Pentagon Plane Puzzle + David Chandler: Going Beyond Speculation
"Two complementary videos are combined here in the order that they were presented at the 9/11 Truth Film Festival in Oakland, CA, on Sept 10, 2015.
The first video is a preview of the witness section of a forthcoming film by Ken Jenkins titled The Pentagon Plane Puzzle.
That is followed by a PowerPoint presentation by David Chandler titled Going Beyond Speculation – A Scientific Look at the Pentagon Evidence.
In post-production, Ken Jenkins of 9/11 TV added many additional graphics to the live video footage of Chandler’s presentation.
David Chandler's presentation starts at 26:40."
Ken Jenkins has ask me to post this to 911Blogger and we hope that you will share it around with other activists.
Kind regards John
9/11 Controlled Demolition Movement cutting edge: Announcing the truth to the officialdom. The politicians.
9/11 Controlled Demolition Truth, Peace and Justice Movement high delegation met, for a second time, with California Senator Dianne Feinstein Office Director Jim Molinari. San Francisco, Nov 4, 2009.
Attending for the movement were Richard Gage, founder and leader of a AE911Truth.org architects organisation, Janette MacKinlay, artist, 9/11 survivor, Mark Graham, co-founder of Davis 9/11 Truth, Gregg Roberts and Jim Hoffman, scientists researching the 9/11 issues.