George Bush

Poll: 14% of Americans believe Bush "allowed" 9/11; 8% unsure

A recent poll by Public Policy Polling showed 22% of those polled either believed Bush allowed 9/11 to happen or were unsure. That same question revealed 38% of self-described "Liberals" either believed Bush allowed 9/11 or were unsure. 21% of "Moderates" and 16% of "Conservatives" held the same opinion.

Compare these results with other 9/11-related polls. A World Public Opinion poll from 2008 showed only 46% of the world believes al-Qaeda alone perpetrated 9/11; 15% believe the US government did it.

These polls demonstrate, more than anything, that the degree of skepticism expressed by the public reflects the framing of the question: the more open-ended the skepticism of the question, the more respondents agree with it. The most indicative of this trend is the 2006 CBS/NY Times poll about Bush administration foreknowledge: 16% said "telling the truth", 53% said they are "mostly telling the truth but hiding something", 28% said they are "mostly lying", 3% not sure.

The Bush Crime Syndicate

The Bush Administration MUST be investigated, prosecuted, & held accountable for their criminal activity. Find out the six major laws that the Bush administration violated after 9/11 in the exposé: The Bush Crime Syndicate

The American Chronicle: The Growing Absurdity and Desperation of Conspiracy Theory Debunkers

The Growing Absurdity and Desperation of Conspiracy Theory Debunkers
Bill Lindner
September 07, 2009

As more of the truth about the U.S. Government's complicity, if not involvement, in the attacks of September 11, 2001 comes to light, and more "Scientists" and "Psychologists" attempt to add their "expertise" to debunking the obvious truth, the pathetic attempts at keeping the corruption and the truth hidden have become more rampant -- despite the fact that the Government's 9/11 fairy tale has almost completely unraveled -- and the majority of Americans still have questions that need to be answered.

A lot more:

Newly Found Document Indicates Bush Administration Knew Repeat Of 9/11 Unlikely By 2003

The title of a 2003 Senior Executive Intelligence Brief (SEIB) item indicates that by late 2003 the CIA had concluded it would be hard for al-Qaeda to pull off another 9/11. The item was entitled “Terrorism Complexities Make Repeating September 11 Difficult” and was circulated to top policy officials on December 16, 2003.

The precise circulation of SEIBs varied from administration to administration, but they were usually seen by officials such as the secretary of state, attorney general, vice president and others of similar rank. SEIB items are often used as presidential daily brief items, so it is likely that President George Bush also saw the information in mid-December 2003.

The title of the SEIB item was found in a 9/11 Commission document at the National Archives by History Commons contributor Erik Larson, who uploaded it to the 9/11 Document Archive at Scribd. The document is 83 pages of notes by a staffer apparently brainstorming ideas for the final report. The SEIB item title can be found on page 27 of the notes.

Could George W. Bush end up behind bars?

George W. Bush could be investigated for the steps taken after 9/11.

(CNN) -- Could George W. Bush or some of his top aides end up behind bars?

It's extremely unlikely, but the Obama administration is taking its first steps along a path that could lead in that direction, with the investigation of Central Intelligence Agency interrogators involved in the war on terror.

"You don't know where these things are going to end up," former CIA agent Peter Brookes told me. "They could go to very high levels in the government."

The probe will focus on whether interrogators exceeded their instructions and broke the law when, for example, they choked a prisoner until he lost consciousness or threatened another one with a gun and a power drill.

There is no obvious enthusiasm in the Obama administration for second-guessing the CIA's efforts after September 11, 2001 to keep America safe.

Ottawa 9/11 Truth July 11th Truth Action - Hope Beach Volleyball Tournament

Ottawa 9/11 Truth participated in the Hope Beach Volleyball tournament on July 11th,2009 which coincided with our 11th of Every Month truth action. We handed out DVDs to bring awareness regarding the other side of the story of 9/11 and had fun doing it. It was a good way of bringing 9/11 truth to the citizens of Ottawa in a positive fashion. We encountered many Canadians who were largely unaware of this information due to the mainstream media cover up. Hopefully we prompted them to investigate further into the events of 9/11 and the direction their country is headed with our role in the War on Terror

Al Qaeda suspect waterboarded before "legal authorization"

"US 'waterboarding' row rekindled"
BBC, July 13, 2009

Fresh claims have emerged that a key al-Qaeda suspect was waterboarded before the Bush government lawyers issued written authorisation to do so.

A former CIA agent has told the BBC that Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded by the CIA in May or June 2002.

The date was provided by former CIA agent John Kiriakou. The practice was sanctioned in written memos by Bush administration lawyers in August 2002.

The CIA says waterboarding did not take place before August 2002.

