Castle Hills

Four 9/11 Ads Online in 14 Texas Newspapers for 3 Months

Fourteen suburban newspapers in the Dallas/Ft Worth area contain online 9/11 Truth Ads which are running for three months. The 14 papers have a combined readership above 243,000.

There are a total of four ads comprised of animated graphics which link to YouTube videos. The individual ads randomly rotate to each of the 14 suburban newspapers.

Two Major Newspaper Advertising Campaigns in the Dallas - Ft Worth Area

Two Major Newspaper Advertising Campaigns in the Dallas - Ft Worth Area

*NOTE: Some advertising links may only be active for one week, especially the “linked animated boxes”.

For this September, 2015, ”North Texans for 9/11 Truth” ( ) has been extremely busy with organizing events and actions.

Two of the many actions and events are presented in this article, “Two Major Newspaper Advertising Campaigns in the Dallas - Ft Worth Area”.

The University of Texas at Arlington and its School of Architecture Campaign.

”North Texans for 9/11 Truth” has been waging a campaign for years, and will continue to wage this campaign which targets a very large School of Architecture in North Texas.