
Lies Lost in Time - Very Interesting IRON CLAD PROOF that Bush was lying...

"I don't think anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying airplanes into buildings"

But we all forget so quick that Frank Cordor stole a Cessna on SEPTEMBER 11th, 1994 and tried to fly it into the White House. He crashed on the White House lawn and was killed instantly.

Did you hear that? SEPTEMBER 11th but…"I don't think anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying airplanes into buildings"

Here we have an incident that happened on 9/11/94 where a man tries to crash a plane into the White House, but yet…"I don't think anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying airplanes into buildings"

Here we have a person who turns a plane into a missile and tries to guide it into the most known government building, but…"I don't think anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying airplanes into buildings"

Here we have the exact style of attack, a person taking an aircraft and using it as a suicide weapon on the exact same day, 911 but…"I don't think anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying airplanes into buildings"

I am getting upset because these people are insulting my intelligence. They literally think we are that stupid to believe that…"I don't think anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying airplanes into buildings"