Death of bin Laden. Christian Nonviolenvce

We Killed Him by Father Emmanuel Charles McCarthy


Here something perhaps to think about as this powerful government and media tsunami of evil rushes across America. This morning after Mass a well educated 80 year old nun jubilantly came up to me to tell me how wonderful it was that we kill Osama Bin Laden. I asked if that is what Jesus would have done, or if He would be so positively elated about one human being slaughtering another? She said we had to kill him after what he did to us on 911 and might do again. I left with ever deeps sense that there was something terrible evil going on in the Catholic Church, so deep and so all permeating that we breath it in like air with no ability to see its awful personal and communal spiritual toxicity. But all it took to recognize that the depth of this evil in the Church is far from limited to the Catholic Church, when I turned on the TV and saw almost an entire society debauching itself in the erotic pleasure of revenge with the media egging them on, entering into it and advertising it. Hopefully at least the bishops, priests ministers and pastors of the various Christian Churches will take this moment to catechize their people that jubilation over revenge and/or human destruction is participation in the spirt of evil and can never be Christlike nor glorify the Father of all.


WE Killed Him.

aren’t we great!

and, when we find out he was innocent, then what?

do we then call ourselves murderers?

do we then call those, who set him up as a scapegoat, patsy and media strawman in order to conceal what really happened and who really is resposible, murderers?

Or, do we give them the Nobel peace Prize, the medal of freedom, the gandhi Peace Prize, the medal of honor?

The killing of Osama Bin Laden by shooting him in the face, if it really was Osama bin Laden who was killed, and the ceaseless and extravagant media hype surrounding it, in no way invalidates a single piece of the scientific evidence that has been gathered which proves that according to the laws of physics the three WTC buildings could not have been destroyed, as they were, by a plane flying into two of them. Nor, does it invalidate any of the other incontestable documented evidence that reveals the 911 Government Commission Report and the official Government story to be a fabrication beyond a reasonable doubt.