9/11 Truth Needs to Reach Out to Hispanic World, Minorities
A wistful recollection remains with me from the Los Angeles Grand Jury for 9/11 Truth two years ago.
A Mexican wedding was in progress in another part of the hall. We activists brushed shoulders with the Hispanic guests in the common areas, without exchanging words or scarcely even glances, as if moving in separate dimensions. Surely our issue could be vital to them, too? I racked my brains to think of what might bridge the gap, only to come up against a feeling that to them, we must seem hopelessly white middle-class, and our issue an arcane matter of concern only to an infighting gringo faction.
Yet any nation is naturally more apt than the Anglo-American to recognize 9/11 for what it is: an instrument for projecting the empire. Hispanics have a historical consciousness of deception and war provocation from the Norteamericano wars on Mexico in 1846 and Spain in 1898. So each time I had a 9/11 book that was selling well – first The War on Freedom and later 9/11 Synthetic Terror – I had high hopes of finding a Spanish publisher, but it hasn't been easy.
Spread The Word, TONIGHT!!!!
Remember to drop flyers, stickers, and DVDs into Trick or Treater's bags tonight!
911 Truth, North American Union, Ron Paul, whatever the topic, we can reach hundreds of thousands of people tonight with very little effort. Here are a couple of flyers to consider, post your own flyer ideas in the comments below and I'll update the main thread:
You can find the 8 individual 9/11 info flyers (PDF files) on blog...
Seattle Hempfest TruthAction!!!
Two videos of Hempfest truthactions in Seattle.
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We updated our site at http://www.911TruthDVD.com all movies are free with a $2.50 donation with the option to donate for 5, 10 and 20 copies of each movie, please check out our site and contact us with any questions you may have, thank you
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email me at 911dvds@gmail.com with your requests.
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