courage is more valuable than information

911 and nonviolence

Submission to 911 blogger:

The issues I feel qualified to address tonight are primarily 2:

1) It is more valuable to show greater courage than it is to just put out more information. My website covers such things as nonviolent civil disobedience and leafleting federal agencies for whistleblowers.

2) Debunkers and especially 911 gatekeepers need to be treated with respect. I was radicalized by Noam Chomsky. My activism has been the best part of my life. I’ll never hate him. I just disagree with him on the 9/11 issue.

Below are initial pieces to consider

The Power Dynamic of Nonviolence

If you can persist in the face of repression,
you communicate to your adversary that what they’re
doing isn’t so much bad, which it probably is, as much
as it is ineffective. Then you begin to drive a wedge
between the liberals and conservatives in power. The
liberals moan and complain, ”They’re making us look so
bad, can’t we think of something to give them to get
them to go away?” The conservatives respond, “No, no,
no. If we’re a little more brutal, we can break them.”
Nevertheless, IF you can persist in the face of
repression, you push that wedge further and further