Officials have refused to tell the BBC when it did occur.

Legal memos

Mr Kiriakou led the CIA team that captured Abu Zubaydah in Pakistan on 28 March 2002, and was the first to speak to the badly injured captive before returning to the US.

There he monitored the internal communications that came in (cable traffic) on Abu Zubaydah's interrogation at a secret CIA prison from the organisation's headquarters in Virginia.

CIA probes could derail Obama's plans

by Kevin Connolly
BBC, July 13, 2009

In the world of intelligence gathering the past never really goes away - it stays around to haunt the present and set traps for the future.

The issue of how America conducted its "war on terror" - who it tortured and detained and on whose orders - is full of such traps.

We know that Barack Obama knows this - he talks about the need to move forward rather than to look back - but that is no guarantee that he will be able to resist calls for some sort of investigation of the Bush administration's intelligence policies.

The argument from the human rights lobby and the left of the Democratic Party appears to have gained ground in Washington in the last week or so - some sort of enquiry is now necessary, they believe, to re-assert the rule of law and restore America to the moral high ground of international diplomacy.

Dirty linen

The case against re-opening the wounds of the recent past lacks moral clarity, perhaps, but it is no less passionately held among Republicans.

Cindy Sheehan - March to Bush's Home in Dallas

On Monday, June 8 2009, North Texans for 9/11 Truth joined Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink, The Dallas Peace Center, and other concerned citizens in a march and protest to the home neighborhood of George W Bush in Dallas, Texas. While the sweat poured off the marchers in the late afternoon sun, things also heated up for Bush and his friends.

In this 6 minute video, Cindy Sheehan delivers a powerful speech in front of the street leading to Bush’s home. Some very profound statements are made – points which we all should make note of.

Wayne Prante on 911, War Crimes, Peace, Truth and Justice - Toronto 5.27.09

Canadian 911 Truth, Justice and Peace activist Wayne Prante speaks at an organizing meeting in preparation for the Bush-Clinton War Criminals Protest in Toronto on May 27th, 2009. He discusses the need for the Peace Movement to address and embrace the 911 issue if we are to be effective (as it was the original lie of the Bush admin), the need for a change in tactics; becoming more community oriented as individuals (rather than relying on mass demonstrations in city centres), as well as changing our attitudes and approach to 911 Truth by being more service oriented to get the message out.

The audio-video quality is not good, but was the best we could do under the circumstances.


Governor Bush told Houston Journalist: If Elected. "I'm Going to Invade Iraq"

by Sherwood Ross

Global Research, June 2, 2009

Two years before the 9/11 attacks on America, George W. Bush told a Houston journalist if elected president, “I’m going to invade Iraq.”

Bush made the comments about starting an aggressive war to veteran Houston Chronicle reporter Mickey Herskowitz, then working with Bush on his book “A Charge To Keep,” later brought out by publisher William Morrow.

This disclosure was uncovered by Russ Baker, an award-winning investigative reporter when he interviewed Herskowitz for his own book, “Family of Secrets” (Bloomsbury Press) about the Bush dynasty. However, Baker says, when he approached The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times with the potentially devastating story to President Bush prior to the 2004 presidential election, they declined to publish it.

The Trauma of 9/11 Is No Excuse By Richard A. Clarke

Richard Clarke, Bush's Counterterrorism Czar and a holdover from the Clinton Administration, weighs in on the Bush Administration prior to and after 9/11, and recent attempts by Rice and Cheney to spin the events and their actions. Clarke gives his own spin, essentially labeling Bush Administration principals as negligent, but not calling for accountability, merely a slight correction of perspective and course. Clarke, in his book and in testimony, is one of the people who placed Cheney in the PEOC while the attacks were in progress (Against All Enemies, 2-19). Here he recalls, "Once in the bomb shelter, Cheney assembled his team while the crisis managers on the National Security Council staff coordinated the government response by video conference from the Situation Room." and quotes Cheney's recent admission that he was, without noting that this contradicts Cheney's and the 9/11 Commission's timeline; "'I'll freely admit that watching a coordinated, devastating attack on our country from an underground bunker at the White House can affect how you view your responsibilities,' Cheney said in his recent speech."

"The Bush Family Has More Links To The Bin Laden Family" Than Saddam Hussein

One of my favorite talks was given by Dr. Michael Parenti entitled, "Terrorism, Globalization, and Conspiracy." In it, he says, "he (Saddam Hussein) didn't have links to that guy (Osama Bin Laden). The Bush family has more links to the Bin Laden family." I laugh every time I hear it, but in actuality, it's very sad. Thanks to

1988: Bin Ladens Bail Out George W. Bush?