Deception dollars

Perception, Deception Dollars - ­One Decade after September 11th, 2001

The first Deception Dollars were printed in the autumn of 2002. They were a collaborative effort to overcome censorship of the basic facts about 9/11 that were so well concealed by the mainstream media, and to drive people to check out websites challenging the official story. Their popularity inspired many people to create better websites, as millions of Deception Dollars were passed out at anti-war rallies and marches in an attempt to prevent the unjustifiable, immoral, heartbreaking, war upon Iraq. Canadian artist Blaine Machan did the artwork, maintained the Deception Dollar website, and contributed greatly to the budding 9/11 Truth Movement.

Dollars for Dollars: Media Buy the People

New Draft of Deception Dollar Version #11 with graffiti

New Draft of Deception Dollar #11 back with graffiti

A recent cover story in my local paper described how the giant banks with all that money are buying up all the major newspapers; I wonder if that had anything to do with the fact that no major print media, TV stations or radio stations attended last Friday's press conference...

Spiraling Between Worlds - Reclaiming's 30th Annual Spiral Dance

Death of the Empire and Dollar, Birth of Life Honoring Community Currency Altar at the Spiral Dance

In classic irony, the pagans and the anarchists are the best organizers--you can count on being fed and everyone getting their basic needs met when you work with them. The last time I went to DC was with an “affinity group” comprised mainly of pagan activists to protest the IMF and the World Bank. After September 11th those protests were canceled, but many of us went anyway in September, 2001, to protest the impending war and to lobby against the PATRIOT Act.

Got Deception $$$$$$$$$$$$?

[Looks like MAYBE BuzzFlash has stopped its policy of banning 9/11 truth entries! If we proceed carefully, we may have an important new Truth-friendly place to post now and then.

Below is the second 9/11 truth related posting on recently. The other one is STILL THERE on front page, with 34 buzzes. You can go there ir you want to buzz this one up. (If it's not on front page, click on "recent posts" to get to it.)]

Perfect Way to Educate Your Community Every Time You Take a Walk
sent by Caveman since 7 minutes
D E C E P T I O N $$$$$ D O L L A R S "Squandering money has never been so much fun" IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE!