
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: The Charity That Should Be at the Top of Your Giving List

An important message from AE911Truth founder, Richard Gage, AIA

Make the most of your chance for a generous 2011 year-end charitable contribution to AE911Truth while helping us plan for our breakthrough year in 2012. We need your support this month in particular, as we put the finishing touches on the Final Edition of our new milestone documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out. This film may very well be the most important 9/11 truth product ever, and it requires your timely help in order to ensure its release this year. Please donate now.

'Journey for 9/11' supports rescuers

'Journey for 9/11' supports rescuers

By Michael Stetz
June 20, 2008

SAN DIEGO – His body is no stranger to punishment and grind. George Martin, after all, spent 14 years playing professional football. But at age 55, he put it to the test again. George Martin - Because people he considers to be true heroes are hurting.

The former New York Giants defensive end began walking across America eight months ago to raise money for rescue workers who rushed to ground zero on Sept. 11, 2001, and are now suffering myriad illnesses – including lung disease and post traumatic stress disorder.

One medical study showed that 70 percent of the 40,000 or so responders have suffered lung disease and other problems because of the dust and debris. One in five has lost lung capacity.

Some don't have adequate health or disability insurance, Martin said. Some were volunteers who took it upon themselves to go through the rubble and pitch in, however they could.