David Chandler

New Video--CIT: Deceptive Interview of Sgt. William Lagasse

A few months ago I wrote an analysis of the CIT interview of Sgt. William Lagasse. It occurred to me that so much of what he said pointed to a standard south path of the plane, yet on video he pointed to a path north of the CITGO station. This was puzzling to me and should have been puzzling to any honest investigative reporter or researcher. The big breakthrough for me was being pointed to the older PentaCon video by CIT, which is less edited than the more polished National Security Alert (NSA) video. There were cryptic statements near the end, where after drawing the line on the photograph Lagasse commented that the angle was wrong. And when Craig Ranke pointed out the location of the light poles Lagasse violently objected, that they were actually farther to the north, along the path he had drawn. Making sense of the chaotic information was a puzzle that seemed worth solving, and as I dug in, it all became much clearer.

I have had very little traffic to my article with this analysis, but the issue in growing increasingly relevant as the new generation of CIT followers has made headway in infiltrating high profile groups. Putting this information in video format puts it before the eyes of a larger audience, and links to the article gives the opportunity for a deeper dive. So I have posted the video on Odysee https://odysee.com/@davidchandler911:c/LagasseInterview:5 and embedded it at the top of the article itself: https://911speakout.org/interview-of-sgt-william-lagasse/.


Interview Transcript : Tony Szamboti : On NIST's 9/11 Sins of Omission

Interview with Tony Szamboti
Transcript published 23 May 2016
URL: http://themindrenewed.com/transcripts/884-int-067t

For this important interview we welcome Tony Szamboti, mechanical engineer and 9/11 researcher, who joins us for a detailed discussion on crucial evidence that, in the words of his research group, "clearly demonstrate(s) that the reports produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) were unscientific and fraudulent."

With the group's white paper as our focus, "Areas of Specific Concern in the NIST WTC Reports" which lists 25 Points seriously challenging NIST's work in this area, we discuss striking new evidence demonstrating that NIST intentionally omitted significant structural components from its analysis of Building 7, and explore the almost inescapable conclusion that this was done in order to avoid the explanation of controlled demolition. We also discuss the potential these findings might have for legal action.

Pentagon Plane Puzzle + David Chandler: Going Beyond Speculation


"Two complementary videos are combined here in the order that they were presented at the 9/11 Truth Film Festival in Oakland, CA, on Sept 10, 2015.

The first video is a preview of the witness section of a forthcoming film by Ken Jenkins titled The Pentagon Plane Puzzle.

That is followed by a PowerPoint presentation by David Chandler titled Going Beyond Speculation – A Scientific Look at the Pentagon Evidence.
In post-production, Ken Jenkins of 9/11 TV added many additional graphics to the live video footage of Chandler’s presentation.
David Chandler's presentation starts at 26:40."

Ken Jenkins has ask me to post this to 911Blogger and we hope that you will share it around with other activists.

Kind regards John

Finally the Pentagon Speculation Comes to an End!

Hello all,

It has been a very long time since I have posted at 911Blogger, and it was this issue among others that were central to me losing interest in 911 Truth activism.

I simply don't want to be associated with people who put feelings before facts or ego investment before the scientific method.

I am hoping that the great work done here by David Chandler supported primarily by Ken Jenkins may finally start an ending to the speculation surrounding the crash of Flight 77 into the Pentagon.

In absolute support of this rational position presented by David Chandler, is the witness testimony collated in the this video by Ken Jenkins.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cafvDip3ts

I would be disappointed if this material is not enough to convince activists that saying that "no plane hit the Pentagon" is not supported by the hard evidence at hand.

NIST's Questionable Collapse Initiation Sequence for the Twin Towers (videos)

Here is part one of a series of seven short videos dealing with each step of NIST's "collapse Initiation sequence" for the Twin Towers. They're mainly comprised of footage from Kevin Ryan's 2006 presentation 'A New Standard for Deception' and the presentation he gave at the 9/11 Toronto Hearings in 2011. Tony Szamboti, David Chandler and excerpts from 'September 11 - The New Peal Harbour' by Massimo Mazzucco are also featured in the videos. I hope they'll be a useful resource to share with others.

Refutation of Dave Thomas Critique of my North Tower Analysis

I have been reluctant to enter into mudwrestling events with debunkers and propagandists for what I see as blatant disinformation. I don't see these debates as productive. They are not about deepening the inquiry into events but rather fending off ever-morphing attacks by people who engage in deceptive argumentation. I have better uses for my time. I find that ignoring them works just as well and allows me to get on with my life.

However one hit piece by Dave Thomas has been the source of repeated questions in my in-box from people who sense something is wrong with his analysis but are not confident enough of their grasp of the physics to be sure. Rather than continuing to write individual explanations in email responses I have now posted a refutation of the attack on the http://911SpeakOut.org "Articles and Links" page here: http://911speakout.org/wp-content/uploads/Response-to-Dave-Thomas.pdf.

