Fascist dictator

NSPD 51 - HSPD 20 - The return of the king!

This is why PNAC pulled 9/11;

The dictatorship is about to be established, as soon as the 'endless emergancy' is involked bush will be king! It may be the long speculated about 9/11 part II that triggers this or the inevitable collapse of the American economy as the pyramid looses its base (the endless creation of debt).
Link to video on YouTube leave some comments!

Bush: "9/11 Was Just A Down Payment On Violence Yet To Come"

Bush: Iraq at center of terror fight

Source: pennlive.com

Click Here (realplayer)

5/23/2007, 3:32 p.m. EDT
The Associated Press

NEW LONDON, Conn. (AP) — President Bush portrayed the Iraq war as a battle between the U.S. and al-Qaida on Wednesday and shared nuggets of intelligence to contend Osama bin Laden was setting up a terrorist cell in Iraq to strike targets in America.

Bush, who faces a public weary of war and is at odds with Democrats in Congress over funding troops, said that while the Sept. 11 attacks occurred in 2001, Americans still face a major threat from terrorists.

"In the minds of al-Qaida leaders, 9/11 was just a down payment on violence yet to come," Bush said during a commencement speech at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in which he defended his decision to order a troop buildup in Iraq. "It is tempting to believe that the calm here at home after 9/11 means that the danger to our country has passed."