
The Ballad of Mohamed Atta - What's Myth? What is True?

The Ballad of Mohamed Atta – Vic Sadot at Last FM on “9/11 Truth & Justice Songs”. Great violin by Vic's buddy Eric Golub. This song was written after reading the Australian Broadcast Corporation interviews by Liz Jackson with Ralph Bodenstein & Volker Hauth who were buddies with Mohamed Atta in their college days. They simply could not imagine him being the person described in the US Press. Research by Daniel Hopsicker of Mad Cow News “Welcome to Terrorland” revealed a Mohamed devoid of religion & addicted to sex & drugs, who had Visas & US military training at Huffman Aviation & Pensacola Naval Base in Florida. What is myth? What is true?

10-24-17 Truth Troubadour @ 911blogger Edit Udate #1: Replacing a link that no longer works at Last FM. Last FM got sold to a big corporation, which resulted in indie artists and their past posts disappearing, especially free song downloads. Here are two new links to the songs where you can listen on YouTube followed by a link for a free download at SoundCloud.

Fake Paper tests peer-review process at Bentham Science Publishers

This posting is going to be some bad news. It is relevant due to the fact that the recent successes of the 9-11 truth movement in getting peer-reviewed studies published will be called into question after this sting conducted on Bentham publishing. We need to be prepared for this and have peremptory challenges to this accusation of credibility.This will be grabbed by opponents and used against the works of Dr Steven Jones, Ryan, Harritt, Legge, et al.

Fake paper tests peer review at open-access journal

An executive at the New England Journal of Medicine and a Cornell graduate student who submitted a nonsensical paper to an open-access journal to test its peer review policy say it was accepted without comment.

Kent Anderson, executive director of international business and product development at the New England Journal, and Philip Davis, a PhD student in scientific communications at Cornell, sent a computer-generated manuscript using pseudonyms and the phony affiliation the "Center for Research in Applied Phrenology" to The Open Information Science Journal.

The 9/11 Truth Movement and Conspiracy Theorists – A Call To Readdress Priorities

David Shayler on BBC Radio 2’s "The Jeremy Vine Show" (mp3)

“The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments.” - Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)