English website.

“The Muslim Brotherhood and others demanded a transparent trial with clear evidence and to have court rulings,” he said after the sixth anniversary of the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people. “We confirm that this isn’t a defense to those who committed these actions, but we only seek the truth.”

2008 MB Article: