cheney media

Sept. 11 * Cheney-Media * Political Prisoners

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark -
September 7, 2007 - Sept. 11 * Cheney-Media * Political Prisoners

“First, let the technical truth emerge.
Then, if necessary, cope with the inevitable
political, conspiracy and other questions. But let us
not allow a possible painful truth block the primary
task of determining once and for all what caused
the collapse of the WTC towers and building no. 7.”

Joel S. Hirschhorn, PhD
Former Congressional Office of Technology
Assessment Senior Staff Member

1) Poll: Majority of Americans – Investigate Bush-Cheney on 9/11
- - Congressional Technology Member Calls for New 9/11 Investigation
- - New DVD Examines World Trade Center Destruction on 9/11
- - Twenty-Two Things We Now Know Six Years After 9/11
- - If not now, when? General Strike on 9/11/2007
- - 9/11 truth Event and Webcasting from NYC!
2) Cheney Orders Media To Sell Attack On Iran
- - Is Bush Staging Nukes for Iran?
- - False Flag Terrorism
3) Kucinich Recently on Leonard Peltier
- - Free Lori Berenson
- - Free Richard Sitcha

Editor’s Notes: