
Free Music from the Truth Gathering

My Friends,

Before I head upstate to prepare, I want you to know, that I have worked very hard to put together one super cool, revolutionary, communal, gathering of peace and love and truth. It’s next weekend. You have to come.

It’s the Truth Gathering. It will be one of the peak experiences of your life. Http://www.sanderhicks.com/truthgathering.html

As a free gift to you tonight, to promote the Gathering, I am releasing two songs I recorded with Rebel Moon. One song is all about the struggle for Truth in this day and age, it’s called “No Conspiracy Theory” the other is “The Waltz for Rachel Corrie.” http://www.sanderhicks.com/rebelmoon.html

Also, check out the report I did on Kenneth Feinberg, for 9/11 Blogger. There’s also an overview of what the 9/11 Truth Movement has been going through lately:

This week, I was allowed to interview one of our presenters from the Truth Gathering, on my blog on Huffington Post.