I hope this helps.

--David Chandler

9/11 Free Fall 6/27/13: Senator McCain's Office Has Been Fully Informed

Recently 9/11 activists and various experts held a meeting with a member Senator John McCain's staff to present the evidence that the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building 7 were brought down in a controlled demolition on 9/11. In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall those involved in the planning and/or who participated in the meeting-- Pam Senzee, Jody Gibbs, Rick Fowlkes, Scott Grainger, and David Chandler-- sit down with Andy Steele to discuss it.

New Video - Science of 9/11 in 6 parts

This version in 6 parts has well synchronized audio - video.

The film features Richard Gage AIA, Dr. Stephen E. Jones, David Chandler and members of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, with original music courtesy of Eva James.

The presentation proves the world trade center buildings were demolished with explosives. It shows why a new scientific investigation and judicial inquiry is needed.

This edited compilation is presented under terms of "Fair Use". The intention of this creation is for non-profit, educational and personal use. Portions of copyrighted material may be included under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976. Allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching and research. Any other use may require that permission be obtained from the original copyright owner.

NEW VIDEO - The Science of 9/11

The Science of 9/11
This original compilation has a running time of 55 minutes.

If you would like a free DVD quality down link that does not have a problem with the video-audio synchronization, send an email to

Current download links include:

You Tube link

MP4 file

QuickTime .mov file

This film features Richard Gage AIA, Dr. Stephen E. Jones, David Chandler and members of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, with original music courtesy of Eva James.

The presentation shows why a new scientific investigation and judicial inquiry is needed.

New Video - Science of September 11 - Free DVD download

See below for the download link to save the DVD ISO file (over 3.1 GB).


After it is saved on your computer or flash drive, you can burn it to a DVD using a program such as ImgBurn.
You can get this at http://ImgBurn.com

You can also download a MP4 file, using You Tube Downloader software, using this link:

The Backfire Effect

On 9/11 Truth Awakening I posted a blog about "The Backfire Effect" which I have seen referenced in a few other places.  Here are some excerpts.

There is an interesting article: “The Backfire Effect“, by David McRaney, cross-posted on OpEdNews with the subtitle: Why Showing People the Truth Sometimes Makes Them Believe BS Even More.  This is interesting not just because of the article, but the reaction in comments that follow.

It starts out well enough, citing a recent study previously mentioned in this blog, conveniently summarized:

The Misconception: When your beliefs are challenged with facts, you alter your opinions and incorporate the new information into your thinking.

The Truth: When your deepest convictions are challenged by contradictory evidence, your beliefs get stronger.

pumpitoutRadio - WTC Destruction with David Chandler

pumpitoutRadio - WTC Destruction with David Chandler
Saturday, March 5, 2011


David Chandler speaks about the science and evidence concerning the destruction of the World Trade Center complex towers and WTC 7 on the morning of [9/11] Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

David's research can be found at his website -



Mp3 audio download link -


David Chandler Talks About His New DVD “9/11 Analysis” and Rationalizes the Pentagon Debate on Visibility 9-11

Show notes and interview by: John Bursill

This timely and important Podcast is a MUST listen!

Listen here: http://visibility911.com/blog/?p=1874

David who describes himself as a “pacifist” talks in great depth about his journey on the campaign for 9/11 Truth and Justice which he is passionately dedicated. Many of you may be aware it was David who is credited with getting NIST to admit WTC Building 7 fell at a an acceleration consistent with free-fall due to gravity; which I and many others view as the single most powerful debating tool for us as 9/11 Truth advocates! David disputes he is solely responsible for this and says that Jones, Ryan and others were central to this achievement but it was his question that drew the answer in the end so it seems. David also talks about the highly political timing and nature of the NIST Building 7 report.

AE911Truth "The Blueprint" Semimonthly Newsletter - Early January 2011

Newsletter not displaying correctly? View it on our website
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth / Blueprint Newsletter
AE911Truth Blueprint Newsletter | Vol. XVII | Early January 2011 
Jan Newsletter banner

AE911Truth Action Groups in full force with an effort to get our evidence cards mailed to every architect and engineer in your area. Also, the new 9/11 Analysis DVD by David Chandler premieres this month in our online store and AE911Truth continues its effort to teach in every college and university.

• AE911Truth Action Groups Are Shifting Into High Gear
• New DVD Makes 9/11 Physics Accessible to All
• Skeptical Inquirer Attacks 9/11 Truth Movement, Avoids
    Vast Body of Scientific Evidence
• Ensuring Our Credibility: The AE911Truth Verification Team
• 2011 Promises To Be Another Big Year for AE911Truth